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As our fans know, the past few weeks have been difficult for the blog. I, Tim Lowery, have not been around as much as I normally am due to personal reasons. I hate that the blog has suffered but, most of all, I hate that my friendship and partnership with my partner has suffered. Sometimes life presents you with many challenges at once and it can take alot of time and energy to work through those challenges. That is what is happening right now. There has been a great amount of thinking on my part over the past few weeks about the future of this blog. I have tried numerous times to devote the proper attention needed but it's difficult because I find myself very much behind on planning and when you are part of a partnership it makes it even more difficult because you have to be able to communicate and send things and so on. Ultimately, I just don't have the time for the blog as it is and that pains me to no end. I love writing and I loved working with my partner. I just started seeing the writing on the wall and it was doing neither of us any good.

Another part of my decision-making was that it just wasn't fun anymore. When I started this, my second blog, I was inspired and had so many ideas. Then, this remarkable creative mind began reading and commenting and he soon began sending me story ideas and a partnership grew out of that. More importantly, a friendship grew out of that and that is more important to me then the blog or anything to do with it. My hope is that Roman and I can remain friends despite how things have ended up at this moment. The bottom line and, really, neither one of us is to blame, is that the fun was gone. I started feeling disinterested and at times felt like I didn't know whether I liked what was going on or what was there. Alot has to do with personal reasons but I think alot is due to change being needed. This may come off selfish but I just think I need to start doing things for me. So much of my life right now is taking care of family and dealing with work and such. I just feel it's time for me to relax and to just do things to enjoy myself. That doesn't happen much when you leave the house at 6-6:30AM and don't get home until around 9PM. Other then getting online during the workday, everything else is constant work and stress. We all need a a little escape and I just wasn't getting that.

I always said when I felt like I was doing a chore or a job, that it was time to end things and it got to that point. I would say I have to do an episode and that is not what I want. Part of the reason I tried to make a go of it was for Roman and for our fans. I hate that it just couldn't come together. As for what happens to the blog, right now I don't know. I don't have the time or energy but I may maintain it on a more different schedule or find some way to cut things down. I have to think and see what happens. I would love to continue writing for the fans but it has to be just for fun and I have to feel a certain freedom. I have to be inspired so I have to think about it and consider everything in my life right now. Whatever happens, I will update the fans through here.

Now, to the fans, your support and loyalty was tremendous. Without you, Salem Lives would never have become what it is and you all pushed us to strive for greatness. We can't possibly thank you enough.

Lastly, to my partner and someone I consider one of my best friends, Roman, I know things aren't good right now but I hope, if nothing else, the friendship we built over this past year or so does not just go away. That is of great importance to me. Through all the disagreements and through good times and bad, your support and help was truly touching. You are a gifted mind and a gifted soul. Truly talented and don't ever doubt an ounce of that talent. Your writing is something that should be appreciated and I hope you continue on with it in some way. Thank you for one of the best times of my life and I am so sorry it had to end like this. God Bless and I wish you all the best! Hope to talk to you soon!

To the fans, I wish you the same and hope to see you around the boards and such. Thanks for everything!

Tim Lowery (PhoenixRising05)


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I am at a loss for words. Stunned. But I know what you mean by "Me" time. Tim and Roman I liked SL and I wish you two luck and hope to see yens in the blog arena again.

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It truly is heartbreaking to hear this. I wasn't an avid reader of the blog, but I did peak in every now and then. I had a working relationship with you two, as I made banners for the blog well up until mid-to-late 2007.

I know exactly how it feels to be at a loss for ideas and to feel as though all the stories you could imagine have been done..by you or by someone else. I know how the disappearing essence of fun and creativity can seem to get you down at times.

It will be sad to see Salem Lives end, but I wish the best for both you and Roman.

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To Roman and Phoenix, don't let the friendship go away and I/we hope to see you back in some form soon. In the meantime, I shall have to find a new show to promo after Somerset.

If you come back with something new, I promise you'll get the promo. :)

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Good luck in all things. I completely understand. Thanks for all the encouragement, it is still appreciated. You guys inspired me.

Thanks again,


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I was quite the fickle reader of Salem Lives, but there was always something I enjoyed when I read an epiosde. Your blog was one of the pioneers of SONBC and it will feel a little empty with Salem Lives continuing.

I wish both of you all the best and I hope that in time SL can be revitalized

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