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Posts posted by rlj

  1. Yes Cat, that's it, and Kyle confirmed LVP said it to her as well.  There is no doubt LVP said it and what she meant, she has done this b4, hence the flashback.  The problem is you can't wait weeks after u realize she played you to try and call her out 4 it LOL, she gotcha!


    Yeah Eileen, let it go, LVP never gives a sincere apology, LVP doesn't let go of shot and she will bring it up again and then u get her, right now Eileen sounds petty



  2. Yeah but a. Few pages back, Kenya was a grown. ass woman who doesn't hold onto stuff, the Queen, blah, blah.  She looked stupid ignoring Kim at the table, then gets upset that Kim doesn't want to answer her question.  I still don't get why Kenya hates Kim, she hasn't done anything to her.     Kenya getting so upset that she got physical an invaded Kims personal space AFTER UEARS of her dogging people when its done to her is karma imo



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