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-Helena is walking through the compound with a gun, and she slowly tries to sneak past guards…however unknown to her, the guards are supposed to let her pass! She walks through the halls, and prepares to kill Stefano once and for all.

-EJ and Sami are also on the island, but at the other side of it. They beat Roman, Marlena, Allan, Hattie, Anna, Steve, and Kayla there. They search for Stefano’s hidden compound, and Sami asks EJ what exactly he plans to do, and EJ says she will see.

-Julie asks Hope what she needs to speak about, and suddenly Hope breaks down in tears. Julie asks her whats wrong, and pats her back. Hope looks at Julie and says its so hard to admit, but she has to try. She stops for a moment and slowly says:

Hope: I can’t hold back any longer from saying it….I…I…

Julie: Just say it, honey. I’m sure it will be fine.

Hope: I killed Gina in Italy while she was on life support.

-Marlena looks around, and says “This is it…the place where it all started. I’ve always wondered what it looks like.” Anna says this place brings up bad memories, and remembers the plane crash, Daphne DiMera’s death, and Andre and Tony’s duel. Steve tells Roman to look at it this way: if he had never gotten shot, they might have never met like they did. Kayla says that is true, and Roman says that that may be true, but this is a place he’ll never forget, and also says:

Roman: Its time to make Stefano pay for what he did here.

*Life in Salem Opening*

-While Bo is spending time with the girls and Julie and Hope talk, Maggie has Jeremy, Nick, and Abby go out to get some things for Thanksgiving dinner. After they leave, she sighs and thinks to herself Mickey died almost a year ago…she then thinks however she must be strong for him, and her family.

-Allan says that they should head out then, and Roman says first they have to find where Stefano is on the island. All of them nod, and Roman leads them off. Roman and Marlena both vow to themselves that Stefano will be taken care of HERE. Anna continues to worry for Tony, but assures herself she will help him get through whatever is happening with him. They all begin to go deep into the forest…

-Julie’s eyes widen for a moment, and she is silent, but after a moment tells Hope to tell her all of what happened. Hope explains the whole situation to her, and Julie nods slowly and pulls Hope into a hug. She says what she did was understandable, even though she shouldn’t have done it. She then says she however does need to admit it to Bo, and the authorities.

-EJ and Sami are treading through the island, and as they approach the center of it, they see surrounded by vines and trees a metal door. EJ says to Sami:

EJ: This is it. Be prepared, Samantha.

Sami: I faced a bunch of soldiers in Iraq disguised as a man…I sure as hell can take this.

EJ chuckles and nods, and suddenly busts the door down to see many guards!

-Helena continues to sneak through the compound, and slowly approaches the large doors into Stefano’s main control room and office. There are no guards there, and she suddenly barges in to see a small staircase leading to the real entrance. She begins to walk up the staircase…

-Guards hold guns to them, and Sami mutters “Oh great.” but EJ tells her he has this all handled. He tells the many guards that it is time, time for a new era to commence! The guards suddenly are silent, and EJ then says:

EJ: You all have been serving that withering Phoenix for years. And what has it brought you? FAILURE. You and the Empire you are in is mocked and not respected. Don’t continue to serve Stefano! Join me and help me destroy him and my mother Helena, and I will restore dignity and power to this empire! If you do not join me now, you will suffer later. So take this into consideration, and quickly.

-Hope slowly says in between several tears:

Hope: I figured you’d say that…I…I just don’t know how…

Julie: Oh darling, you will. It is something that must be done, just gather up the strength and courage, and pray. Pray for the strength and it shall come. Just know you can’t hide this forever, it isn’t right. But for now, for your baby daughters’ sakes, enjoy the holiday with your family.

Hope nods slowly, and then says:

Hope: Thank you, Julie. Thank you so much.

Hope and Julie then share a tight hug.

-Roman, Marlena, Steve, Kayla, Allan, Hattie, and Anna are trudging through the island, and Steve suddenly says he sees something in the distant. Hattie says so does she, and Kayla says so as well. Roman tells them to go ahead, and Anna asks if he’s coming. Roman says he has somewhere else to go, and Allan looks at Roman in confusion and says fine. All go on except Marlena, as she watches with a raised eyebrow as Roman walks somewhere else…and she looks to see the cliff that Roman fell off of in November 1984! Roman slowly walks up to the top, and Marlena follows. He looks out at the island before him, and as she approaches she asks what he’s doing:

Roman: Its going to happen here, Doc. Here is where I face Stefano, I know he’ll come to me. He and I will settle things on this very cliff…alone. Go, Doc. Go with the others. I will be here, waiting. Waiting for him.

Marlena smiles and nods at Roman, and says:

Marlena: I know you have to do this, Roman. I’ll go with the rest, because I have some issues to deal with with Stefano. Just know I love you, but I know both of us will make it out of this alright, and Stefano…won’t.

Roman: You are right about that, Doc.

Marlena and Roman embrace each other and kiss passionately, and Marlena then turns and walks off, while Roman stares out on the top of the cliff, and Marlena goes to catch her prey, while Roman awaits his…


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Well, I'll put it this way...

That was the best episode, by far, that has been written for this blog.

The humor and and tension with E.J. and Sami, the shocking confession from Hope to Julie, all of the people being on the island....

And, the best moment of all.....Roman standing at the very spot that changed his life......forever. Waiting for his greatest enemy so can do battle one last time....

Excellent work, DF. And don't take so long to post the next episode! :lol:

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Great episode! What an ending your wrote for this episode.

EJ: You all have been serving that withering Phoenix for years. And what has it brought you? FAILURE. You and the Empire you are in is mocked and not respected. Don’t continue to serve Stefano! Join me and help me destroy him and my mother Helena, and I will restore dignity and power to this empire! If you do not join me now, you will suffer later. So take this into consideration, and quickly.

Haha loved that!

Excellent job!

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I loved all the ode's to history. I also loved Sami's like to EJ about seeing soulja's b 4.

I didn't watch the cliffhanger in the 80's(I'm a JER baby) I wish I did. Good episode

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