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Posts posted by allmc2008

  1. Almost done with today's episode. I wish we had intercuts between Natalia and Blaze in the sound booth and the man they were with looking on -- wondering what the hell was going on. Or we could see him kicking back while eating popcorn and chugging a Dr Pepper.

    It'd be great fun if Natalia told Blaze she was being homophobic in the recording booth to 'get the emotion out' of her so it would be more powerful. But have it where Natalie actually convinces her by talking about how she truly sees the love between Blaze and Kristina. And provides examples and so forth. But, the audience knows she manipulative.

    It would give her more depth and complexity. Character depth/complexity doesn't always mean 'likeable' sides. To me it means a greater psychological profile.


    Eventually, I would want Natalia to start giving Blaze pills to kill fatigue. Now, that would be a fun story!

  2. 1 hour ago, carolineg said:

    I genuinely wish you continued success in your sobriety journey!  I know it's a very difficult and fluid process.  I am not trying to minimize anyone's thoughts or experiences.

    But what you said in a few paragraphs was real and gritty.  GH isn't even trying to touch that.  Finn had some outbursts and regrets, but neither Liz or Finn got to express true nuances or psychological factors.   It's a disservice to those who struggle with addiction, know someone who struggle with addiction, and/or lost someone to addiction.  It's a mild PSA IMO that drugs and alcohol are bad.


    Considering I cried during the Liz/Finn scenes? Nah, it really hit home. Liz was acting the way I did when my significant other's drinking went out of control. Knowing someone is different than being that someone. It's also a serial, remember, so there very well could be more scenes which shot it.

    But the confrontation between Liz and Finn, her fear and him insisting that he's fine and that she wont take Violet was very, very real. But these few outbursts and regrets, as you put it, is always ALWAYS a sign that a relapse is underway.

    28 minutes ago, TEdgeofNight said:

    Frank did the right thing by firing Patrick Mulcahey! The ratings stink. 

    All of the ratings suck.

  3. 3 hours ago, carolineg said:

    From what I saw Finn did a cheers with Lois's dad? and drank a sip by accident.  Then the bottle appeared to be at most half empty.  I didn't notice the bottle ever being empty and Finn never even tried to hide it or put it away before answering the door multiple times lol.  Anyhow, if this is leading somewhere it's fine, but at this point everyone is making a huge deal and dedicating several scenes to something that appears to be done.  



    It doesn't matter how much he drank. It matters that he did. He's going to AA, that's clear. He also knows NA rehotric. That's clear. The basic text (NA) and big book (AA) says: 1 is too many and 1000 is never enough. If he's following the program it means he clicks with it and takes it seriously. It means  he believes it; it's his belief system. So, he went AGAINST his belief system. And NA makes it clear in the clarity statement that alcohol is a drug.

    A sip by accident isn't a relapse. But, it sure as hell can lead into one in times like grief.

    As far as if something is full-on relapse or not -- it either is or isn't. When I relapsed on April 16 it was half a can of beer. But I had relapses before hand where I smoked 2g of meth and took 3ml of GHB. I was so gone that when the guy I was with couldn't find his turnacit, we agreed it would be a good idea for me to use my hands as a substitute. It was a 12 hour binge.

    And that was NOTHING compared to my 48 hour binges when I thought I could do it 'one last time'.

    It's hard to explain why that half a can of beer was as impactful as those other examples. Emotionally, it was. But now I have 48 days.

    As far as how Curtis can drink but Finn can't that's because some addicts have been able to do that. But it's rare.

  4. 16 hours ago, Khan said:

    Which makes her a hypocrite AND a dumbfuck.

    Like I said, just have Blaze tell her to go away and let that be the end of it.

    That's easier said than done. My mom was a Natalie (well, still is). She exploited my talents while tried to control them; lived vicariously through me. Like, I had what she didn't have but wanted and so I was a  puppet.

    Regarding being a homo, yeah, she would act like she was okay with. She'd say it. But then she'd say, "When it comes to vaginal sex, don't knock it until you try it." Or "I don't care if you are sleeping around with kangaroos. I just want you to be safe and know what you are getting into". I had her watch the movie "For the bible tells me so" and she was so mad at me after watching it she started crying and then slept for 14 hours. An Uncle was vistiting from Jacksonville, Florida. I wanted to meet him for the first time. He's a minister. Mom said, "You can go to your Aunt Debby's to meet up but don't bring up being a gay" I told her I wouldn't just blurt it out but I asked why "It's disrespectful".


    I had to move from Texas to Chicago, never moving out of their place until I moved here, to get away from her. It was an impulse move. After 6 years, only visiting twice, she STILL knows how to push my buttons (it's not as bad anymore after befriending dad's ex-wife; Her and I are more like mother and son. Same personalities).

  5. Watching Monday. I'm loving the Natalia/Ava scenes. Natalia is finally letting it all hang out.

    19 minutes ago, Contessa Donatella said:

    Totally accurate full character study on Natalia. 

    I did think it was clever that Ava accidentally taped her remarks. Who is so oblivious that they leave their phone on when they're taping an introduction to an artist's exhibit. Our Ava, that's who. 

    I stopped recording notes like that because I forget to turn the damn thing off.  Aside from  my doing, it's oddly common. It's like filling up the kitchen sink to wash dishes, needing to go to the bathroom and not turning it off because it won't be long, then getting distracted after using the toilet. Once I forgot about it for 15 minutes (the kitchen needed mopping though).

  6. 3 hours ago, John said:

    PM probably did what was best for him. He is not a kiss ass yes man. That is what FV wants. 

    Being a 'kiss ass yes man' isn't the same as being a compromiser.

    My prediction is that PM returned, short term, just to help out EK in transitioning the show. Perhaps what was planned was so damn bad it needed someone like PM, to just for as long as it's needed, to set of a different trajectory. Maybe EK just needed a hand in trying to steer the show in her direction while she worked on a long term plan. 

  7. On 5/29/2024 at 10:00 PM, Taoboi said:





    *As a former employee for almost a decade, I do concur however. 

    I moved to Chicago 6 years ago after living in Texas for my 1st 27 years.


    I learned recently that Olive Garden is trashy. Growing up we had to dress up in 'our sunday best' when we went (while Uncle Mike played Dixie Land using his armpit and Aunt Stevie tossing the breadsticks to all of us like they were darts).

  8. 20 hours ago, All My Shadows said:

    From the bible:

    "...Joe returned with his elder son, John, age twenty, who is now away at pre-med himself, seventeen-year old Teresa, generally known as Tara, and twelve-year old Danny..."

    It also gives Joe's late father and Kate's late husband the name "John," but I believe he ended up being referred to as "Henry" on the show.

    Terry. Also, the "Episode 1" with the cleaner type face is from the 1967 draft.

    I love that the show's opening was originally described as people walking up a hill with the whole "The Great and the Least" thing as an epigram similar to Day's "Like sands through the hour glass..."






    19 hours ago, j swift said:

    I am surprised that Nina appears in the bible, given that she didn't premiere until nine years after the show began.

    She wasn't in the bible.

    The copy of the bible the images are taken from is from the one in Bill Bell's collection at UCLA.

  9. 19 hours ago, All My Shadows said:

    In the original pre-OLTL bible for AMC, the Martin family was the Craig family: Dr. Joe Craig, his son John, daughter Teresa (nicknamed Tara), and younger son Danny. The Brents - Ted, Ruth, and Phil - were originally the Martins, and Ruth’s sister Amy was originally Carol.

    Nina Cortlandt was first referred to as Lily.

    Here nickname was Terry

  10. 2 hours ago, Contessa Donatella said:

    @Maxim Love your new avatar & sig banner. 

    @SteelCity So, if I try to sort this you want this topic to be about "web soaps" that exist only in script form. Is that it? If so, I think that is incredibly confusing & misuses the term when there are web soaps that are filmed. So, why not call them something else to be clear?

    No, what he's talking about are serialized prose. Like what Charles Dickens did published on the web.

    He should have said "[...] anyone read the prose-based web soaps". I would have written it as "Does anyone read the serialized web stories that are like soaps".

  11. 2 hours ago, Contessa Donatella said:

    So, yesterday was sorta interesting.

    GH Wed., 5-22-24, Epi 49 of PM/EK.

    Breakdown Chris Van Etten & Lucky Gold, Scriptwriter Stacy Pulwer & Cathy LePard.

    The scene with Michael & Joss at a table was a filler scene. It was added later. (But, didn't it fit so nicely?)

    Also, the last day of May Sweeps. 

    M-F a month is 23 episodes, so, they are just at 2 months and a handful. 

    I'm still struck that this has happened, at this juncture. 

    What we think we'll still get to see of the PM/EK "experiment": Pikeman really heats up, Cates & Jason & Anna all have "action" scenes. I don't think we know anything else. 

    Oh, a question. DIGEST said their material would run into midsummer. Do we think then that we will get to see their July Sweeps period? 


    It'll be fun if the ratings spike during this last week or so. And then what? A rehire? Didn't something like that happen with Labine in the middle of her GL tenure?

  12. 2 hours ago, Liberty City said:

    I have to say... since it has gone from ABC Signature Studios (2013–2019) to Disney Television Studios (2019–present), everything has been so watered down, and I think that has something to do with how drama-lite things have been in terms of story. I have maintained since the Shelly Altman & Jean Passanante days that Disney Television (then-believed to be Disney-ABC Television) has had their hands in the cookie jar, nixing anything potentially juicy to happen in terms of story. Even Altman confirmed this is an exit interview that TPTB nixed so many stories she wanted to tell, and I feel like since then they've really been kiboshing things, which is also why I feel as if Patrick Mulcahey may not have worked beyond five-months; he wasn't willing to do Disney Television's bidding.


    Thank you, Liberty City!

    I'm confused on the studio thing. I thought that was just switching studio space. So, its another division of oversight/management?

  13. 7 hours ago, carolineg said:

    I'll be honest, but I think more people that I knew in high school had opiate addictions more than alcohol addictions.  I am not terribly young and I have know at least 10 people who have died fairly recently from bad pills/heroin/fentanyl.  It's timely but it sure is depressing.

    My mother is a counselor for rehabs so I know more about the program than I need to lol.  I just know when you are serious about the 12 steps it's very serious.  And much like your sibling the thought is you can't do any mind altering substances in moderation even if it's not your drug of choice.

    It always irritated me that they don't really show the struggle. That you have to take all drugs, even pot and booze, as part of the disease. I'm a drug addict. Mostly, meth but I was on coke, GHB, Ketamine, and molly. But also booze and pot. I learned that If I even drink a sip or smoke just a bit of pot I'm done for. And then there was that phase where I started abusing benadryl by boofing 4/5 tablets.

    When you need show a character going through the struggle, really, there is so much conflict and drama to milk.


    That said, I do feel that it's inappropriate for some. Erica Kane, as for example, was bound to be an alcoholic because of her pill issue. But if she really did work the program, and completed the steps, she'd be a completely different person considering that you have to accept that you aren't the center of the universe.

  14. 9 hours ago, Sapounopera said:

     Perhaps we were just hornier back then?

    That might be it. When they audition they need to see if the person they are in scenes with get horny. My pitbull knows when people are horny so maybe they could use him when they cast? Like a drug sniffing dog?


    FYI, I'm not sure if I'm joking or not.

  15. 18 minutes ago, Contessa Donatella said:

    Grudgingly I gave Easton major props for that scene today. It reminded me that he is a talented actor who has been criminally underused. 

    What does this mean? Agnes, at GL, Bert's uterine cancer, was legendary. At AW Irna had Pat have an illegal abortion & become sterile as a result. (Later went away, of course, and had twins.) Of course, Miss Susan had an actual woman in a wheelchair & the audience was offended. 

    Miss Susan?

  16. Regarding the romance situation. I really feel that if there are two actors who have explosive chemistry it'll work for young people. Chemistry that that will arrest the viewers imaginations and make their heart beat fast.

    Also, and not to get off topic, but I do feel that Bill Bell's casting was great in that. Certainly, some of his hot actors didn't have much of an acting talent. But, when you compare the actor who plays Dex compared to 90s Scott Reeves it's clear that Scott has a bigger draw. Maybe it's charisma?



  17. 3 minutes ago, janea4old said:

    AI is a bad source for who was writing during the writers strike, for Days or for any show.
    AI just surfs the web like we do and grabs whatever is out on the internet but has no way to verify anything.

    Can we please not bring random stuff to this thread?

    I did it because I thought it was hysterical.

  18. 8 hours ago, Maxim said:

    I've been reading strange things since this whole ordeal has happened. People who just days ago were bashing PM and asking him to be let go since he is not that good... are changing their tune to... Poor victim PM, I am not watching without him... All over social media and boards.

    It's kinda shocking to see the same people, same names, same avatars change their mind just like that because the narrative is different. What this says to me about people... About certain type of people. LOL. Human nature never seazes to amaze me.

    I again have stated I believe PM would have been a great HW. That's what I believe and I stand by my words.  I think some people were too harsh on him too early and now backtracking and acting like they knew all along he was sabotaged and etc.

    But I remember what I read and I remember who said what... Sadly.


    Same damn thing when Sally was axed.

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