S01 - Episode Six: "Too Close for Comfort"

Heaven's Meadow
Season 1 - Episode Six
"Keep Your Enemies Close"
This episode features:
Susan Lucci as Erica Kane
Jerry ver Dorn as Clint Buchanan
Angell Conwell as Jacqueline
Kassie DePaiva as Blair Cramer
Robin Christopher as Skye Chandler

(At the "Meadow Club" - in the hotel restaurant. Erica is sitting in a booth by the window. Skye walks through the restaurant, heading towards the elevator to her hotel room. However, before she makes it to the elevator, she spots Erica in her booth. With a smirk, she moves towards Erica's booth and begins speaking.)
Skye: Well, well, well. If it isn't Erica Kane.
(Erica glances up briefly from her menu. At first she doesn't realize who is standing in front of her. Once it sets in, she once again looks at Skye, visibly shocked.)
Erica: Skye, what are you doing in New Hampshire? Surely you haven't latched onto yet another wealthy family, dear?
Skye: Well, I could ask you the same question, but I'm sure your being here has something to do with a husband. After 40 something years, there couldn't be many men left in Pine Valley for you to marry. And after the way Jackson dumped you in front of the entire town...I'm not surprised you had to find new turf.
Erica: Well, at least I didn't have to run off and have a baby with a mobster to achieve fulfillment in my life.
Skye: At least I didn't spend over a decade pretending my child didn't exist, like some women I know.
(Anger spreads across Erica's face. Visibly angered, she stands and moves closer to Skye.)
Erica: You are just as trashy as ever, Skye. And I will have no part of it. I'm Erica Kane, not a real housewife.
Skye: Twenty years later and you still refer to yourself in the third person. Bitch, no one cares about Erica Kane. Have a seat.
Erica: That's laughable coming from a woman who can't secure a family let alone a career.
Skye: Well, if you call caring solely about yourself and referring to yourself by your full name a career, then you are quite the career woman.
Erica: You don't have to respect my career, Skye. But the producers of WAVE certainly did.
Skye: What the hell does Hayley's talk show have to do with your "career"?
Erica: I've been brought on board as a co-host. I guess that means you're the one without a career. Hmmm, I heard the McDonald's down the street is hiring. Play your cards right, and I might even write you a recommendation. A recommendation from a star like Erica Kane will go a long way, honey.
(Erica begins to walk away, but Skye reaches out and grabs her wrist, swiveling her around.)
Erica: Let go of me, you heathen!
(Skye leans in close to Erica's face and begins speaking.)
Skye: You leave Hayley alone, Erica. She is going through enough right now, and the last thing she needs is your brand of selfishness to make things more difficult.
(Erica pulls out of Skye's grasp.)
Erica: If anyone is going to make things more difficult for Hayley, it's you, Skye. Hayley actually likes me, but she's never thought much of you. There's no reason that will change now. Do us all a favor and crawl right back out of town.
(Erica grabs her clutch off of the table and struts out of the restaurant. Skye walks towards the lobby and presses the button on the elevator. In her mind, she ponders what Erica said. Will her presence really have a negative impact on Hayley? She begins to recall her relationships with both women. By the time she makes it to her hotel room, she has resolved to continue making an effort with Hayley, and wonders why she was ever friends with Erica Kane.)

(Inside Jacqueline's office. She is sitting behind her desk when Blair Cramer enters.)
Jacqueline: Do you have any idea how many times I've called you in the past few days?
Blair: I'm sorry, I had to go back to Pennsylvania to tie some things up. What's up?
Jacqueline: You didn't get the property, Blair.
Blair: What? No! But we offered above asking price!
Jacqueline: Yes, but Ms. Chandler offered more, and in a more timely manner. There was nothing I could do.
Blair: What the hell am I supposed to do now?
Jacqueline: You let me help find you another property, that's what.
Blair: It's not even about the property Jacqueline. It's about that woman.
Jacqueline: What the hell kind of hold does she have over you? It isn't a competition, Blair.
Blair: Of course it is, Jacqueline! Now that she knows I'm going to open a club here, she's going to do everything in her power to one-up me. And Skye isn't the type to play fair.
Jacqueline: Then it's time for you to play dirty.
Blair: Skye is...sneaky, to say the least. I'm sure she already has a slew of resources here. I don't.
(Jacqueline smiles)
Jacqueline: I do.

(Skye is inside of her hotel room. There is a knock on the door. When she opens the door, Clint Buchanan is in the hallway.)
Clint: Hello Skye.
(Skye moves aside and lets Clint in the room.)
Skye: Clint, if your here to lecture me about my conversation with Viki, I'm simply not in the mood.
Clint: Viki is a grown woman. She is perfectly capable of handling herself. Your confrontation has nothing to do with this visit.
Skye: Then what could you possibly want from me?
Clint: I'm here to offer you a job.
Thank you for tuning in!
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For an ALL NEW episode of
Heaven's Meadow!
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