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Posts posted by rlj

  1. I loved Tamra this season, but the reunion proved to me that she is fake, 2 faced, and a liar. Vindication is not due to the two Hypocrites Vicki and Tamra, who are admitted liars. Gretchen didn’t make them look like fools those seasons they were spreading rumors, they did. Vicki clims to be the victim of Lauri’s lies, last season Tamra said she was a victim of Jeana’s lies and here they are still doing to others as they claim others do onto them. I guess vindication is owed to Jeana anmd Kauri LOL.

    Last season Tamra and Vicki were throwing stones ateach other and claiming to know the real deal on each others marriage, and at this reunion Tamra admits that what she stated about Vicki was hearsay GMAFB with those two!

  2. OMG, like Tre should, people should let it go, who cares if Missy went to see her FIL, on WWHL both Joe and Missy stated they went to see him in the hospital, but it aint none of Tre business. Mel;issa's "lies" still dont make Tre look any better, she is still worsde then any of em and YES she is obsessed with Melissa and hor baby bro

  3. LOL you would think Kathy was the star of NJ the way some cant go a day without discussing her LOL! I think Kathy has been on screen a total of 10 minutes of the new season so she cant be blamed on the sagging ratings. If Andy wanted to add another women to the NJ cats he could and keep the 5 women, its done on all the other RH shows, so dont be blaming Kathy LOL! Perhaps the ratings are low because the show sucks arse and the so called main star is unrootable and unlikeable and yeah that would be Tre!

  4. I do not know why some have a tit attack everytime someone critixizes ARL or NeNe like they are close friends with the women. I didnt say ATL wasnt a good show, I said it aiDnt what I would call HILARIOUS PERIOD. I say stop comparing the shows, they are all different,have their pros and cons imo. And NO ATL didnt deliver every season let alone every week, season 2 was boring as was half of season 3.

  5. I hardly find ATL hilarious and the family aspect of NJ has become toxic to say the least. OC is the way the priginal concept of the show is supposed to be and most of the women have long histories with each other, I love the show. I also love the evolution of Tamra

  6. NJ Uh Caroline sweetie, MYOB, tho I get you crushin on Joe Gorgas LOL! I am LOVING Jac, she cray cray. Gia shoulda got smacked when she called her Mom by her first name with attitude! I thought the thing with the two girls was a set up. Mel needs to grow a pair.. The fued is BORING and Tre is still a selfish Pig!

  7. I havent read the article, but I will see how it plays out re Brandi and her allegations of Mo cheatin on Vyle, but she usually goes after peeps who have done her wrong and those two have. Vyle using Faye as a mouthpiece def went after Brandi involving herself in stuff that wasnt her business trying to defend a friend she llater adlitted she aint close to. Mo went after Brandi also and even stated that Brandi deserved what she got with regards to Eddie vheating on her. IMO kids are off limits, but biotch arse Husbands who invovle themselves in Housewives business aint, get em Brandi!!!


    The ladies are bossses....without Tre, Ramona, Lisa or Nene you can say bye bye to the entire Housewives franchise...that's just a fact. .

    That "fact" was debunked when NYC went on without Goddess Bethany, who argueably was/is the most popular and famous HW of the franchise!


    Nene didn't shade Brandi. She just said Brandi is messy and Brandi is. I adore Brandi but she does go looking for trouble a lot.

    Prime example is recently at Bravo's Upfronts Brandi started some mess with Cynthia and Nene that she could not finish. Andy even stated this occurred. Brandi learned that night that everyone is not going to cower away like Adrienne--especially the women of Atlanta.

    Uh who isnt messy, especially some from BH and even NeNe. If the roles were reversed and Brandi stated NeNe was messy I'd call her out to a point and so would NeNe, you know the woman who has an "us against them" policy with her cast mates LOL.

    I dont care what Braid said or second hand knowledge of an supposed encounter with Brandi and Kyle's BFF NeNe and crew. I cant possibly see Brandi state anything to NeNe unless she was approached by her, but if she did that am not being messy imo. Brandi am not messy cause she drop truth bombs about people like NeNe was so good good at doing, though it seems NeNe lied about that whole debacle with Phaedra/NeNe's sisters. Brandi am not started anything with the girls on BH, they all start with her

    Course we all know Leneatha dont like skinny little white biotchess with tude anyway LOL!


    What I loved most about the interview last night (too) was Nene's take on the other Housewives show. I am SO glad that she sees what I am seeing--the OC is boring. People don't connect with them as much as the other shows, hence why ratings are in the dumps. And I loved how she said that NJ was getting too dark. I agree. And I love Brandi to death but Nene gave her valid points that Brandi should take accordingly. . . . chill out before someone really reads you.


    Oh I missed this part and oh HELL NAW at Leneatha throwing shade at my girl Brandi. Uh NeNe, STFU and stop letting your Kyle love show, Brandi dont start shiot, she just reacts to people starting shiot with her and she dont lie and Bully peeps like you did/do. And no I dont weant her to change because shs is refreshing and I love he rhonesty even tho sometimes its not needed but it isnt calculating like most of her counterparts and honey she already knows and is in with the people you wish you knew when you "arrived"in LA.

    Ok I got that offof my chesr now LOL!

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