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Posts posted by Errol

  1. 2 hours ago, Cat said:

    Is it possible to upvote a post? 🤤


    I have been part of the SON community since, well, before 2005 I think. I remember posting on the old SON with General Mobspital back in the day. He bowed out of message boards altogether but I am still in touch with him. And I really treasure the people who post here. As you say, people talk with each other. I learn a lot from this community. Their field of interests or knowledge are not limited to US Daytime but encompass all kinds of things. Posting on here has enriched my 'interior life' and general knowledge. It has also taught me how to respond to people, how to argue my corner, and how to measure my words and self-edit when needed. Important life skills IMO!


    I remember General Mobpital. Great poster. Tell them I said hi. 


    What I love about the SON Community is that I learn new things every day. Whether it is an era of soaps I never knew about or people in front of and behind the scenes who have long passed or haven't been seen in quite some time, it's fascinating to learn things you never knew or how we take things for granted today. The 80s and the 90s are my favorite era, but only because I was around in both and they are more recent than any other time before it. However, I can never ignore what programs led to the shows we still have today nor the people who've become the faces of our current soaps. 


    I'm a soap lover. I want to see another golden era of soaps. I'd like to help guide the future of them in some way as well. Because of all the things I've learned here and elsewhere, I know there is another golden era on the horizon and I can't wait for it to happen. 

  2. 20 hours ago, dragonflies said:

    Tell them cause this board is AWESOME,, best group of people around


    19 hours ago, Gray Bunny said:


    Thank goodness you keep this open :)


    No need to worry. We ain't going anywhere but up, up up. Besides adding components to the site here and there, we will never get rid of our community here as it's a very important asset not only to what made SON to begin with but more specifically what keeps it unique among soap sites. Soap fans love their soaps. SON soap fans love their soaps, its history, and all the details that make a soap a soap. Whether its the outlandish and the sci fi, the love and the passion, the action and the adventure, we crave it all. We bitch about it all too, and that's alright.

  3. 2 hours ago, KMan101 said:

    I'm disappointed. It was my "go-to" for ratings. Anyone have somewhere else to go? I know a few places report them but I just preferred the layout of TV By The Numbers. 


    It definitely went downhill over the last couple of years but I checked daily. 


    Have to agree with Carl that it seems like the internet is "getting smaller" to some degree. Lots of websites I've visited over the last 20 years, at least, have gone to the wayside or changed for the worst.


    The cancellation bear thing was just a guessing game towards the end. Renewals became less about ratings. I also think with the use of other methods to watch, as well as live, there needs to be a different way to report the numbers.


    I notice, as a country, we tend to stick with antiquated methods ...


    Nostalgia. There's nothing else like it. Some have even asked me why we still have a message board since there is Twitter, Facebook, etc. I wouldn't have it any other way, personally. Nothing like a one stop shop to discuss various topics with people you've created real semi-tangible connections with over decades vs some rando who'll shout their beliefs and agendas at you without a care in the world.


    I will miss TVbytheNumbers, although it hasn't been the same since it lost its original owners. Things evolve.

  4. Point of reference, Monday, January 20 was MLK B-Day which is a federal holiday. 

    On 2/2/2020 at 4:43 PM, DramatistDreamer said:


    You joke but there may be something to that.  Years ago, I said that rather than cancel some of the soaps in the past, networks/producers should have considered scaling back to 30 minute episodes for some soaps.  Might have saved a few from the chopping block.


    I'm of the belief that daytime should be programmed similar to primetime so that we can enjoy more diverse programming most days of the week. For example, air one show 3 days a week, if necessary, and on the other two days you can either program one new series or two new series (one each day) or various sets of programs in the slots. Instead of being stuck with 1-4.5 hours of network programming being dedicated to a select group of shows EVERY day all year long you can have a plethora of shows air, including series that air ONLY in the summer. Heck, even air a movie or two from time to time on non-holidays or air the freaking Daytime Emmy Awards for god sakes. More people would watch it than they did the impeachment, and it would at least get some social trends during a daytime airing vs against nighttime sports, entertainment shows, etc.

  5. This topic is veering off of what it was created for, but I will add this:


    AMC/OLTL not only failed due to mismanagement of the Prospect Park (now The Firm) executives, but also because they put too much emphasis on big name "stars" and tried to push two iconic soaps back into production using just $25 million as a budget that could never have sustained more than the amount of episodes it did with them not even securing a real broadcast TV home and the bulk of each show's viewers being 60 years old and older. It's not to say that there weren't older tech savvy viewers, but a lot of them weren't willing to transition to an online format when you had to pay for each episode using iTunes or be a (then) Hulu Plus subscriber. Not for nothing, but when you got a product for free for 40 years you aren't inclined to want to start paying to watch it again when most of the people you would have watched for (AMC in particular) weren't even there.


    Speaking of the $25 million, I reported when they got that amount from ABRY partners and I knew they were dumb to push through with just that money. And I was right. Because they got not a cent more, PP turned into even more of a financial disaster with those shows.


    They thought going big and all out would have made them successful. They forgot that they (the soaps) were  already successful for more than 40 years before they got their hooks into them. They only needed minor adjustments to recapture the magic of what made them so must-see in the past. The PP execs should have stepped aside and not made themselves EPs just so they could ignore the two women they had hired in the first place to do the actual EP's job. I personally did a lot of promotion for that crazy bunch at PP, more than a lot of pubs, and kept my mouth shut about what I really felt for the fact that I stand by my writing towards the facts of a story and not inserting my opinion. Nearly seven years of silence, I felt it was way beyond time to say the above.


    Apologies for it being on a semi-unrelated thread but since most of you all were referring to these two shows here I guess it's alright. 


    Rant over, for now.

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