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Posts posted by Errol

  1. When Hakeem was asking Lucious to fund his video, Lucious said he would as soon as Hakweem was as big a star as Tianna. That was the episode where Tianna and V had the pushing incident while filming the video. I don't see how Tianna would have had time to do a third album, but maybe more time has passed than I realized.

    Oh, yeah. I remember that now. In hindsight, it made no sense to "fund" a video after one became a star. Doesn't a video make one a star these days? Did I dream up the 80s? Vevo is the new MTV. I do know that.

    On a side note: How the heck did Hakeem know that was Anika coming out of the cab? He called her name before the cab drove off.

    I'm sorry. Ignorant moment (being lazy)...

    That friend of Hakeem's: Are they a boy or girl? I CAN'T TELL!!!

  2. See now I get it. THe reason the show goes by so fast is because I'm interested in ALL the characters. ALL their stories. Rewatching and all I'm doing is fwd'ing the commercials. I STILL care about ALL the characters and ALL their stories. On the other hand, no matter if it's GH, Y&R, B&B (or especially) DAYS, I can't NOT skip entire scenes and/or several minutes worth of an episode. That's why I'm watching this show with ya'll. It's been nearly a decade since I cared so much as a viewer first, reporter second.

  3. Idol has always gone past but even now Fox is trying to capitalize on Empire's success. Idol's numbers are up from last year. I am sure due to Empire. It's like a Wednesday ritual Idol followed by Empire a la Friday nights with Dukes, Dallas and Falcon Crest.

    I get it. Just not happy about it. Never was a fan of Idol and now I gotta watch even a minute of it just to watch something that will actually entertain me. This is the ONLY show I personally know more than two dozen people who watch it. When it comes to other soaps I have to give background when talking about them.

    "Why can't we make love, not war?" sang V (Veronica): Ironic considering...

    Also, "black and blue, black and blue" was annoying to an extent. I couldn't help thinking of that damn DRESS! LMAO.

  4. Still rewatching...

    The episode was written by David Rambo. Clearly he hasn't been paying much attention to past episodes outside of what he was told. Reminds me of certain writers.

    He glossed over the legacy party at Leviticus which showed Elle high as a kite. Cookie never fully addressed that matter, even though Elle wasn't at fault. All of a sudden you got Cookie trying to keep Elle on the label and Elle saying she'd rather go to jail than go with Halle Berry. Like Anika even wanted Elle...

    Speaking of which, that shit better come to fruition. Anika needs to be iced just for that!

  5. The pacing is off because there is only 3 episodes left. Fox said if they knew it would be a hit they would have ordered more episodes for the season. So I am guessing thats why tonights show was more rushed.

    Understandable. Cutting that one minute off from Idol, however, would have allowed for flashback scenes though. That's all we would have needed for the story to come together before Cookie threw Booboo Kitty's cards out the balcony and on the ground.

  6. Empire's Top 10 artists

    Rank / Artist / Value (in millions) / sales (in millions) / management (in millions)

    1. Lucious Lyon $75 $125 $1.2

    2. Titan $55 $91 $1.2

    3. Tiana $40 $83 $0.9

    4. Martina $42 $65 $0.8

    5. Hi-Fi $31 $52 $0.25

    6. Lowboy $33 $57 $0.45

    7. Jamal Lyon $24 $30 $1.2

    8. Crossfadezz $24 $30 $1.2

    9. Elle Dallas $21 $38 $0.1

    10. Hakeem Lyon $23 $31 $1.1

    Clearly Tiana has more value than both Hakeem and Jamal when adding up all figures. Surprising Tiana (almost) fell for Anika's bullshit considering how much cards she clearly held.

    Did we ever get introduced to Lowboy? Looks like Tyrese Beckford in the picture, if I'm not mistaken.

    it happened "offscreen" LOL. Honestly, I didnt even know she had released any album. I thought she was just an up and coming singer

    Me too! That's why Cookie managing her made sense. But after seeing that...

  7. Tianna's value to Empire...

    Age: 21

    Studio albums: 3

    Social Media Following: 2.54 million followers

    Awards: Chart Top 40 (29)

    Value: $40 million

    Album Sales: $83 million

    Management: $0.9 million

    Bio: Tiana's career took off after her first album set a new standard for female rapper EPs. Her style, grace and lyric acrobatics prove she can play in the male dominated industry and show them a thing or two about launching a career.

    After Tiana's second album, she was introduced to Hakeem Lyon and the pairs instant chemistry lead to forming both a romantic and professional relationship.

    Um, if she met and fell for Hakeem after her second album, when was her third released? Did I gloss over something?

  8. yeah it was her

    Thanks! Kept playing it back just to see. Looks like he runs to her or something because a fight breaks out...and then he helps her or pulls her away from something. Hmmm

    I want that Jennifer Hudson song now!

    Yes! That song was good.

    This show has made me like Courtney Love, reminded me why I loved Jennifer Hudson (been awhile) and will (hopefully) boost Mary J back into the mainstream with whatever she doin'

  9. This is no doubt my least fave episode do far. Too much happening too fast with very connection to last week.

    Like WTF just happened in that elevator? And I still don't quite understand what the hell Cookie was doing on the streets.

    Cookie secured an artist as she agreed to do. To do so, she had to partake in a drinking game. She got drunk, and once she secured the artist she left. She didn't bring backup or some private car. The bodyguard/security guy just happened to be there (he wanted to protect her) at the perfect moment considering she almost got mugged.

  10. Now that's how you ACT drunk. LOL. Go Taraji.

    Cookie: Yeah, that's my name. Take a bite!

    I LOVE IT!

    "Take these Cookies" with her legs open and in the air while being put in the backseat of the SUV. HA HA HA

    OMG! It's about to go down! They about to find out about DRE!!!!

  11. I'm actually fine with not seeing things. Unlike some daytime writers, all that happened had a precursor to the reveal. The daytime soaps pull crap out of their hat and expect you to follow along as if you don't have a brain.

    I felt like I missed an episode between last week and now. Too much happened offscreen!


    How do ya'll get good quality screen grabs so quick WITH gif anime? Damn!

  12. But But... Andre is sick too. Vernon is playing Andre.

    Rhonda is bi sexual wearing bib play role.

    Where Andre??? He needs to tell them he got parents issues.

    You already got caught by fake Lena Horne.

    With his crazy ass, her being a bi-sexial bib holding ho (;)) is just EVERYTHING!

  13. Whoa! Rhonda and Andre have no shame. Even going the woman on woman route to get what they want? Just wow.

    It was such a little thing but when Taraji/Cookie turned down the nobs on the song board to prevent the audio from getting out there from their argument.

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