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Posts posted by rlj


    While I agree that Alexis is no angel, I think that Tamra and friends have come off much worse then Alexis right now. Obviously, these three women should know that if you gang up on someone then people will usually side with the one being ganged up on.. no matter who is in the right or wrong.



    Depends on if the people are new to the show, long time viewers dont like Alexis, that was clear last season when she was supposedly hang ganged up on and no one sided weith her LOL, she is to OC what Tre is cept Tre is liked even if u dont agree with her!

    Alexis onlu playing the bully card cause she is odd man out as in the past she herself had no problem being a bully when she was liked by some of the girls.

    Its def says a lot that she lost two of her closest friends when they called her out on her fakeness!

  2. LOL it aint that deep and this aint no NeNe or Marlo fansite so take that "shut it down" mess elsewhere as peeps are entitled to criticize or as others put throw shae on NeNe and Marlo even me a fan of theirs. NeNe is def not weak, but imo Marlo is and nothing shown on screen as procen oherwise and I refuse to put a crminal/big time Ho like Marlo in the same league with Queens Lisa, NeNe or Bethany, its just blasphemy LOL

  3. You can still be all that and be weak also. There is no way "arriving" NeNe thought Marlo wa asat her level, she specifically used Marlo because the other girls didnt like her, thats why she brought her on the trip, to cause the trouble that she would normally do but couldnt cause she was "arriving"; but played the referee when Marlo went all nutso like she is doing with Kenya. If tyhe girl had of befriended Marlo then yeah Nene and her wouldve butted heads like we all thought they wouldve.

  4. I actually liked her ignoring Porsha and making her irrelevant. The most important thing Kenya said is that she is the reason Porsha is anything on this show and that's true. I look forward to the next two parts, which I feel will help unravel the mirage Porsha was selling about her pitcher perfect marriage.

    Yeah I have heard that "important" line from a lot of the Housewives when they cant reply appropriately, heck I think Walter can say the same to Keyonce LOL. She picked the wrong time to ignore Porsha when she got cracked in the face with the troof, she aint the 1st Miss USA that is black and from her own hom,etown LOL!

    This is too funny


  5. Nene was atrocicuiys season 3.

    As doe the Atlamta reunion, I am gonna say Pharda AND Porsha owned Ms Moore. That whole silent is the best weapon spin is bull vuz Kenta sure was running off at the mouf with Porsha UNTIL Porscha busted her in lies LOL. And Porsha delivered it lovely by asking Kenya what does she have against the actual 1st Black Miss USA that she doesnt acknowledge her, and u can see that Ms Moore wass like "oh shiot", even Nene gave Porsh props for that LOL. That was the time Kenya shouldve spoke up imo.

    Tho I did love the fan LOL.

  6. Huge brawl from the NJ camp - Bravo filmed it all (March 30). I wonder if this will make it on air... we all know the infamous Punta Cana brawl never made it to air (which I'm not sure why... lawsuits?).


    Hmmmm, I am betting Tre is behind this (kidding) since she did the same at the last reunion (not kidding) LOL!

    And I will be a proud and lone Kathy fan and say I am glad she is back!!!

  7. dOSEYGYl.jpg

    Queen Caroline front and center, as she should be.

    Honestly tho this is cheap as hell. The !@#$%^&*] bravo?

    re NYC: Carole, Ramona and Heather are great return picks. I would add Aviva because she is cray, and then add two new wives.

    I think Caroline looks GREAT!

    uh I dont think what happened with Wig and Kando means that Lamdo is noy a smart with her money, she was just being a good friend and got shafted, lesson learned and in the end she is still the top bread winner of RHOA!

    I am calling BULLSHIOT on whoever created that LIE bout Faye turning down a spot on RHOBH, that Heffa was salivating for a spot and everyone knows it LOL!

  8. That was a cruel thing that Brandi said about Kim and Kyle. Seriously she needs to STFU and think before she speaks her mind. Even if it was true, she didn't have to say it to Kim. One thing I don't like about Brandi is that she plays the victim too much. Too many times this season she threw out her cards. Oh I was cheated on. Oh Im all alone with no man to protect me. Oh I have no money. She says sh-t and when people come at her for it, she falls back and hides behind all her hardships to deflect. If she's learned one thing this season, I hope its that she's learned to watch what she says and the possible implications and reprecussions of her words. She has no filter and its gotten her in trouble one too many times. Makes for interesting tv for sure, but it does her no favors

    The shirt segment was fun. Even funnier when Andy threw Adrienne's shirt...lol

    I kinda believe Kim in terms of the Yolanda/Lisa issue in Paris. I think Yolanda got caught and was trying to downplay it. I also think Kim may have made it into more than it was, but I definetly think Yolanda said negative words about Lisa. We saw her on camera call out Lisa and disapprove of her actions and question her motives in her talking heads so its not hard to believe that she said something to Kim about that. IMO she really didn't do a good job of defending herself and it was clear that she was deflecting. I did like that Lisa didn't give the other group the satisfaction of causing a rift by publicly siding with Yolanda but I have to imagine Lisa confronted her about it off camera and Yolanda explained where she was coming from. That's how real women handle it

    Yolanda did say some of that stuff. it aired and she even told Lisa in Paris to let it ho with reference to Kim, but Yolanda denies saying all that other crap that the Richards sisters were spewing LOL, Even Lisa admitted that Yolanda might ve stated some of the stuff but the other crap doesnt even sound like something Yolanda would state.

  9. Uh Kim is annoyimh and imo still on something, I believe Yolanda and I dont think she said Lisa is full of ish, Kim was hardly lucid in Paris to confirm anything except she likes turtles LOL!

    Ididnt have a problem with what Brandi stated because one, she stated it right in front of the siisters, and two, she clarified what she was trying to state and I agree with her and so do a lot. If Kim is still at the point where she could die if she isnt sober, any sane sister wouldve told her to get off the damn show. Kyle seems to be milking her sisters disease

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