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Posts posted by rlj

  1. I enjoyed Ramona and Sonja last season and was all on Teram Blonde, I can;t with these two woman this season, they are out of their everloving minds LOL! LOVE Heather and Carole.

    Aviba is passive agressive and I dont like her. LOVED it when Heather cracked her in the face with the fact that she didbnt invite her on her trip but is still biotching bout Heather not inviting Ramona.LOL!

  2. Caroline knows who Teresa is and has her number.

    LOL basically! Caroline knows that Tre is selfish and all abotu her and she will only jurt Jac, and as we already know, she does LOL!

    I kinda felt bad for Kathy, Tre ince again makes a toats, which is all about HER, and thanks all the woman there except her cousin sitting right next to her, it was so foul that everyone at the table noticed it. You can bet you dollar if the roles were in reverse and Kathy made a toast and thanked all the woman and didnt mention Tre, she wouldve had a ish fit!

    As for JoGui, I dont feel bad for Tre at all, she is gettign what she gives and good for her!

  3. Cricket was played by Lisa Loring, who as a child played Wednesday on the Adamms Family. Her first husband was an actor from SFT, her second hubby was a porn star.

    Cricket didnt really have a story until she fell in love with a nerd named Ernie, got preggers and left

    Lotta Kirk and Marcy, I might have to get that DVD LOL!

  4. I think the fall of 85 seems SO bad in that it was such an abrupt change from what came before. Up until that point the show was an ensemble show,

    Most of 85 sucked, by the summer the Reardons were gone as were most of the Chamberlains, by fall we had drab characters like Suzette, Maeve, David, Jackson, Simon, Jesse, abd Calla!

    I never understood why TPTB didnt look at the summerof 85, when the show toppled GH from no 1, and tried to emulate what they did that summer instead of screwing it all up.

    GL topped GH in the summer of 85? I find that that hard to believe, 84 matbe, but I thought it was the beginning of 84.

  5. I didnt like Beth and Lujack (happened way too fast and I am a die hard P/B fan) but I def accepted them more after GA left even though the show time and time again were still pimping P/B. I thought JB and JE had nice chemistry but I didnt like that whole black and white Zanzibar story with Jackson.

  6. uh I LOVE Kathy and could care less if she took a swipe at Tre, good for her given all the swipes Tre has taken against her, and of course Tre will bring it up in the next eppy instead of letting it go. I think the funny thinf is that I bet its not either of their Moms recipe, it's prolly there grandmoms LOL

    JoeG is a pig and no you dont defend your wife by insulting the wife eof the man whose house you are in, love me some Joe, Chris L and Ritchie who never misses a chance to stick it to JoeG LOL

    Love me some Chris M, Albie, not so much anymore LOL!

  7. I guess I can accept that. She wouldn't have owned up if she hadn't got caught in going to Danielle behind Tre's back but Melissa is a smart lady and knew the best way was to admit it and apologise for it clearly and concisely. Not try to rationalize it because that is what Tre would do.

    Isnt that whenn you are supposed to own up, when you get caught quite a few times with her lies and excuses and she never owns up, she denies, deflects, lies or accidently lets the truth come out LOL! But as was pointed out Melissa is smart, whereas Tre, not so much!.

    As for Melissa and Joe throwing Tre under the bus by doing RHONJ, I aint mad at them wanting there sjiot to shine and get paid for it LOL. I have no doubt that Tre would have no problem with them being on the show if she wasnt looking so bad and they wasnt looking so good LOL!

    As for Jaq, who didnt think she wasnt going to approach Tre again, she is very semsitive. However I dont blame her for her issues with Tre. If you are claiming we are BFFs, why am I reading horrible things in the press about you and you aint saying squat to me about it when we are together, whether its true or not, whether she put the stuff out there or not. Tre was furious with Jaq for going to to "enemies" who are always harboring in the past with info about her, yet Jaq sees Tre consorting with their very known enemy about shiot from the past LOL, cmon now!

  8. Uh what Caroline was refering to with Danielle and with Tre/Dine wasnt made public so she didnt want to disucss it on the Reunion show, nor was why Jac didnt show up for the Reunion, so I can understand them not wanting to discuss in those forums

    Juicy Joe's escapades are PUBLIC so Tre getting all upset because her SIL mentioned "jail" after she has publically dissed everyone, and taken heresay and idle gossip she prolly started and sharing ti with her Bro who she is supposedly trying to make amens with makes her look CRAZY, and yes she is getting attacked due to her own selfsih actions.

  9. Eric83, on 07 May 2012 - 04:33 PM, said:

    Honestly what Teresa said is true if JoeGo is secure and has faith in his marraige than what Teresa said shouldn't matter.

    Huh? Joe's respone to Tre gossip was on par for him, he is a very sensitive man. Given all the rumors about her marriage and Husband and the mere fact that no one can speak the TROOF of where her husband was when he was in jail, she sounded like as usual a HYPOCRITE and DEFLECTING.

    BTW, did yall notice in the Opening theme, Melissa is now 2nd to be introduced BEFORE Tre. OUCH dats gotta hurt TRe LOL

    LOVE me some Kathy and her Husband is HOT imo LOL!

  10. They flirted with a possible Dimitr/Brooke pairing during that whole Jim Thompson story, wouldve liked to see how that developed.

    Kiberd was def difficult, I think even his future wife Susan Keith admitted they didnt get along at first when they were paired on Loving LOL..

    Did he and Mattosn get along?

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