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Jump In to Port Charles #1 The Teen Scene The "Jump In" articles that we'll be posting will help viewers who haven't followed General Hospital/Port Charles very closely. These articles will update you on storylines told over the past year and help you further understand our stories. Maxie – Has undergone a complete personality shift ever since Jesse Beaudry left town. Originally, she grieved for the relationship that ended due to career motivation, but then began to internalize her feelings and taking her anger out on those around her. Maxie began to target Dillon after she noticed some sparks between him and Lucas, taunting Dillon whenever she could, placing seeds of doubt to Georgie regarding their relationship. Eventually Dillon and Georgie broke up; Maxie swore revenge. Maxie decided to expose Dillon's feelings for Lucas at a college party. At the party, Maxie drugged Lucas & Dillon's drinks, hoping that the sparks would fly and they did. Only it didn't work out quite like she had hoped. Lucas' boyfriend Brandon walked in as Lucas & Dillon were about to have sex, devastated he took off. Lucas ran behind him. Brandon was killed by a hit and run (a drunken Bobbie). Maxie has hid her involvement in the events leading up to the accident. Lulu- Lulu has played the dutiful supportive cousin to Lucas and Carly. She hasn't really had her own story since the debut of the fan fic, but is extremely close to Carly & Lucas. She has feelings for Dillon, but respects their friendship too much to try dating. Lulu currently works for Deception Cosmetics as Carly's assistant. Diego- Diego returned from prison (after being charged for stalking and drugging girls on campus) very depressed and alone. He felt ostracized by the friends he used to have. Lorenzo noticed his son going deeper and deeper into himself, and tried getting him into therapy. It seemed to work, but Diego didn't want to feel like a burden on his father anymore. The young man packed his things and left town, leaving a note for his father, letting him know that he'll be ok. Dillon- Dillon was there for Lucas after he came out of the closet. He faced opposition from his mother regarding his friendship with him. Dillon eventually began to care a great deal for Lucas and the courage he exhibited on a daily basis by being his true self. His feelings for Lucas didn't go unnoticed as Maxie began to pick up on some vibes. Dillon fought his growing romantic attraction to Lucas, though he was jealous of the relationship between Lucas & Brandon. Dillon was drugged by Maxie which lowered his inhibitions and he made a move on Lucas. Lucas' boyfriend saw the two together and ran out, being killed by a hit and run. Lucas blames Dillon for what happened and his broken off his friendship with him. Dillon and Maxie have become close since the accident. Georgie- Georgie was written off the show in the spring of 2007.
Endgame- Episode 66 Saturday, July 28, 2007 Written By: Ryan Chandler Tishy Smith <HR> Marco Dapper debuts as Dante Brennan Port Charles begins with Lucas walking into the student union (while on the phone) to pick up some information for his fall classes. While he's making his way to the board, he comes upon a mural made by students with art majors in memoriam of Brandon. Lucas is immediately overcome with emotion and wants to hightail it out of there. The voice on the phone calls his name so he can get back to their conversation. Lucas abruptly ends the call, saying he'll call them back. He turns around and bumps into someone, knocking their belongings down. "I'm so sorry. I wasn't looking where I was going," says Lucas, bending down to help pick up the person's belongings. "It's alright, I understand," the person says. Lucas stands up and is finally able to get a good look at the person standing his way. Luke admires what he sees. A tall, muscular guy possibly of Italian origin, with short black hair and a killer smile. "Umm…can I have my stuff back," the guys asks jokingly. "I mean if you wanna keep it just let me know." "Oh no no here," Lucas blushes while handing over the belongings. "I got lost in thought. I do that sometimes." Lucas can't place where he knows this guy from. But it's really bothering him. "Do I know you from somewhere?" <HR> Luke’s next stop before heading back to Bobbie was to see Sonny. He had a favor to ask of his old friend. When he got there, Sonny was just getting settled after coming back from the hospital. "Well you look like hell," says Luke. "Yeah, that's usually what happens when you're jumped in the park by a group of men." Sonny pops a pain pill, then asks Luke why he's there. Luke apologized for not stopping by sooner after Courtney's death, and usually he wouldn't do things like this, but he has an important favor to ask him. Sonny said he understood and wanted to know how he could help him. "I need you to arrange for someone to disappear….temporarily. No questions asked. Only us three would know." "Luke you know I'd do anything you need. But what's this about," Sonny asks with some interest. "Hey…if Lucky's in trouble I'll help you out the best way I can." "It's not about Lucky. And you know of all people Sonny that no questions asked means no questions asked." Luke asked if he could choose one of Sonny's villas to send this person. And no one….no one is to know about it, especially Caroline. Sonny immediately got on the phone and placed a call to Bernie, while he's on hold, Sonny makes a reference that this must have something to do with Bobbie. “If what has anything to do with Bobbie?” Both men turned around to see Carly standing there, her arms crossed across her chest. She looked from her uncle to her ex husband and tapped her foot impatiently. “Is someone going to tell me what the hell is going on?” Luke sighed and told Carly that nothing was going on. Carly snorted and demanded to know what was going on with Bobbie. Luke looked at Sonny, who gave him an imperceptible nod. Luke thanked him and told Carly to leave him alone, that her mother was fine. Before Carly could speak again, Luke was out the door. <HR> Over at the MetroCourt, Alan & Monica arrange for most of their belongings to be sent back to the Quartermaine Mansion. They only have two more nights there and they have too much stuff to take back at one time. Alan kisses Monica on the cheek, as she forces a smile. Alan remarks that their break has been good for them….professionally and romantically. He feels very close to Monica and is ready for them to begin the next phase in their life. Alan says when they get home, the first thing he's going to do is have the lawyer shred their divorce papers. Alan gets up and walks into the other room. Monica begins to have some doubts about ending things with Alan….but she forces herself into believing this is what's best for them all. <HR> Back at the PCU Campus…. The guy runs his hands through his hair. "I'm Dante. I'm sure you've seen me around. I'm popular like that," Dante smirks. "And you are?" Lucas sticks out his hand. "I'm Lucas. I'm a second year here." Lucas smiles at the guy as the two make eye contact. A few seconds later, friends of Dante's call him over to where they are. "Listen Lucas, it was nice meeting. But I gotta go. Maybe I'll see you around." "Sure, maybe you will," Lucas says as Dante walks away. "Maybe you will." <HR> “Sonny, what the hell is going on?” Carly perched her hands on her hips. Sonny looked at Carly. “Don't worry yourself about it. It has nothing to do with you.” Sonny sat down and rubbed his head. "What do you want? What are you doing here? Don't you have better things to do?" Sonny begins acting rude, hoping it'll get Carly to leave. Carly, who's slightly annoyed with Sonny's attitude, remarks that she's there to check up on him. "I just wanted to make sure you were doing alright. I guess some old habits are just hard to break." Carly begins to fiddle with her fingers. She isn't sure how to break her pregnancy news to Sonny. "Look, um…I have some news, some very happy news. But I'm not sure how to tell you." Sonny watches as Carly works up the nerve to tell him her good news. He decides to stop her before she tortures herself. "If you are here to tell me you are pregnant, I already know. Michael told me." Sonny gets up from the chair and walks over to the terrace window. "Oh..well I'm glad you know." Carly knows why Sonny refuses to look at her. They've gone through a lot together and it must hurt to see her pregnant with another man's child. "Listen, I'm gonna take the boys this weekend, so you can work on getting better ok." Carly resists the urge to go console Sonny. "I'll call you later." Carly picks up her jacket and begins walking towards the door. "Carly," Sonny says stopping her in her tracks. "Congratulations. I am sure you and Nikolas will be very happy." Sonny and Carly give each other a longing look before Carly walks out. Sonny walks over to his desk and pulls out a picture of him, Carly and the boys. <HR> Noah slapped his car door shut and took the Brownstone steps two at a time. He pulled open the door, yelling out Bobbie’s name. He was greeted with silence. He closed the door and yelled out her name again. He walked briskly into the kitchen, but she wasn’t there. “Damnit” He muttered. "Where could she be?" Noah walks into the dark living room. “She’s gone Noah," a voice says coming from somewhere within the room. Noah cuts the light on and sees Luke sitting with a bottle of scotch. "What do you mean she's gone," Noah asks angrily. "I'm her husband. I have a right to know where she is!" "Barbara Jean is gone. And it'll be a cold day in hell before I tell you where she is.” Luke said, a menacing quality in his voice. "We Spencer's stick together. I am here to tell you that she is safe. She begged me to tell you that. If it was up to me, I would tell you to rot in Hell. Luke walked to the front door, leaving an astonished Noah behind. "Don't even bother trying to find her. You won't." <HR> Next….on Port Charles -Ric gets a special visit from his wife while at work -Alexis' mood is ruined after what she sees in the mirror -AJ is jealous when he sees Nikolas & Michael bonding -Blake tries to convince Liz to go on a date with him
Endgame- Episode 65 Thursday, July 26, 2007 Written By: Tishy Smith Ryan Chandler <HR> Port Charles begins with Luke at General Hospital. Luke angrily pushes open the door to the Doctor’s locker room and barks at Patrick, demanding to know where Noah is. Surprised, Robin told Luke that Noah was in surgery. Luke took off, in search of Noah. Down the hall, Luke saw Noah walk out of an operating room and Luke yelled for him. Noah looked up and started to walk towards him. When he reached Luke, he told him he had to be quiet as this was a hospital. Luke replied that he didn’t give a damn, that they needed to talk about Bobbie or Noah was going to go back into that operating room, and not as the surgeon. Seeing the look on Luke’s face, Noah led Luke into a small office and closed the door. “What do you want to know about my wife?” Luke responds with a sharp right hand to Noah's jaw. <HR> Maxie looked Carly over and rolled her eyes. Maxie drawled, “Carly, there is nothing going on between me and Lucas. I just feel bad for him, you know? He just lost someone he loves.” “I am fully aware of that Maxie and I would appreciate it if you keep your distance from him.” Carly throws at her, narrowing her eyes as she watches this girl that she can’t trust. Carly focus on Maxie breaks when Lulu enters the diner. Lulu walks over and senses the hostility in the air and asks if she can help out. Carly updates Lulu on what she saw. Lulu tells Carly to go ahead and handle what she has to take care of; she (Lulu) can handle this. Carly thanks Lulu and heads to Sonny's to see how he's doing since his release from GH. When Carly leaves, Maxie walks away, but Lulu blocks her. <HR> Elsewhere in General Hospital, Lainey is in her office doing paperwork for her cases when a knock at the door startles her. She gives permission for the guest to enter and is surprised to see Jason standing there. Lainey leans back in her chair and tosses her pen on her desk. "Mr. Morgan, how nice it is to see you again. Do you need something?" Jason slowly walks over to her desk and gives her his patented 'I want to ask you something but not sure how to say it' stare. "I uh….I wanted to know if there was anything you could share with me about Sam's condition." "Jason you know I can't say anything about that. You're not listed as her next of kin." Jason tenses up. "Don't you think I know that?! I just want to know why she can't remember me." Jason pauses, thinking about the problems his family went through with him when he couldn't remember them. "I know Sam doesn't have the same condition as I do. It should be easy to trigger her memory right?" Lainey gets up from behind her desk and walks over to Jason. "I'm going to give you this piece of advice. Don't rush Sam. When the time comes, she'll get her memory back . I'm working very hard to help her remember the life that she had. But she may not remember. That's something you're just gonna have to accept. " She reaches into her pocketbook and takes out a card. "Here, this is a friend of mine who can help you out. Dr. Collins is a very good psychologist." "Yeah I know," Jason says turning around. "Thanks….for whatever." Jason leaves the office. <HR> The camera cuts to Robin's apartment, as Anna and Robin are spending some time together. Anna fills Robin in on what happened at the MetroCourt. Robin thinks that Anna may have been jealous when she saw Skye with Jax. Anna remarks that she doesn't get jealous, she makes people jealous, however there is a first time for everything. Robin asks if Lorenzo's been sniffing around lately; Anna denies he has. Robin thinks it's a good idea of they stay far away from each other. Robin looks down and realizes that she's just eaten the entire gallon of vanilla mint chip ice cream by herself! She apologizes to her mother, assuming that she really must have been hungry. Anna tells Robin that she had a strange dream the other night about fish. Robin drops her bowl into the sink at Anna's silly dream. Anna remarks that maybe…just maybe….there's going to a little Robin running around soon. <HR> Maxie sighed and told Lulu that she hardly ever sees Lucas and that she should mind her own business. Inwardly, Maxie was scared, she didn’t want or need Lulu or Carly digging into that night and finding out about her involvement in Brandon’s death. She had to put up a brave face, especially around these two nosey bitches. She pushes Lulu out of the way, making sure she her personal space isn't being invaded by the screaming she-banshee that is Lulu. Lulu continued to run off at the mouth, but Maxie wasn’t listening, she had to get out of there. She interrupted Lulu, “So, yeah Lulu, whatever. I’m leaving.” Lulu grabbed Maxie’s arm, “Stay away from Lucas. Or you will have to deal with me.” <HR> Luke pushes Noah into the chair as Noah clutches his jaw. "What in the hell was that for!" Noah yells out. "What is your damn problem?!" Luke cut him off and yelled, “Barbara Jean called me today and guess what we talked about?" Noah answers sharply, "How should I know what you talked about?" "She told me everything Noah, everything!" Luke grabs his right hand, the pain beginning to set in. "How the hell could you let my sister suffer like this. Jesus Noah, I know all about that night and guess what Einstein, Mac Scorpio is about a step away from arresting her for murder. Why didn’t you come to me in the first place? I'm her brother! I could have helped!" Noah stood there, calm and collected which just infuriated Luke more. He told Luke that he took matters in his own hands and was dealing with it. He did what he had to do to protect Bobbie. He covered up everything and even married her so they couldn't be forced to testify against one another." “How stupid are you? Did you completely forget that I have more experience dealing with these things than you do?" Luke finds it harder and harder to control his anger. "After she called me, I went over to her house to find my sister staring at a bottle of vodka! She is not dealing with this at all. She will never stand up to the scrutiny of the police!” Luke shouted, his arms flying in every direction. “I don’t know how Mac did it because I always thought that Robert was the brains in the Scorpio family, but it sounds like Mac has something on her. You should have come to me and I would have taken care of it.” “Luke, she is my wife and I am taking care of it” “Her being your wife means nothing! ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! You left Bobbie in the 80's, come back a few years ago and all of a sudden you think you can handle her life? I've been protecting Barbara Jean since I was young kid. I know what's best for her, you don't. You've done a piss poor job of 'taking care' of things! " Luke started to pace around the room, screaming at Noah at every turn, “Carly and Lucas will hate her for this and Patrick will hate you. This secret is going to come out. If you had come to me in the first place, this would have been dealt with and my sister wouldn’t be close to an alcoholic binge. We are going to do this my way and my way only! So deal with that!” Luke opened the door and slammed it shut. <HR> Next….on Port Charles -Luke asks Sonny for a favor -Sonny learns Carly is pregnant -Monica is ready to end things with Alan -Lucas meets a cute guy at the student union
UPDATED: Lucas' Love Interest Revealed! Casting News!
Ryan commented on Ryan's blog entry in Port Charles
You're in luck Mulder Jen has big plans for Steven & Kelly. Lol, and yes, most of the cast changes were because of the meeting I had with Jen. I originally wanted to cast Josh Casaubon as Blake, but I didn't know if Jen would like him. Lol, apparently I didn't know she despised Jeff Branson. -
Lucas' Love Interest Revealed; Role Recast! By: Cam Corder Actor and model Marco Dapper (Troy, Eating Out 2)has joined the cast in the contract role of "Dante Brennan ." Casting execs have spent months trying to find the right person for the role, and though Marco was the original frontrunner, the show wanted to be sure they chose the right person. The character of Dante will eventually become a love interest for Lucas. The writers are adamant on telling their story, but it won't be an easy road. Dante leads dual lives. The life his family expects him to lead, and the life that he's forced to hide. Also, unlike before, Lucas' love interest will exist beyond Lucas and his circle of friends & family. There will be a lot of interaction with other characters on the cast. Dapper will first air as "Dante" next Wednesday. <HR> UPDATE: *ahem* Earlier, we announced some casting news. Well....the powers that be had a closed door session and sources say one writer/producer was ready to walk after news broke of 2 recasts that she did not approve of. All writers on "Port Charles" have a creative control clause and she decided to exercise that clause. This incident has delayed production on "After Midnight" as well as Port Charles. To clarify a few things... 1. Jackie Zeman has NOT been fired. Her current storyline will dictate a short-term exit (about 2 weeks) and during that time, her story will be driven by other characters. 2. After some thought, we have decided that Jeff Branson will NOT play Blake Barrington, instead, the role will be recast with Joshua Casaubon. 3. One of the main things TPTB fought about was the termination of Nolan North. Apparently it wasn't a good idea to attempt to fire another writers favorite actor while she was on vacation. They decided that Nolan will not be fired, as he is going to be a very big part of the "After Midnight" spinoff. Maybe one person has now learned not to screw around with a FOJ. <HR> Port Charles has come to terms with Justin Hartley (Blake Barrington) to release him from the show. The executive producer wanted Justin to sign a contract, but the actor wanted to keep his options open for primetime work. In a statement released earlier today, Ryan Chandler, head writer & executive producer for Port Charles said, "We appreciate all of the hard work that Justin put into working with us. It's a shame that we were unable to come to terms on a contract, but do not worry. We are keeping Justin in mind for a role on our primetime spinoff 'After Midnight.'" Josh Casaubon (ex-Hugh, OLTL) has been tapped to play Blake. Casaubon is known for playing Hugh Hughes on OLTL. And yes....he meets the approval of TPTB. Casaubon began taping episodes 3 weeks ago and will begin airing as "Blake" next week. Expect the blossoming relationship between Blake & Elizabeth to continue. <HR> Michael Park (Jack, ATWT) has joined the cast as Assistant District Attorney Darin Palmer. Palmer is a rival of Ric's from law school. Palmer is brought in by Mayor Floyd to oversee the possible Corinthos/Alcazar case due to a conflict of interest with Ric and Alexis. <HR> Additional Tidbits: Gina Tognoni will make her "in town" debut as Brenda Barrett on Friday, August 3. Tognoni first aired a few weeks ago when Robin had a conversation with Brenda. Emily Quartermaine (played by Jennifer Ferrin) returns home to deal with a family emergency on Thursday, July 26. Jackie Zeman (Bobbie) will be off screen in the near future dictated by her current storyline. Ryan Carnes (Evan Koslosky) has been let go from the show. The new writing team dropped his original story and has no use for the character. Stephanie Gatschet (Serena) and Scott Bailey (Hunter) have been demoted to recurring status. Changes in the writing team prompted a change in their story. The two are expected to stick around for the forseeable future, interacting with Lucy, Kevin and the younger set. A new version of the opening will debut next Wednesday.
UPDATED: Lucas' Love Interest Revealed! Casting News!
Ryan commented on Ryan's blog entry in Port Charles
Ok..........we met and changes have been made. -
UPDATED: Lucas' Love Interest Revealed! Casting News!
Ryan commented on Ryan's blog entry in Port Charles
Oh don't worry, Jackie Zeman hasn't been fired. I'm just letting people know that she'll be off-screen for a while due to her current storyline. It won't be long, but Luke & Noah will drive most of her story while she's away. I got rid of Nolan because I wanted to: A) Age Steven, Give Steven a personality that is different than one we saw a few years ago and C) Because he's going to be involved with Skye. Lol, if you don't like Jeff than who should I choose? I hate Jonathan on AMC, but I really liked Jeff when he first joined the show. Lol, I should know before I upload my new opening to YouTube. Kiko is on contract (I just forgot to move his name up). He appears in the new opening. If you want Minae on contract, I can do that. We'll have to come up with a story for her. -
Endgame- Episode 64 Thursday, July 19, 2007 Written By: Tishy Smith Ryan Chandler <HR> Luke opens the door of the Brownstone and takes in the scene in front of him. He sees Bobbie sitting at the kitchen table, a bottle of vodka, unopened, in front of her. “Barbara Jean? What’s wrong honey, is it Noah?” Luke kneels down next to her chair and speaks softly. “Did something happen to Lucas or Carly? You can tell me Barbara Jean, I am right here.” Bobbie looks up, tears streaming from her eyes. “I’ve done something very bad and you are going to hate me when I tell you what I have done. I can’t live like this anymore. The guilt is eating me up inside and oh, Luke, I don’t want you to hate me, please.” Luke assures her that is impossible. They have gone through far too much for him to hate her. She tells him that this is the worst thing she has ever done and that everyone will hate her, even her own children. “Barbara Jean, let me be the judge of that. Now tell me what’s going on so your big brother can help you.” <HR> Carly is walking by Kelly’s and sees Lucas sitting there, eating alone. She hadn’t seen him in a few days, so she opens the door and strides in. She sits down across from him and smiles brightly. He looks up and says, “I don’t believe I asked you to sit down. In fact, I would rather be alone right now. “Well brother dear, you are going to have to deal.” Carly sets her purse down on the table and continues, “How are you and don’t just say fine because I know you are lying. You can at least tell me you are happy for me.” Carly smiled and patted her stomach. “I’m so hungry I could eat a horse. Give me one of those.” She reached over and took a French fry from his plate. Lucas smiles briefly. Carly has been very good to him and he could use the company. He had been trying to go out every day, but he felt like he was betraying Brandon by living. He really needs to talk to someone and the only person who hasn’t judged him and that he can fully trust is Carly. He takes a deep breath and prepares to confide in her when the door opens. It’s Maxie. His face darkens at the sight of her, causing Carly to look behind her. <HR> At the MetroCourt, Jax and Skye are having a meeting discussing business. After she was unceremoniously fired from ELQ back in February by Tracy, Skye has had little to do. She's ready to get back into the swing of things and hopes Jax can help her. Jax asks Skye how she's held up since she ended her relationship with Lorenzo. Skye admits that it's a little tough, but she feels she did the right thing. She can't deal with his life and doesn't want to share a future with someone who murders innocent people. Skye asks Jax if he has any room at Titan Corp. Jax mentions that he recently purchased a subsidiary of ELQ's, but the companies will still be linked together. He needs a woman who's beauty is parallel to her intelligence. Skye blushes inside. It's been a very long time since she's been able to enjoy herself around anybody, especially someone who she used to love as much as Jax. Skye mentions that she's interested in doing whatever he needs. Jax hires Skye on the spot, informing her that she'll work as his liaison between Titan and ELQ regarding the new purchase and will oversee any transitions. Jax calls over a waiter to bring some champagne as the two toast to their new business relationship. Anna steps off the elevator at the MetroCourt ready to cash in her rain check for a date with Jax. She watches at the two toasts each other, looking very happy. Normally not one to feel awkward, Anna knows about the history between Jax and Skye. She decides to speak with Jax later and heads back on the elevator. Jax looks over to the elevator just as the doors close, thinking he saw Anna. Skye wonders what he's looking at; Jax says he thought he saw someone familiar, but shakes it off. <HR> “Ok, Lucas, what’s the deal with you and Maxie” Carly demanded. “Every time you see her your face becomes a thundercloud.” She leans closer and urges Lucas to tell her whatever is on his mind Lucas clams up. “I don’t want to talk about it Carly.” He stands up and throws some money on the table. “I’ll talk to you later.” Lucas walks out of Kelly's in a hurry. Carly waits a bit before confronting Maxie. “What the hell is going on between you and my brother?” <HR> Back at Bobbie's, the conflicted nurse takes a deep breath and recounts the night of Brandon’s death. She speaks in a low, monotonous tone, staring at the vodka bottle as she confides in Luke that the night Brandon Wexler was killed, she god drunk. She mentions that was having a rough day and turned to the bottle for support. Georgie showed up and during the conversation mentioned that Lucas was out at a party with Brandon. So she got in her car and took off after Lucas…not even really knowing what to say to him. She struggles as she recounts the event scene for scene and finally breaks when she tells Luke she was the one that killed him. She didn’t know what she had done, because she was so drunk that she blacked out everything. It's only because of Noah that she isn't in jail right now. When she finished speaking, she burst into tears again. Luke stood up, stunned. He puts his arms around Bobbie and lifts her up out of her chair, comforting her as she cried. “Oh Bobbie. We will figure something out. It’s ok.” She hiccups and tells him that Mac is onto her; he came by earlier and questioned her. “Barbara Jean, look at me.” Luke grasps her by the shoulders and stares directly into her eyes. “I will get you out of this ok; you just have to trust me. Do not say another word to the police. I don’t care what Mac Scorpio says to you. You will not say anything else until you hear back from me, do you understand me?” Bobbie nodded. “I love you Barbara Jean with all my heart and will do anything for you. Now tell me, where is Noah now?” She tells him that he is at the hospital. He tells her that he is going to go out and that she is to lock the door behind him and to only answer the door when he comes back. No matter who calls or comes to the door, to ignore it. He will be back soon. Luke kisses her on the forehead. “Remember, don’t talk to anyone except me and that includes your husband!” Luke sternly says before left, taking the bottle of vodka with him. <HR> Next….on Port Charles -Luke has a violent confrontation with Noah -Jason asks Lainey for some advice -Robin thinks Anna may be jealous; Anna tells Robin about her strange dream -Maxie and Lulu argue about Lucas
#74 Wednesday, July 18
Ryan commented on Sweet_VeeVee24's blog entry in Destineysmine24 Fan Fic Flair
Back....the !@#$%^&*] off Sharon! I know that slick bitch wants to get in good with Nicholas. She'd better back the !@#$%^&*] off. Lol, Oy Lily.......so glad she's nothing but a glorified extra...I hear Davetta needs a job Neil needs to put Ji Min in his place. Good episode Venus. I can't wait until tomorrows. -
Endgame- Episode 63 Wednesday, July 18, 2007 <HR> <b>One day later.....</b> Sonny hangs up his cell phone when he sees Alexis knocking on his hospital door. Carly is in the room with him discussing what happened the day before. She planned on telling him the good news about her pregnancy, but didn't feel this was the most appropriate time. Alexis walks in with a folder in her hands, asking how Sonny's doing. Sonny asks if she's asking as the District Attorney or as the mother of his child. Alexis says it's the latter. Sonny updates her on his condition and the condition of his father, Alexis hopes they both feel better. Alexis gets right to the point, she knows this may not be the best time for this, but it has to be done. She hands Sonny the folder. Sonny opens it and says it's not gonna happen. <HR> Bobbie opens the Brownstone front door and is taken aback to see Mac there. He informs her that he is there on official business and asks if he can come in. Bobbie nervously opens the door wider and leads him to the living room where they sit down. “Bobbie, I need to ask you some questions about the night that Brandon Wexler was killed.” Bobbie draws in a deep breath and listens while Mac asks her where she was on the night that Brandon was killed. She explains that she and Noah were spending the night alone in the Brownstone. They were watching a movie and discussing the future. She asks him why he is asking these questions. Ignoring her, he thinks back to the report that Det. Cruz showed him. Mac wants to know what kind of car she had. She tells him and again asks him why he keeps asking these questions of her. Her heart is starting to beat faster and she is breathing heavily. She says adamantly that she and Noah were here all night and asks Mac to leave. <HR> Sam sneaks out of Wyndemere and heads to the bluff. This seems to be the only place where she can clear her head. As she stares out at the water, she had a sudden flashback. Her and Jason are slow dancing on the roof of the penthouse in the rain. Jason whispers the words, 'I love you.' After a few minutes, a figure appears from the shadows, sneaks up behind her, and causes Sam's flashback to end. "I know you're here," Sam says without turning around. "What do you want?" "Is that any way to speak to your grandmother my dear Samantha?" The camera pans to reveal Helena standing behind Sam. Sam rolls her eyes and counters back, "Step-grandmother my 'dear' Helena. Again, what do you want? You shouldn't be here. Nikolas might see you." "Nikolas isn't my concern right now. You are. Have you had any more violent headaches?" Helena pries for information, trying to gauge how much information she needs to divulge. "Any more memory flashbacks?" "No I haven't. I know all I need to know," Sam turns her back again, running her fingers through her hair. "And before you ask, the answer is no. No one has any idea what we've been planning." Helena smiles, finally a pawn who does what she's told with no questions asked. "That's good. Keep me updated. One thing I go though….you must not be sidetracked with your problems with Jason. He does not factor into any of my plans. Remember who is calling the shots." Helena turns to walk away but Sam stops her. "You're right. Jason doesn't factor into any of <b>your</b> plans, but he does factor into mine. And you may be running things Helena, but without me none of this would be possible. Oh, and by the way….Nikolas <b>should</b> be a concern of yours. Carly too." Sam has Helena intrigued. "It looks like you're going to be a great-grandmother yet again." Helena feels like vomiting. It's bad enough that Nikolas procreated with Courtney, but now he's knocked up the she-beast Carly? Disgusting….. Helena orders Sam not to be concerned with that. Just focus on what she's been told. Helena heads back off into the shadows. Sam turns around, takes a deep breath and his hit by another flashback. <HR> Back at GH, Alexis has just handed Sonny a folder that his him extremely upset. "There's no way in hell you're gonna keep me away from Kristina. You hear me Alexis? I thought we had all of this resolved." "As Kristina's primary custodial parent, I have the right to limit your access to her. She could have been with you yesterday when you and Mike were attacked. God knows what those thugs would have done do my daughter." "Our daughter," Sonny interrupts with much sharpness. "She's our daughter Alexis. And nothing would have happened to Kristina. I would have protected her, the same way I protect my other children." Alexis laughs sarcastically. "Sonny you could barely even protect yourself yesterday. Without Jason you're vulnerable and I can't allow your vulnerability to affect my child. I won't. You have 2 options. One, you could leave the mob, turn states evidence and begin living your life as a contributing member of society. Two, you could sign the agreement and when things calm down, I'll re-instate your visitation with Kristina. Now since we all know the first choice isn't happening, number 2 is your best option." Alexis grabs her pocketbook and heads towards the door. "Feel better." Alexis begins walks towards the elevator but Carly rushes up to her. "Carly I'm not in the mood to argue with you. I did the right thi-," Alexis is cut off mid sentence. "I know you did. I didn't come to fight with you," Carly says. "I just wanted to say that I understand why you did what you did, and I think deep down Sonny does too. I just wanted to tell you that." Carly turns around and walks away, leaving Alexis stunned. <HR> Mac stands up. He doesn’t like the feeling that he is getting from Bobbie. Her eyes are looking everywhere but at him. She is fidgeting and picking at her nails. He walks to the door and says, “For your sake Bobbie, I hope that Noah can back your story up.” Mac closes the door and Bobbie bursts into tears. Moments past and Bobbie catches her breath and stops crying. She races to the phone and calls Noah. She is told that he is in surgery and cannot be disturbed. She puts the phone down and runs upstairs to one of the old rooms where she stashed a bottle of vodka. She stares at it for a long time before making a decision. She dials a familiar number and is relieved to hear the one voice that never lets her down. “I need you” Next….on Port Charles -Carly notices some hostility between Lucas & Maxie -Bobbie confesses all to Luke -Anna is upset when she sees Skye and Jax together
Teehee! Robin's got an egg..... Teehee! That answer your question Vee?
Poor Summer. I am really enjoying what you've been doing w/ the blog Venus. Now that you're further moving away from the storylines on the real show, I am enjoying your stories a hell of a lot more. I will say this...........Jack BETTER not end up the father of Summer. I will launch a campaign to have you fired as HW if you do that! Lol. I don't really care for Amanda...or JT. Probably because I hate JT, lol. DIE LILY DIE! Any chance Davetta is returning? Lol.
Endgame- Episode 62 Tuesday, July 17, 2007 <HR> The doors to the emergency room at General Hospital burst open. Sonny and Mike are rolled into a room on this chaotic day. The doctor's rush to get the two patients stabilized immediately. Robin walks in after dealing with a bout of nausea once again. Her she freaks out when she sees Sonny & Mike bloody and beaten within an inch of their lives. She immediately takes over the case from one of the attending, demanding to be updated on their situation. Due to the staffing shortages, many doctors have been required to do double duty. Steven Webber & Noah Drake are called to help with this case. Steven is told by the EMT that Sonny appears to have 2 broken ribs. Preliminary reports indicate that there is inflammation of the brain, but nothing too serious. Mike on the other hand is seriously hurt. Noah examines Mike and orders Epiphany to prep the OR. Mike may be in need of surgery. <HR> Carly rushes into the hospital asking for an update on Sonny. Elizabeth claims she's unable to give Carly the information she's requesting due to them no longer being married. Carly vows to throw a fit if she isn't told what's going on NOW! Nikolas steps off the elevator and witnesses Carly about to fight with Elizabeth. Nikolas pulls Carly over to the side and tries to calm her down. "Don't you tell me to calm down," she says angrily. "This woman…and I use that term loosely, won't tell me anything about the father of my children!" Carly glares at Liz and is ready to bite her head off. "Carly, calling people names won't help anything," Liz says with an attitude. "Why don't you just take a seat and wait for the doctors to come out ok?" Carly rolls her eyes at Liz and turns to Nikolas. "Nikolas….if you don't get this bitch away from me, someone else is gonna be admitted into the ER….and it won't be me. I swear to god…" "Ok, ok. Liz, can you excuse us for a minute?" "Uh sure…." Before Liz walks away, she suggests that Carly not get herself worked up. It's not good for the baby. Carly gets ready to charge Liz but Nikolas holds her back and forces her to sit down. "Smirky bitch," Carly mutters under her breath. "I really don't understand what people see in her…" "I need you to call down Carly. She's right, getting yourself all worked up is not going to help anyone." Nikolas tells Carly that Max put 5 bodyguards on Michael, and 4 outside Wyndemere with Morgan, in addition to the regular security that Nikolas already had on call for the mansion. He reassures Carly that everything will be ok…including Sonny <HR> "Jax my dear, I am so sorry I have to cancel," Anna Devane says to Jax while driving to the hospital. "Sonny Corinthos and Mike Corbin were attacked in the park and I need to go question them." Anna is very pissed off. She had been looking forward to spending time with Jax ever since he asked her out. Fortunately, she'll be able to make it up to him. Jax understands and hopes everything goes well. Anna pulls into the parking lot of the hospital and prepares to head inside. <HR> At the MetroCourt, Alan is in the bathroom getting ready for his dinner with Monica. This little "vacation" of theirs is lasting longer than she planned. Each time when she's ready to break things off, something else happens and she's forced to put it off. She tells Alan to go ahead and get into the shower without her, she has to take a call from the hospital. Alan says ok and the water turns on. Monica steps outside of their room and answers her phone. Kevin says hello. Monica updates Kevin on what's been going on lately, and that she really is prepared to end things now with Alan. Kevin resists the urge to rush Monica, instead telling her to do what she feels is best, even if that means waiting a bit longer. Monica thanks Kevin for being so understanding and sneaks a quick "I love you," before going back inside. <HR> Back at GH, Jason steps off the elevator and searches for Carly. He sees her talking with one of Sonny's doctors and sneaks over to have a listen. "So Sonny's going to be ok right? I mean, he's not like seriously hurt?" Steven tries to calm Carly. "Mr. Corinthos has 2 broken ribs and a slight concussion. He did have some internal bleeding, but the doctors managed to stop it. Besides his ribs and the cuts and bruises, Mr. Corinthos will be fine. We'll have to keep him overnight for observation though." Carly breathes a sigh of relief. "And what about Mike? Is he alright?" Noah takes off his hat after performing a CAT scan on Mike. "It's too early to tell if he's sustained any long term injuries. The men assaulted him pretty badly. He has a broken arm, 4 cracked ribs and a severe concussion. We're going to keep Mike to measure his intracranial pressure. I'm sorry, but that's all I can say for now." The doctor walks away. Carly holds back her tears and is comforted by Jason…well at least he attempts to comfort her. Jason goes to hug Carly, but she pushes him away. "Where the hell were you?" Jason is taken aback by Carly's attitude. "I was unavailable. If I had known what was going to happen I would have been there." "Hindsight is 20/20 Jason. There have been a lot of accidents lately and you have been nowhere in sight. Did you know that Morgan was with Sonny & Mike at the park today? Did you know that he could have witnessed what happened to his father. God Jason, he could have been traumatized for life!" "Carly I understand and I'm sorry. I've just had a lot of things going on." Carly walks back over to near where Nikolas is sitting trying to get away from Jason. "Oh yeah, you've been 'busy'. Busy worrying about that Sam. Sam is NOT more important than our family Jason." "Sam is my family," he snaps. "I love her." "Well she doesn't love you anymore." Carly's anger finally comes to a boil. "She doesn't love you, she loves Lucky. She doesn't remember her life with you and isn't making any concerted effort to try and reclaim the life she once had. Which is good for me because I never really liked her in the first place, but I still can't get rid of her because she's with Lucky." Carly picks up her pocketbook and apologizes to Nikolas for insulting his cousin. "You need to get over her now Jason. She isn't the same person that she was before the incident. She doesn't want you anymore. The sooner you realize that, and realize that it's time for you to move on…and <b>NOT</b> with Elizabeth…the better you'll be. No need to go from one home wrecking whore to the next." Carly hits the 'close' button and hugs Nikolas. The elevator doors shut, leaving Jason alone. Robin sees Jason looking sad and tries to make him feel better. "You can't always put Sonny first Jason. You have your own life….it's time you start living it." Robin pats him on the back and prepares to clean herself up so she can leave. A few seconds later, Anna steps off the elevator. <HR> Anna walks into Sonny's room as Sonny asks the doctors for an update on his father. Anna orders all of the doctors out. The doctors try to convince Anna to wait, but she refuses to. She begins questioning Sonny about the attack. She has a feeling Alcazar may have been behind the attack, but Sonny stonewalls her, refusing to give up any information. Anna threatens to arrest him for being an uncooperative witness. Sonny calls her bluff. Anna promises that if other people weren't involved, she would do it. She tells Sonny to look at what happened today. He was enjoying a nice day with his family when he was attacked. He's lucky that the men allowed his child to leave safely, as things could have ended up a lot worse. If Sonny continues to live his life the way he is, no one will be safe…and his children and/or the women he loves could die the same way his first wife did…and the same way his sister did. In the end, Sonny will have no one to blame but himself. Anna vows to bring Sonny down one way or another. His chance to cooperate with the police and slowly starting to dry up and when that happens, she is going to make him wish he did when he had the chance. All the money, power and people he loves will be done. Anna angrily leaves the room. Sonny throws the phone towards the door after she leaves. Next….on Port Charles - Sam is definitely hiding something - Alexis revokes Sonny's visitation rights with Kristina - Mac's questions Bobbie again about the night Brandon Wexler was killed - Bobbie turns to the one person who she feels can help her….
Endgame- Episode 61 ICU: Sonny, Mike & Morgan Monday, July 16, 2007 <HR> Sonny had the afternoon free and decided to arrange a father/sons day with the boys. Michael didn't feel like going, choosing to go to soccer camp and then to his mother's to fill out paperwork for the ELQ internship program. So it looked like it was going to just be him and Morgan. A father and son adventure to the park if that's what you want to call it. Realizing the fun they would all have, Sonny placed a call to Mike and invited him to join in. Max pulled the limo around to the front door of the mansion, and Sonny, along with Morgan climbed in the back seat. Max made a stop at Kelly’s and picked up Mike, to make the father and son group complete. Max parked the limo in his usual spot and the group of them entered the park. Morgan latched onto Sonny’s hand as they walked the narrow path towards the playground. He could see the jungle gym in the distance and he started to tug Sonny in that direction. As they turned the corner in the narrow path they were met with a group of shady characters. Though he couldn't be sure, the distinctive tattoos' on their bodies gave Sonny the indication they could be from one of the Miami crime families. Sonny and his group were stopped by the burly men, as Morgan hid behind Sonny and Max closed in, his hand on his 9mm. "Mr. Corinthos," the leader of the pack began with a thick latino accent, "We have a message for you. A very important one." Sonny had a feeling that something was about to go down. “Max, take Morgan & Mike back to the car and wait for me.” Sonny said as he gently pushed Morgan back into Max. “But, Mr. C ….” “Do what I tell you Max! Take Morgan & Mike back to the car, now!” Max hesitated, then picked up Morgan and began heading to the car. Mike reluctantly begins to follow suit, however one of the men grabs him. "The kid and the muscle can go. The old man stays," the leader hissed. Max rushes Morgan back to the limo, leaving Sonny and Mike to deal with the group of goons they had encountered. The five surly men encircled Mike and Sonny, leaving them no way out. In the little time Sonny had to access the situation, he realized his suspicions were correct, the 5 men were part of an organization from Miami. The 5 spoke in Spanish to each other, giving instructions on the beat down Sonny and Mike were about to receive. Mike and Sonny stood back to back keeping a watchful eye on the 5 goons that surrounded them. Sonny could see no weapons on the group of men, and he realized this would be a hand-to-hand combat if he and Mike were going to be the ones who were left standing. Sonny and Mike quickly came up with a game plan to take down the 5 men, their odds weren’t looking good, but they just couldn’t take the beating without a fight. Back in the car, Max attempts to reach Jason, but as usual with Jason lately, he doesn't answer his phone. Max doesn't want to leave Morgan alone and knows that if he does, the boss will have a fit. He does the only logical thing….call the police. The group leader spoke to Sonny and he replied to him in Spanish and with an attitude, which resulted in a punch to the jaw. The first punch was thrown and an attack by the 5 men ensued. Sonny was handled himself fairly well one on one, and even two on one for a short time. But Mike was outnumbered and was quickly taken down to the ground. Once Mike was subdued to the ground, three of the men restrained Sonny by holding his arms behind his back forcing him to watch what was about to be happen to Mike. While two of the men held Sonny in their clutches, the other three men brutally attacked Mike. Moans and groans could be heard as Mike took numerous kicks to the ribs, and countless hits to his body and head. As soon as they were finished with Mike, they came at Sonny. With nowhere to go, Sonny was able to get his arms free and started to throw punches. He fought back but two of them restrained him yet again as the other three took turns at beating Sonny senseless. The two burly men who held on to him soon left go and Sonny’s lifeless body fell to the ground. The job was done and the five men stepped over the lifeless bodies as one of them pulled out his cell phone from his suit jacket. A barely conscious Sonny groggy but conscious listened as the leader made a phone call. “It’s done boss. I’m sure Mr. Corinthos will be very cooperative from now on.” The camera cuts to Lorenzo sitting in his office, hanging up the phone and smiling. The shady characters who encountered Sonny and Mike gave them a beating they soon won’t forget and left them lying on the ground battered and bruised. Sonny couldn’t stay conscious as he passed out from the pain that had been inflicted on him and moans could be heard from Mike as he lie on the ground next to his son. The last thing he heard before passing out was the loud roar of sirens descending into the park….. <HR> Next….on Port Charles -Sonny & Mike are rushed to General Hospital -Carly argues with Jason for not protecting Sonny -Monica sneaks in a call to Kevin -Anna is forced to cancel her date with Jax -Anna's tirade on Sonny causes him to think about his future
Thanks for the comments.... Trust me, it won't be happily ever after for Lucky & Sam. Liz has a reason not to trust Sam, she's just irked by her. When the truth comes, the real test will be whether or not Lucky accepts it, or chooses to go w/ the lie.
Endgame- Episode 60 Sunday, July 15, 2007 <HR> Elizabeth comes downstairs after putting Cameron down for bed. She picks up a picture of herself, Cameron and Lucky, smiling at the happy moment that was captured forever. A knock on the door breaks her thoughts. When she opens the door, she is surprised to find Lucky standing at her door. <HR> Patrick and Sarah make their way to the park so they can talk. Patrick doesn't feel too comfortable being alone with Sarah, so he makes sure he doesn't do anything to give her false signals. "So," Patrick says while taking a seat. "What did you want to talk to me about?" He looks her in the eyes, trying to get a read on this girl. Sarah forces a smile and moves her hair from her face. "I wanted to apologize to you. I haven't respected your relationship with Robin these past few months. I never really thought that you cared for her, and I figured since she was just a pit stop, I could let you know I was interested and you'd want me." Patrick doesn't know how to react to this. I mean, he knows that Sarah has had a crush on him, but for her to just come out and admit her feelings is a little surprising. "Well that's really asinine logic right there Sarah. You should have respected—" "Yeah I know," Sarah interrupts. "I should have respected the boundaries of your relationship with Robin but what can I say? I was wrong. It was one of those things that I wasn't ready to admit myself you know? I really like our friendship Patrick and it's taken you willing to break off our friendship to make me see how much I was wrong." <HR> At Lucy's, Serena and her mother have some catching up to do. Lucy explains that both she and Scott were worried sick about her, and she can't believe that she was out gallivanting around with some guy the whole time! Serena apologizes, but doesn't think she did anything wrong. She's an adult (or will be one soon) and since school was out, she wanted to go traveling. And Hunter is not 'some guy,' he's her boyfriend. Serena mentions that access to her credit cards have cut off and she's in need of money. Lucy informs her daughter that she will not gain access to her credit cards until she pays off the $30,000 that she currently owes. And….on top of holding a full time job, she will do volunteer work at GH. Serena scoffs and says she'll leave. Lucy threatens to pull her trust fund too. For too long she (Lucy) has been sidetracked and let her parental responsibilities fall by the wayside. It's time for her to step up…and she will. <HR> Robin walks into the locker room after making her rounds. It's been nonstop work all day. Patrick's lucky that he has the day off. She checks her PDA and sees a e-mail Patrick sent earlier: Robin smiles at the message and begins taking off her shoes. Her feet hurt a lot more than they usually do, and she hasn't been able to keep any food down. She reminds herself to make an appointment with her doctor to make sure she isn't coming down with anything. <HR> Back at the park, Patrick takes in what Sarah has just told him. He appreciates her being honest with him, it means that she really does care. Patrick reaffirms his love for Robin to Sarah and promises they can remain friends as long as she doesn't try to undermine his relationship anymore. Sarah says it's time that she focus on finding someone who's available…someone who'll make her happy. She grabs her purse and takes off, thanking Patrick for listening to her. <HR> "Lucky…..what are you doing here," asks a surprised Elizabeth. Liz quickly fixes her hair when Lucky's back is turned. "What can I help you with," she says as she shuts the door. "How's Cameron?" "Cameron's great. He asks about you all of the time. I tell him each day how much you love him." Lucky looks around at the pictures of the family he once shared with Liz. "I'm glad. I really do miss him a lot." "Well he misses you to," Liz goes over and picks up a recent picture of Cameron at the park. "He asks when you're coming home….I try to avoid his questions but…….how do I tell that sweet boy that his daddy may not be coming back?" Liz begins to cry and doesn't even have to hide her tears. "Come on Lucky, can't we just try to work this out?" Lucky turns his back to Elizabeth, taking a deep breath, trying not to show how much pain he's in. "This is something that you did Elizabeth. You are the reason why things aren't the way they used to be. I don't want to get into this again. We grew apart for many reasons, the big one being your obsession with Jason." Lucky tries to keep his anger under control. "I didn't come here to fight with you or to make you sad. I came here to bring you these." Lucky reaches into his back pocket and hands Elizabeth some papers. She opens them and her heart sinks . "Divorce papers? You came here for this? Wow….," Liz holds back her tears. "I guess it's really time to end this huh?" "I'm ready to move on with my life. You began moving on months ago Elizabeth, it's time I do the same." "With Sam you mean? I don't get what you see in her Lucky. She doesn't even remember her life before last November!" "Not that I need to explain myself to you, but I see a good person in Sam. I see someone who underwent a very tough ordeal with her psychotic grandmother and is still strong in spite of that. I see someone who allows me to help her and be there for her, and doesn't shut me out. I trust Sam. I don't trust you." Lucky begins to feel uncomfortable and is ready to go. "Our lawyers can handle everything else. I wish you would just do us all a favor and sign the papers." Lucky resists the urge to hold Elizabeth as he walks past her and through the door. Liz is flooded with the memories of the time she spent with Lucky and cries more and more. Cameron comes downstairs and asks his mommy not to cry. Liz is strong for the sake of her child and hugs him tightly. "Mommy's going to be ok Cam. Mommy's going to be ok." Next….on Port Charles -Sonny's afternoon with Mike & Morgan is interrupted when a situation arises -Sonny & Mike are attacked in the park
Go Victoria! I'm really liking the Michael/Lauren storyline Venus. It's my favorite for sure.
Endgame- Episode 59 Tuesday, July 10, 2007 <HR> Port Charles begins in at Kelly's diner. Epiphany walks by and sees Patrick looking at pictures of him and Robin with a smile on his face. Ordinarily she wouldn't involve herself in this, but decides to take a chance and ask Patrick what's up. "It looks like you have a lot of good memories over there," says Epiphany while pulling up a chair. "It must be great to have a good thing going on. I mean what's better than coming to work and working with the person that you love?" Sarah walks into the diner and smiles at Epiphany and Patrick before hanging her jacket up. Epiphany doesn't even fake a smile, she sneers at the blonde before turning her attention back to Patrick. "That girl is nothing but trouble I tell you. You would think she'd have better things to do than sniff around someone else's man." Patrick smiles at Epiphany as he begins to take a few more pictures out. "Things are going great between Robin and I. For the first time in my life I can actually take a breath. I don't think I've ever met someone who can infuriate the hell out of me, yet also make me want to wrap her up in my arms and protect her from the world." Patrick hands Epiph a picture taken at the hospital gala last year. "I just hope I don't screw things up." Epiphany continues to listen on as Patrick asks her for advice on how to not screw things up. Meanwhile at the other table, Sarah eavesdrops and doesn't like what she hears. <HR> At the PCPD, Mac finishes up his paperwork on the Alcazar raid he and Lucky oversaw last week at the docks. Mac is upset that someone like him, who has spent years working on the PCPD to do doing the work he has been. Not that he doesn't appreciate those that do this kind of work, it's just that he feels he's worked long and hard enough to not have to do this yet again in this stage in his career. Mac leans back in his chair after closing the file. Detective Cruz comes by and brings by another accident report from the April hit and run that killed Brandon Wexler. Cruz suggests that Mac check out the photos on page 10, referencing that the car was constantly in motion, so it may not have been intentional. Mac thanks Cruz for bringing over the report, Cruz hopes that Mac regains his title soon. .<HR> Alan & Monica walk into the MetroCourt arguing. "I thought you said you had the reservations done Alan. We show up and there's not there? I mean really Alan, really. Couldn't you have been a little more prepared?" "Will you hush Monica. I <b>did</b> have reservations but for some reason they believe I cancelled them. And before you say anything, I did NOT cancel our reservations. However our getaway will not be ruined. Thanks to Jax, all of the Quartermaines have a suite on hold at all times as part of the deal for us selling the land for the MC to be built. So why don't just sit back, relax and let me handle everything. Once we get checked in, I'll take you to the terrace for a romantic evening." Monica's taken aback by Alan's desire to have this be 'perfect'. So sad she only agreed to go on this trip to give Alan one more night together. <HR> Elsewhere in the MetroCourt, Lucy has taken David up on his offer to ask her to dinner, feeling rejected by Kevin. Though she tries not to have fun at first, she eventually cracks and allows David to show her a good time. He's kind of charming and cute in a devious, don't let him pour me a drink way. Tonight is the first time since she's returned to Port Charles (back in December) that she's been happy. She tells him that and is happy when he admits he's glad to have brightened up her mood. They were just beginning to get to the second part of their 3 course meal when Lucy is surprised by the appearance of Serena! <HR> Back at Kelly's, Epiphany is about to give Patrick some advice. "You're a brilliant doctor Dr. Drake, and I think you're a very good man. It's quite easy to be tempted by outside forces in your relationship, but you've resisted. When I see you and Robin together, it reminds me what young love should be about. You both annoy the hell out of each other…and me, but I can see the love between you two. All you have to do is remember that and you'll be fine." Epiphany gets up to grab her order from the counter. Patrick thanks Epiphany for the talk, sneaks a bite of some more fries before heading out. Sarah rushes out behind him and asks to talk to him…alone. <HR> On the next Port Charles -Sarah realizes that she has no chance with Patrick -Lucky gives Elizabeth her divorce papers -Lucy has plans for Serena -Robin doesn't feel too well
SONBC & DRTV ANNOUNCES ENSEMBLE CAST OF “PORT CHARLES: AFTER MIDNIGHT”NETWORKS FIRST PRIMETIME DRAMA BEGAN PRODUCTION JUNE 22 PREMIERES JULY 27 Vanessa Williams Joins Cast Manhattan, NY – (July 8, 2007) – SONBC & DRTV announced today the all-star, ensemble cast of its 35 episode scripted drama “Port Charles: After Midnight,” a series that goes beyond what is seen in daytime to reveal the lives and loves of Port Charles’” favorite characters during the later hours in Port Charles. The series will also reveal new faces and complications in Port Charles. Actress, singer and former Miss America Vanessa Williams ("UGLY BETTY") is one of the new faces who will join the cast as Olivia Hanen, a tough as nails FBI agent brought in to lead the Organized Crime Division of the PCPD. Williams' character will interact heavily with John J. York ("Mac Scorpio") and new cast member to be named at a later date. Other stars of the cast include: Kimberly McCullough (“Robin Scorpio”), Jason Thompson (“Patrick Drake”), John J. York ("Mac Scorpio"), Lynn Herring ("Lucy Coe"), Jon Lindstrom ("Kevin Collins"), Vincent Iriziarry ("David Hayward"), Kent King ("Lainey Winters"), Kiko Ellsworth ("Stan Johnson"), Nolan North ("Steven Webber"), Ashley Jones ("Sarah Webber"), Jennifer Ferrin (“Emily Quartermaine”), Rebecca Herbst (“Elizabeth Spencer”), Sonya Eddy (“Epiphany Johnson”), Minae Noji (“Kelly Lee”), Justin Hartley (“Blake Barrington”) and Denise Alexander (“Dr. Lesley Williams Webber”). “Port Charles: After Midnight” began production on Friday, June 22 and will premiere Friday, July 27. Jennifer Snyder, consulting producer/associate head writer for "Port Charles" and Ryan Chandler, head writer & executive producer, "Port Charles'" will write and executive produce "Port Charles: After Midnight".
Ryan posted a blog entry in Port Charles
Endgame- Episode 58 Friday, July 06, 2007 <HR> Anna and Robin are seen sitting at Kelly's playing catch up as to what has been going on in their lives. Anna subtley brings up the subject of Patrick, and Robin is a bit squeamish at first. She then flashes back to her and Patrick having powerful sex, and sighs with a hint of ecstasy. Anna catches wind of this, and calls her daughter out on it. Anna: What's the matter, are you blushing? Robin: Whew, it's getting hot in here. (starts fanning herself to cool herself down) Anna: Wow, things between you and Patrick are getting intense, huh? (laughs) Robin: (embarrassed) Mom..... Anna: I'm just saying that it has been a long time since I have seen you this happy. I missed out on watching you fall in and out of love. It's nice that I'm around to see it firsthand. I admire you for being able to love again after losing the love of your life. Being able to find love again....and able to love again at all....is something that you should embrace and never let go of. I am glad that you have found that again. Robin smiles back at her mom, wondering how she is able to give her this advice yet she has yet to do the same thing. With her new job as commissioner, she doesn't have time to get out into the social circle, and asks what is stopping her. Anna quickly replies that she is not interested in anyone right now except for her work. Although Robin could see her mother lying through her teeth, and basically calls her out on that, asking who it is that has her interest piqued. Just as she is about to answer, Lorenzo enters the room and see the two women sitting at the table. Robin turns her head away in disgust, only to look up and see Anna looking coy at Lorenzo. Lorenzo: I didn't expect to see you here today...(turns to Robin) Robin, good to see you. Anna: If you were any smoother, I think I would see chocolate dripping off your face. Robin: (under breath) I think I am gonna lose my lunch. Lorenzo: I was going to grab myself a cup of coffee, mind if I join you? Anna: Please do.... Robin: (interrupting Anna) You know, I have a few errands to run, so I am just gonna get out of here. Mom, I will call you and we can continue this later. (starts to leave and turns back to see Lorenzo) Mr. Alcazar. Lorenzo: Robin, always a pleasure. Robin rolls her eyes and walks out of Kelly's. Anna makes an apology to Lorenzo about Robin acting the way she just did, but Lorenzo says to not worry about it. He starts to question about how is it working as commissioner at the PCPD, and Anna wants to know why is that any of his business. <HR> At Greystone, Michael is shown sitting on the sofa listening to music on his Playstation Portable while going over plays for soccer. Mikey's concentration is broken when Milo opens the doors the den w/ AJ in tow. Mikey takes off his headphones and looks genuinely happy to see his biological father. "Hi AJ. What's up? Can I help you with something?" "Actually, I think you can. Is your mom around?" AJ asks suspiciously. Michael laughs sarcastically. "Why would she be here? She barely comes over here anymore. My dad's not here either." AJ feels a punch to the gut as Michael mentions Sonny as "dad". He shakes off his feeling and tells Michael what he wanted. "Listen, I heard that you were possibly looking for a job this summer." "How'd you know?" "I have my ways of finding information," AJ says laughing. "Seriously though, I a friend of mine called and said that he saw you out putting in some applications, so I came up with this little idea." AJ hands Michael a folder. Inside includes details of the ELQ Internship program. Michael looks through the folder, stopping to read the part that guarantees steady employment during the school year if the internship is completed successfully. "This looks really cool. You're serious about me applying?" "I'd love to have you working at ELQ this summer. You would learn from the best of the best, earn some money and make some new friends within the program. So do you think you'd be interested interning at ELQ?" "Not a chance….in hell," says Sonny entering the room. <HR> At the MetroCourt, the Spencer family awaits the arrival of Carly & Nikolas, who have an important announcement to make. Luke raids the bar, using his connection as Carly's uncle to get the best booze in the building. Meanwhile in the corner, Bobbie secretly wonders if her involvement in Brandon's accident will be revealed tonight. Noah reassures his wife that nothing will happen as long as she continues to think good thoughts and pray for her sin. Jason stands near the terrace, looking out at the Port Charles skyline. Thankfully Lucky is nowhere to be found tonight, the last thing he needs is to deal with him right now. Whatever Carly and Nikolas plan on announcing better be worth him having to take time out of his day to wait at the MetroCourt. The elevator doors open as the happy couple steps off and prepares to make their announcement. <HR> Back at Kelly's, Anna and Lorenzo continue their conversation. Lorenzo: No reason...just that I know that you will stop at nothing to make sure people will be brought to justice in the fullest extent of the law. Anna: I don't think you should exclude yourself from that, Mr. Alcazar. (starts to lean in closer to Lorenzo) I made a vow that I will do my damndest to bring down everyone that I see fit. Yourself included, if need be. So, don't count yourself out of the running yet, because I am watching you. One false move, I will have your ass. Lorenzo: (leans in closer to Anna) You know how cute you are...when you get mad? Nose scrunches up. Anna: I don't do cute, Mr. Alcazar. Mittens...are cute. Lorenzo: Cute...AND feisty..what a lethal combination. Anna stares at Lorenzo with a smile, as he gives her a devilish grin back. Sparks begin to fly as the two lock eyes with each other. <HR> Back at Sonny's, Sonny orders Michael to go upstairs, Michael protests and says that he shouldn't have to be sent away just because he (Sonny) wants to fight with AJ. AJ suggests it would be a good idea of Michael went upstairs too, however again, Michael refuses to go. Sonny asks AJ to speak with him outside and the two move to the foyer. Sonny refuses to allow Michael to intern at ELQ for any reason. There's a reason why Michael was kept away from AJ all of these years and just because he has "returned" doesn't mean that will change. AJ refuses to allow Sonny to bully him and puts the cocky mobster in his place. No matter what Sonny may want, AJ is Michael's biological father and will spend time with his son. Sonny & Carly have kept Michael out of his life for far too long. This is a perfect opportunity for Michael to gain experience and will help him when it's time to apply for colleges. No longer will AJ sit idly by and allow be forced to have no say in what goes on with Michael. No more…. Back inside, Michael eavesdrops (so channeling his mother) and happy that AJ wants to spend time with him. <HR> Meanwhile at the MetroCourt, Carly & Nikolas can't contain their excitement any longer! Carly mentions that she asked their family to be here because this is great news. However the announcement wouldn't be right if Jason, her best friend, wasn't in attendance. Nikolas thanks them all for coming and orders a round of champagne mostly everyone (being considerate of Bobbie's alcoholism). Bobbie is tempted to take a sip, but figures she can wait until Noah goes to work to have a sip. When the waiter comes around her way, Carly says no thanks, she'd not supposed to drink any alcohol….for least 7 more months! Silence falls upon those in attendance. Bobbie forces the words out of her mouth…"you're pregnant?" Carly confirms her mother's question and immediately met with hugs. Luke congratulates Nikolas and hopes he'll be a good father to this new baby. Jason walks over and stares at the two of them….."Congratulations," he says smiling at Carly. <HR> On the next Port Charles -Alan and Monica prepare for a romantic evening -Lucy's dinner with David is interrupted by a surprise guest -Sarah overhears Patrick talking to Epiphany about his future with Robin -Mac may have a lead on Brandon's hit and run -
Come October, "Port Charles" will no longer be aired on SONBC. The blog will be moving to a new network but will still be accessible via the SON board. I have been transferring the past entries for the past month or so. I may change my mind, but as of right now, come October we will be be somewhere else. I have more control over the way I want the blog to look where I'm moving to, including being able to have streaming video and provide songs that appear in the episodes for instant download. Hopefully you will all continue to read and follow the lives of the citizens of Port Charles. Expect a new episode either later tonight or tomorrow. -Ryan
Great episode Keith. Anytime we get to see maggie is a treat. Keep up the good work.
Endgame- Episode 57 Friday, June 29, 2007 <HR> Robin was doing rounds when ahead of her she caught sight of Sarah sitting on one of the couches by the Nurse’s Station. Robin sighed, she really didn’t want to deal with Sarah right now. In fact, Sarah was the last person she wanted to see. She was tired of seeing her, tired of hearing about her and tired of thinking about her obvious ploy for Patrick. Robin squared her shoulders and walked purposefully over to Sarah. “If you are looking for Patrick, he has the day off Sarah.” Sarah looked up at Robin, a bemused expression on her face. “Wow Robin, you assume I am here to see Patrick? You really are the paranoid one. My entire family works here and you know, I could be here to see them or better yet, have a doctor’s appointment?” Robin stood her ground. She got in Sarah’s face and told her to leave Patrick alone and to stop throwing herself at him because he wasn’t interested. She and Patrick were very happy together and that there was no way Sarah was going to have him so she may as well stop her flirtation with him because it wasn’t going to work. Sarah stood up, telling Robin she had no time for her paranoia. She attempted to walk past Robin when Robin stops her. “You are never going to get Patrick, so stop it Sarah. He’s out of your league.” Sarah scoffed, “Oh Robin, I can get him anytime I want. All I have to do is snap my fingers.” With that, she sailed past Robin, leaving Robin fuming. <HR> In the hospital break room, Lainey was pouring herself a cup of coffee when Steven walks in. She offers him a cup, which he happily takes. Over the cup, he can't help but check out Lainey. He has noticed her many times before and hasn’t really had a chance to talk to her. He watches as she gracefully moves over to the table and sits down. Steven nonchalantly follows her and introduces himself. Lainey smiles up at him and invites him to join her. As the two make small talk, Steven decides he definitely likes what he sees. He is startled from his daydream when she stands up and tells him it was a pleasure meeting him. Steven watches as Lainey walks away and decides he definitely wants to get to know her better. <HR> Elizabeth was picking up takeout at Kelly’s for her grandmother. Since it was a nice day outside, she decided to go outside to make a phone call. She wasn’t paying attention as she fumbled in her purse for her phone and didn’t notice that the door had opened. She walked straight into Blake Barrington’s chest and dropped her purse. “Oh I am sorry. I am such a mess.” Elizabeth bent down to pick up her bag. “Are you ok? It’s Blake right.” Blake snapped his fingers, “You are that cute nurse from the hospital, right? Eliza or something.” Blake knew what her name was; he made sure to remember it. He just didn’t want her to think he remembered her. Elizabeth corrected him and asked if he had gotten his wallet back. He raised his eyebrow and smoothly replied that he had and thanked her for her concern. She replied that it wasn’t a problem. He offered to buy her lunch just as Mike called her. “Sorry Blake, I have to go.” She said sweetly as she walked towards Mike. She grabbed the takeout bag and left, never looking back at Blake. <HR> <object width="325" height="250"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ofVknUn7U50"></param><param'>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ofVknUn7U50"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ofVknUn7U50" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="325" height="250"></embed></object> ***Luther Vandross' "Secret Love" used as a montage song*** Press play to begin “Monica, are you almost ready! We have to leave soon!” Alan called up to her. Monica was upstairs in their bedroom packing for their trip. She felt guilty even going, knowing that she was going to end their marriage in a few short hours. Next to her purse, her cell phone rang. Monica looked around before she answered Kevin’s call. Downstairs Alan was pacing impatiently. He was so excited to go away with Monica. He wanted to reinvigorate their marriage and going away was just the perfect idea. “Father, do you have that ring?” Edward frowned. He had the sapphire and diamond ring that Alan wanted to give Monica. He suspected that something was up with Monica and he wasn’t sure what it was. He asked Alan if he was sure he wanted to do this. Alan responded that he wanted to give Monica a special gift. This trip would be perfect for them. Again, Alan walked to the stairs and bellowed to Monica. “Kevin, why are you calling here? You know I am about to leave.” Monica hissed into the phone. “I had to talk to you Monica. I don’t want you going away with Alan. You should stay here, end your marriage and move in with me.” Kevin demanded. Monica sighed and sat down next to her suitcase. “You know I can’t do that Kevin. I intend on ending my marriage and I owe it to Alan to do this away from the family. Then I will be with you Kevin. Please understand Kevin, and give me this time.” Kevin finally accepts and asked that she call him as soon as possible. Monica hung up her phone as Alan walked into the room. “Are you ready?” Monica smiled wanly and nodded her head. Alan came over to her and took her in his arms. He kissed her lightly on the lips and hugged her tight. “Monica, you won’t regret this trip. This will be like another honeymoon for us.” Monica and Alan grab the last of their belongings and begin to head to the car. As she's walking, Monica flashes back to her night with Kevin around Christmas: Kevin reaches inside his desk and picks up photo of him and Monica. He leans back in his chair dreams of a time when he will no longer have to love Monica in secret. Meanwhile, Monica's dream is interrupted when Alan asks her if she's ready. She forces a smile and kisses her husband. Her life with Alan is her past….Kevin is her future….. <HR> On the next Port Charles…. -Anna and Robin's lunch date is interrupted by Lorenzo -AJ and Sonny clash over Michael -Carly and Nikolas announce to their friends they're expecting -Liz is served with divorce papers
Ryan commented on PhoenixRising05's blog entry in "Salem Lives"
I must say.......great tie in of DAYS history. This is quite possibly one of your best episodes. From the beginning to the end I was hooked. Kudos to you both for writing a very good story with a surprising reveal. -
Ryan posted a blog entry in Port Charles
Endgame- Episode 56 Sunday, June 24, 2007 <HR> Port Charles begins in at Deception Inc. Lulu has just started her internship with the company and is enjoying the privileges of being related to the owner. Her mood perks up when Lucas stops by to see Carly. Lulu explains why Carly isn't in the office today, but Lucas knows the real reason why. He's tempted to tell her about Carly's pregnancy, but that's her news to tell. "How are you holding up?" she asks with much concern. "You and I haven't really hung out much since….you know." Lulu gently alludes to the hit and run accident that killed Brandon. "I like miss hanging out with you." Lucas can tell that she's worried about him, but he tells her he's holding up just fine. "I've been keeping my mind on trying to move forward. It still hurts that he's not around, but I'm trying not to dwell on it." Lucas sneaks a handful of her popcorn. "Anyways, what do you do here?" "Well, I'm Carly's assistant at the moment. I do all the things that an assistant does….except I get paid a lot for it," the blonde one replies. From the corner of her eye she notices two people that she really doesn't feel like seeing at the moment. "Oh god….look who's here." Lucas turns to see Maxie and Dillon walk into the waiting area of Carly's office. <HR> Lorenzo’s plane touched down in Miami little past midnight. If he didn’t hurry he would be late for the meeting with the 5 families. The plane pulled into the hanger and a limo was waiting for him to take him to the secluded meeting place. Lorenzo debarked from the plane and climbed into the backseat of the long black limo, he was in a hurry to get to the meeting. <HR> Lucky and Mac walk with a purpose towards Sonny’s office and are stopped by one of Sonny’s body guards. Mac and Lucky both flash their badges and are detained until Sonny emerges from his office. He gives the guard a nod and invites them in. “What do I owe this pleasure, Mac?” Sonny asks playfully. “You know why we’re here, Sonny.” Lucky speaks up. “You know, that shootout you ordered as retaliation against Lorenzo could have ended badly. This little war the two of you have going on needs to stop.” “A war between me and Lorenzo? I have no idea what you are talking about.” “Don’t play games with me , Sonny! We know that the truce between you and Lorenzo ended the night Courtney was murdered. You ordered that shootout, forcing Lorenzo to flee the country! I'm sure you know that he's returned and is in a very foul mood.” Mac said getting frustrated with no answers from the town mobster. “I’m sorry Mac, but you know the drill. No lawyer, no questions answered.” “Yeah, yeah, I know. Maybe you’d feel more comfortable talking about this downtown?” Lucky suggested since they weren’t getting anywhere by playing nice with Sonny. Sonny shrugged his shoulders and Mac was getting more and more disgusted with the direction the meeting was going. “Fine. We’ll be back with a warrant. I’m sure there is something we can arrest you for.” Mac said before he stormed out of Sonny’s office, leaving Lucky behind. Sonny stood up from his seat and came around the desk to show Lucky the door, but before he left the office, Lucky made one more point very clear. “Just so we’re clear, you and Jason are going down…one way or another. Either Lorenzo will kill you and we'll be forced to attend your funeral while my cousins grieve for you, or Commissioner Devane is gonna make sure you're both locked up for a very long time. Either way Sonny, you’re living on borrowed time!” Sonny walks from behind his desk and gets in Lucky's face. "You know….I have a lot of respect for your father. He and I were good friends as you know, and for that reason alone is why I'll give you this warning." Sonny pats Lucky on the shoulder. "If you get in my way….I will not hesitate to take you out, do you understand me? Your father only has so many favors with me, but I will NOT let that stop me from doing what I have to do." With that Lucky left Sonny’s office, and Sonny slammed the door shut behind him. He quickly picked up the phone and called his attorney. He needed to nip this situation in the bud before he was sitting in a 6x6 cell or worse, 6 feet under pushing up daisies. <HR> When Lorenzo arrived at the meeting, he was shown inside by two body guards. Once inside, he was greeted by 5 representatives of the 5 families. He took his rightful place at the table amongst the others and they got down to business. “We are surprised to see you made the meeting, Alcazar. We heard you were going to be out of the country, indefinitely.” "I don't know where you are getting your information from, but maybe you should find a new source," Lorenzo says dryly. "This meeting is important to my business and I wouldn't miss it for anything. " Each member read their report for their territory, filling in each member of the families as to what has been happening in each sector. The meeting about to come to a close, Lorenzo asked to speak freely and he was given the floor to say what he wanted. <HR> Back at Deception, Lulu immediately orders Maxie out of the building. Dillon stands up for Maxie, feeling that Lulu has no right to attack her for no reason. Dillon attempts to say hi to Lucas, but is coldly brushed off. Dillon tells Lucas that he can't stay mad at him forever; Lucas thinks otherwise. Maxie kind of feels bad. She knows that if she hadn't drugged Lucas and Dillon, they would have never almost had sex, and Brandon wouldn't have seen them. They can't learn that she had any involvement in that night. Lulu explains to Dillon that she's still upset that he tried something with Lucas, but won't hold that against him. What she will hold against him however is his insistence to hang out with that uber bitch Maxie. Lucas and Lulu ask them to leave one more time, or else they'll call security. Dillon tries to reason with them, but to no avail. Maxie decides to be the voice of reason and pulls Dillon towards the door. <HR> Meanwhile in Miami……Lorenzo is about to address the 5 families. "As most of you well know, there have been movements between myself and the Corinthos organization that has some of you a little worried about what's going on. I can assure you; this will not affect my business. Shipments will continue to be made on time. The only problem I may have to deal with is former WSB Agent Anna Devane. The beautiful, yet deadly Commissioner is determined to bring me down. Things are going to get worse before they get better. I just want to make sure I have the support of the families." The representatives agree to discuss this with their respective families for an answer. The meeting was interrupted by a group of unannounced guest. Those in the meeting quickly drew their weapons and point them at the guest who dared enter the room. The person stands in the shadows, but orders the guards up ahead. The person speaks through a voice modifier asking them to stand down. The mysterious guest pledges to help Lorenzo in his battle for the Port Charles territory and promises to contact him when the time is right.