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Posts posted by rlj

  1. re BH

    Sorry I was with Brandi, the line was already crossed with namecalling by the Sisters; I wouldve said worse than what Brandi said, especially after Kyle brought her son into the mix

    Uh Kyle, it wasnt your lawn that the 4 year old Boy peed on, it was Adrienne and she had no problem, mind your business.

    uh Dana is "wacko:

  2. OMG, I was under the impresion that Tre and Juicy had no idea Gia was going to sing what she sang, I thought thye thought she was singing something to her aister. So Tre let her daughter sing that sad song on camera to basically guit her Brother:o.

    Glad Kathy spoke up and the video proved Adrianna was left unattended.

    Hate how Tre made Kathy's daughter's illness about her.

    I think Tre is WORSE than Danielle who sometimes would admit she was wrong.

  3. Kyle's brother? Ryan didnt show up till season 7 and Taylor was gone by then. Are you sure its the right person?

    This is true but the Ryan/Tasylor thing is kinda true, it was what the original hostility between the two brothers was about when Ryan showed up a few seasons later!

  4. Yes I think they knew GA was leaving awhile before he did hence the switch up in couples, but I also think they later knew VI was leaving ahead of time as the started reconnecting Phillip (JB) and Beth, months before Lujack died, they even re di the Prom dance.

    MKA didnt really have a lot of romantic/sexual chemistry with any man imo, except the Dude the played Simon, and maybe CB (Alan).

    Yeah Jane also worked for Nola, I think before she worked Alex.

    I was watching some old GL clips and what a shame they reduced Nola to so much comedy schtick (that wasnt funny), wanting to open up a Exercise place calle "Nolarobic :blink:

  5. Yes that was how India was originally concieved (thats why Kristi Ferrel tried out for the role).

    Didnt India also sleep with Warren Andrews and alex found out?

    As a die hard Phillip and Beth fan, I wasnt a fan of India, and def saw no chemistry between MKA and GA, but she was def maginificent in her scenes with BM and WB, and I liked the Maeve/India friendship.and India and simon.

    That clip is funny as India describe hating being second best and she blackm ailed Phillip into marrying her despite him saying she was always played second to Beth in his heart and she did :lol:

  6. I LOVE Greg, hmm about him and Albie.

    I dont think Teresa and Caroline were ever really that close and occassionally Teresa would take jabs at Caroline when Caroline tried to lecture her on her obvious behavior. If Teresa said all those things to make her cookbook more juicy for sales, then she should have warned everyone but she didnt and even worse she took a jab at Caroline's son and EVERYONE knows that is a NO NO. Given all the stupid reasons Teresa started arguements with everyone this season she sounded really ridiculous saying everyone was being too sensitive about her put downs in her cookbook :blink: I LOVE me some caroline, which is strange since I didnt like her the previous two seasons :lol:

    Ashley needs to go!

    ETA-Dont remember Danielle ever trying to destroy Teresa, but Teresa sure went out her way to get up in Danielle's face on a regular!

  7. Speaking of Lily events, this episode has the announcement of her marriage to Derek. There's a beautiful if slightly truncated scene of their first dance, as we see various people reacting.

    This is the episode right after the notorious Emily/Brock tango. I love his line about how they just made love in front of hundreds of people. Melanie Smith is just sexational, especially with Beecroft.

    There are lots of great moments in this - a sense of community, a big gala where generally everyone looks their best, with the glaring exceptions of Margo and Ellie (Ellie's outfit got a ripping from Diva Von Dish in SOD). It's funny that ATWT was doing an AIDS ball in 1989, complete with a very moving letter from Hank Elliot, yet I don't know if they got half the credit GH did for their Nurses Ball five years later. As happened again a few years later with Hank's letter upon David Stewart's death, I am so impressed Marland got that past the censors.

    There's also a nice little scene with Ellen and Lisa.

    I can see why they wanted to make Iva's father more virile, for this triangle with Cal and Emma (that never went anywhere), but I preferred the first actor. It's too bad the character ended up never being mentioned again.

    My favorite part is at about :14, when Emily asks Lily if Holden knows she's married. I love it.


    Isnt this also the Ball that Holden arrives at with his wife Angel?

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