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Posts posted by rlj

  1. Huge brawl from the NJ camp - Bravo filmed it all (March 30). I wonder if this will make it on air... we all know the infamous Punta Cana brawl never made it to air (which I'm not sure why... lawsuits?).


    Hmmmm, I am betting Tre is behind this (kidding) since she did the same at the last reunion (not kidding) LOL!

    And I will be a proud and lone Kathy fan and say I am glad she is back!!!

  2. dOSEYGYl.jpg

    Queen Caroline front and center, as she should be.

    Honestly tho this is cheap as hell. The !@#$%^&*] bravo?

    re NYC: Carole, Ramona and Heather are great return picks. I would add Aviva because she is cray, and then add two new wives.

    I think Caroline looks GREAT!

    uh I dont think what happened with Wig and Kando means that Lamdo is noy a smart with her money, she was just being a good friend and got shafted, lesson learned and in the end she is still the top bread winner of RHOA!

    I am calling BULLSHIOT on whoever created that LIE bout Faye turning down a spot on RHOBH, that Heffa was salivating for a spot and everyone knows it LOL!

  3. That was a cruel thing that Brandi said about Kim and Kyle. Seriously she needs to STFU and think before she speaks her mind. Even if it was true, she didn't have to say it to Kim. One thing I don't like about Brandi is that she plays the victim too much. Too many times this season she threw out her cards. Oh I was cheated on. Oh Im all alone with no man to protect me. Oh I have no money. She says sh-t and when people come at her for it, she falls back and hides behind all her hardships to deflect. If she's learned one thing this season, I hope its that she's learned to watch what she says and the possible implications and reprecussions of her words. She has no filter and its gotten her in trouble one too many times. Makes for interesting tv for sure, but it does her no favors

    The shirt segment was fun. Even funnier when Andy threw Adrienne's shirt...lol

    I kinda believe Kim in terms of the Yolanda/Lisa issue in Paris. I think Yolanda got caught and was trying to downplay it. I also think Kim may have made it into more than it was, but I definetly think Yolanda said negative words about Lisa. We saw her on camera call out Lisa and disapprove of her actions and question her motives in her talking heads so its not hard to believe that she said something to Kim about that. IMO she really didn't do a good job of defending herself and it was clear that she was deflecting. I did like that Lisa didn't give the other group the satisfaction of causing a rift by publicly siding with Yolanda but I have to imagine Lisa confronted her about it off camera and Yolanda explained where she was coming from. That's how real women handle it

    Yolanda did say some of that stuff. it aired and she even told Lisa in Paris to let it ho with reference to Kim, but Yolanda denies saying all that other crap that the Richards sisters were spewing LOL, Even Lisa admitted that Yolanda might ve stated some of the stuff but the other crap doesnt even sound like something Yolanda would state.

  4. Uh Kim is annoyimh and imo still on something, I believe Yolanda and I dont think she said Lisa is full of ish, Kim was hardly lucid in Paris to confirm anything except she likes turtles LOL!

    Ididnt have a problem with what Brandi stated because one, she stated it right in front of the siisters, and two, she clarified what she was trying to state and I agree with her and so do a lot. If Kim is still at the point where she could die if she isnt sober, any sane sister wouldve told her to get off the damn show. Kyle seems to be milking her sisters disease

  5. Sorry, I did not get Kim's POV in this eppy or in the Reunion. For her to still be harping on what Brandi stated last year, imo means she isnt clea n\and sober. Vlean and sober people come out of recovery with a new outlook on life and are supposed to let things go that happened as a resuklt of their behaviour. For Kim to still be blaming Kyle and Brandi for ruining her life amd hurting her kids with their wordas that were in response ot her whack arse behaviour means she isnt taking responsibility for her actions. I have yet to hear Kim apologize to anyone on screen for the things she has said and done. I have 3 words for Kim.........GET OVER IT!

  6. LOL I dont think Marlo got booted because she said the F word as there are people in the HW franchise that have said homophobic syayements and they are still on the show, perhaps she didnt get invited back because she want popilar and I cant see any of the woman hanging with herm or it could be because she is a Fing crimninal with multiple arrests LOL!

  7. Didn't Kim and Kyle treat Brandi like ---- almost all of last season from the Glanville-piss in Kyle's garden through to lying to people about how that Game Night party went? Yeah, they did. Kyle doesn't take much that Brandi - or anybody for that matter - does lightly. She just uses other people to do the real dirty work for her most of the time. I don't see how one situation (Brandi calling Kim out last season) is relevant to the other (Adrienne versus Brandi this season). If Kim is calling Kyle out on that it's kind of ridiculous especially considering Brandi & Kim have made a lot of progress since then. Currently, Kyle's issue with Brandi is that a. Lisa likes Brandi better than her now and b. Brandi irritated one of her and her husband's biggest open wallets.

    Brandi THINKS she and Kim have made progress, but Kim has proven to gold grudges and doesnt 4get of 4give. For Kim to still b holding onto the fact that Brandi called her a meth addict in response to the names Kim and Kyle were calling her is childish and proves that Brandi mightve hit to close to home with that comment again LOL! And even when Brando tried to apologice at Kyle's white party last season, Kim called her every foul name on the her drunken book and Brandi didnt respond, something a sober Kim has yet to apologize for.

    Oh Marissa, so close yet so far away. I thought she like to keep it real and doersnt mince words or something to that effect. yet Yolanda and Brandi had her but stuttering and stammering LOL!

    Ugh to Fay!!!.

  8. Kenya does need to cool it. Kandi pulled her aside as a friend, to let her know Walter was there. Then Kenya starts flipping out and asking about ways to sneak out the house? What the !@#$%^&*]? Kandi was being nice. Like she said, it's Todd's house too and he can invite whoever he wants. Kandi didn't have to tell Kenya, but did so as a friend.

    This episode did signify the reason I love Kandi. Yes, she may talk some ish behind bitches backs, but she's not about the drama. Kenya goes off and starts foaming at the mouth, running around talking about back entrances, and instead of getting hyped Kandi just rolls her eyes and is like "whatever". It only made Kenya look more crazy and I loved it.

    Side note, you know Bravo told them to invite Walter. I don't really feel like there's any real friendship between him and the men. Peter and Apollo seem bored by him. The only one who seems genuinely to like him is Kordell, and considering the gay rumors surrounding both - I'm not that surprised.

    Nah halff the cast knew Walter efore Kenya "introduced" him to the group Peter is the one who onvinced him to do the fake B/GF crap wiht CrayCray Kenya, so Cynthia is full of ihiot saying she hardly knows Walter LOL And apollo confimed thaT the guys are friends 4real, including Walter.

    Uh havw we ever seen Kenya' Security?

  9. Uh no I do not think that Brandi and Faye are cut from the same cloth. Nor do I yhink she is trailer trash, she seems to have a very well traveled and worldy past as everytime the Ladies introduce her to one of their friends, Btand already knows them and has a past with them. And yes Brandi is rude and crude, but so are the other women, they are just more on the DL with it and are more vicious imo, and oftem times Brandi is just as crude when talking bout herself LOL.

    Poor bitter Dana, she didnt get a diamond pretending to be like Camille or kyle last season, so now she tries this new poor put upon dumped smoking drinking more crude version of Brandi act to try and get on and uh NO!

    Another No to Kim and the bs with her micing up the pills.

    I am pretty sure Faye will be at the reunion, and on WWHL with Brandi, Andy states that Brandi drops a bomb bou/ont Kyle and I am dying to know what it is LOL!

  10. I though Kim's reaction to Kusa's concern was because Lisa saw thru it and she didnt just oversleeo. Any sober Addict knows that people don trust u at first and you have to earn that trust back and the moment u repeat behavior, ur loved should and would be sensitive to it. Tho Lisa was annoyin talkn bout it like Kim wasnt there, I didnt think Lisa was being fake, and Kim looked like a hyopocrit afte told Lisa an Ken that bs while wallking in Paris abd especially since she just called out Taylor for her behavior RME!

  11. didnt they all get invited back LOL. and we dont knwo who is trying to patch up things with who, the same could be said bout tre, maybe she realized how unpopulat she has become and is trying to latch onto Melissa who has taken her spot in the opening credits and now Tre is 3rd LOL!

  12. IWhat press jas Tre gottem that didnt make her look like the hypocritical shrew that she is LOL. I hysr ggogled her and her and Missy came up, along with her hubby's problems and her being called a C LOL!

    Just like they took out the shrew that Danielle was an replaced her with Tre, Tre can be replaced with a new shrew. NT survived without Bethany, then NJ can survive without Tre LOL!

  13. this! NJ is ALL about Teresa and Bravo has evolved it to be one that revolves around her. She may be hated but she is also VERY popular. She stands out far ahead of the other women who mainly do nothing but talk about, guess who...Teresa

    That doesnt mean you are the brerakout star. Danielle was basically what NJ was ALL about for 2 years and she aint no breakout star. I would say NJ is all bout Tre vs Nelissa.

    Tre is prolly poular, but is she in the same league as Bethany, Lisa, or NeNe, NO, they are universally loved, respected, and very relartable in terms of them ss woman.

  14. I cant even give Tre the title "breakout star" of MJ. I could easily give that title to Caroline simnce she leads in the credits and Tre is 3rd! Rew has become the Danielle of NJ but wotse, Danielle could admit when she was wrong and I saw the love she had for her daughters, Rew actually mocked a child with a disability!

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