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Posts posted by rlj

  1. Awwe, I LOVEd Brenda (LG's version) and Wally.

    That woman is veronica (Ronnie) D'Angeloe the daughter of Danny Donato, the Mob guy Wally owed money too. They were supposed to be like star crossed lovers, but wally and brenda became very popular. So as Wally's feelings for Brenda came flooding out, Ronnie started scheming and her good girl image changed, I think she ended up doing Jordy as well.

  2. <uch like the Pinkerton/Strasser debate on OLTL, for me, with Keith, I didnt root for Cecile. with Frangione, I often more than not rooted for Cecile. I remember the whole Louis St Goerge story and felt so bad for cecile!

  3. Perhaps, if it had been Lance and Melissa's child, or one of her daughter's children by a man she would have thought beneath the Channing/Gioberti family.

    Nah she actually liked the Agretti pedigree, but didnt she do it to Julia wirth Father Christopher?

    I actually liked that whole twin story, especially the part where all 5 characters ended up in front of the Fisher's house, it was very dramatic

  4. They def did test Lucy/Josh, I remember Josh saving Lucy off of some rooftop in 5th street during some disaster. I also remember the Matt/Lucy story.

    I def did not like Matt/Vanessa because I knew right off the bat it wasnt supposed to be long term and shouldve been short term, the characters didnt fit enough to be long term imo. I wouldve def gone with Vanessa and Josh because off all the soryline potential and the history of the charcters. They def teased a Josh/Bam pairing during Reva's PPDO story and hsouldve weent there after she dided; Harley shouldve been a spoiler for those two I def did not like Harley and Josh. I never understood the appeal of Harley for so many men lol.

    Def liked the AM/Tangie potential pairing with Alan as a spoiler and def LOVED AM and Gilly, uh AM and Lucy sucked arse , so boring.

    One thing I hated about the Cooper's is they were all the same, there was absolutely no diversity in the family; Harley, Lucy, Marina were basically the same character as were Frank and Buzz, even Nadine and Eleni turned out to be the same character, ugh disliked the Coopers as well

    I meant Matt/Lucy scenes, not story lol

  5. They def did test Lucy/Josj, I remember Josh saving Lucy off of some rooftop in 5thstreet during some disaster. I also remeber the Matt/Lucy story.

    I def did not like Matt/Vanessa because I knew right off the bat it wasnt supposed to be long term and shouldve been short term, the characters didnt fit enough to be long term imo. I wouldve def gone with Vanessa and Josh because off all the soryline potential and the history of the charcters. They def teased a Josh/Bam pairing during Reva's PPDO story and hsouldve weent there after she dided; Harley shouldve been a spoiler for those two I def did not like Harley and Jsoh. I never understood the appeal of Harley lol.

    Def liked the AM/Tangie potential pairing with Alan as a spoiler and def LOVED AM and Gilly, uh AM and Lucy sucked arse , so boring.

    One thing I hated about the Cooper's is they were all the same, there was absolutely no diversity in the family; Harley, Lucy, Marina were basically the same character as were Frank and Buzz, even Nadine and Eleni turned out to be the same character, ugh disliked the Coopers as well

  6. What are the dates of Schnessel's and O'Sea's tenures on OLTL?

    Uh the faux Bo/Patrick London story was whack, it also had him hitting on Viki (I think they kissed) and somehow he and Elizabeth Sanders were holding the real Bo, Didi, and Delilah captive, yeah it was whack

  7. Lorna's look changes when she gets involved with grnat nore heavily, she becomes corprorate, then it changes again when she works at the Hospital and gets invovled with Gabe, more Rita Hayworth style. I also like Lorna when she was briefly paired with Morgan, I thought RC and GM had good chemistry.

    Tucci grew in the role for me, for me Amanda is supposed to be a brunette like the little girl that played her back in de day, Tucci had great chemistry with TE during the whole Vory Takeover.

  8. The moment I decided that I hated Dixie was when she went to Brooke crying about how Craig wanted to marry her, but she couldn't let go of Tad because there was nothing of Tad left in the world. Brooke confessed then that yes, there was something left of Tad - there was baby Jamie, and he was Tad's son. Dixie then flipped out, telling Brooke it wasn't fair, that SHE was supposed to have Tad's baby. Gee, you whore, don't you think Brooke had that same thought when you got pregnant with her husband's kid? The whining was just AWFUL. Then, when Tad did come back, DIXIE was the one who spilled the beans about Jamie being his son, something that Brooke and Brooke alone should have had the right to do.


    Yep, that's when I started despising her. The hypocrisy of this Chick in those scenes with Brooke had me SMDH!

  9. It's the 3rd time Taylor has hihacked an party/event with her drama! If she was getting abused by Russell, that is foul, but I am wary of her with the "black eye"

    And BRAVO to Adrienne for not letting Taylor getting away scott free and calling her on her BS with Camille!

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