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June 18, 2007




-On the pier, Marlena hides behind a bunch of crates after her escape from the University Hospital psych ward. She peeks from behind the crate and sees two police officers nearby searching the area. She opts to lay low a bit longer and then looks off into the distance and mentions how the "ship isn't going anywhere yet."

-At the Salem Inn, Eric continues to recover from the concussion he sustained when Alan hit him as Roman and the police search for clues. Sami tells Eric she is thankful he is ok. Lucas comes over and tells Sami that he tried calling Will to make sure he made it home from school ok but there was no answer. Mr. Nettington, who Lucas and Sami asked to check in on Will once he got home, said that Will isn't home yet. Sami worries. Roman tells her that he is probably running late. Meanwhile, Carrie tells Austin she knows he blames her and is mad at her but she needs him to talk to her. Belle advises her to give Austin time. Carrie breaks down in Belle and Kate's arms as Austin coldly looks on, with his back turned.

-On the east side of the pier, Alan has Will by the neck with a gun to his head as a frightened Nicole, holding Evan, follows. Nicole asks if this is necessary but Alan insists, saying they need a human shield with the cops around. They just barely made it by those cops a little farther back. Alan asks Nicole again if she wants to keep Evan. Nicole nods but says not like this. Alan says there are no other options and urges her to keep going. They then move on.

-Philip has Victor's arm around him as he drags him to the MCF's cruise ship in the Salem Harbor at port 3. He mentioned how he was supposed to wait until dark but just wanted this over with and had the opportunity right now to do this and not get caught. He tells Victor, who is still unconscious, he is sorry but he has to do what he must. He then drags Victor up the platform. Two guards are sitting at the top and say, "Philip Kiriakis...we have been expecting you." Philip nods as the two guards help him drag his father and motion to him and say, "This way..."

At Bo and Hope's house, Hope comforts Bo who has broke down after his confession to Hope. Hope says she can understand now why Bo pushed her way but asks why it's such a problem for his family. Hope mentioned how Caroline said that the secret was tearing her family apart. Hope doesn't understand as they should be uniting to help Bo. Bo admits that Roman and Kim knew all along that he was molested. Caroline and Shawn Sr were away and they comforted him initially. He was so upset he blocked it out for years. Kim and Roman claimed they were trying to protect him but they didn't. Bo mentions how it made it worse for him as he has to deal with it now.

Hope notes that Kim was raped and is a psychiatrist herself so she is sure she knew what she was doing. Bo gets angry and says that Roman and Kim hid the truth for years and don't deserve his understanding. Bo wipes tears from his eyes and tells Hope he can't do this. It was a mistake to have told her all this. He then gets up and walks out. Hope calls out to him to come back and gives chase.

-On the cruise ship, Steve is stunned by the revelation that Chelsea is his and Hope's daughter. He doesn't understand. The MCF says he will in due time. Steve asks when he and Hope made love. He then asks the MCF for actual proof. The MCF says he or she has told Steve enough. The drug will be wearing off soon so the only way for Steve to get his whole memory back and have the answers he wants is to follow the instructions he is given. Otherwise, he won't get anything and will see his loved ones suffer. The MCF then tells the guards to take Steve away.

Steve fights the guards and screams out to the MCF, demanding answers. The MCF laughs as Ernesto appears, asking if it went well. The MCF mentions he or she is pleased. Ernesto mentioned more of their guests are on the way and then asks if the invitations to the other guests should be sent. The MCF nods and says to step on it. The evening is nearing and they must prepare for the grand finale soon.

-At the Brady Pub, Kayla is helping Caroline with some boxes behind the bar when Hope races in, saying she needs there help. She explains how Bo told her the truth about his molestation and Kim and Roman knowing and how Bo took off. She mentions that Bo took off on foot. She went after him by way of her car but she lost him. She needs their help searching and notes that she can't call the police as he hasn't been missing for 24 hours. Caroline says they will help. Kim wheels out and asks what is going on. Caroline fills her in and asks Kim to watch the pub with Amy. They need to find Bo. Caroline races out after Hope and Kayla, who are already outside, as a worried and guilty Kim looks on.

-Back on the pier, Will begs Alan to just let him go but Alan won't hear of it. Nicole tells Alan they don't need Will but Alan tells her to shut up and to just keep following. As they move along. Bo comes from around the corner and bumps right into them. He asks what is going on. Alan warns him not to try anything or the kid gets it. Bo sees a worried Nicole holding Evan and then Will with Alan's gun to his head. He tells Alan to calm down and take it easy as a tearful Will whispers "Help, please" to Bo, which he sees as his face turns to one of desperation.

-Back at the Salem Inn, Carrie turns back toward Austin and says she knows she was wrong, including about Alan. She thought she could trust him and he changed but obviously he didn't. Sami yells out an "I told you so" but Carrie tells her to back off. She knows she was wrong. Austin then turns and says that makes nothing better. Carrie begs him just to say something to her. Austin says he just did and now he doesn't wish to say anything more.

Roman's phone rings. It's an officer at the hospital who tells Roman that Marlena has escaped and was last seen heading down the pier. Roman hangs up and tells everyone about the news on Marlena. They are stunned. An officer then comes over and tells Roman they have a lead on Alan and Nicole. They were spotted heading down the east side of the pier. Roman says it looks like they have two reasons to head to the pier now and hopes they can catch up with Marlena, Alan, and Nicole. He heads out with Eric, Sami, Lucas, Kate, Austin, Carrie, and Belle in tow.

-Caroline and Hope bump into each other on the pier while searching for Bo. They both admit they found nothing. Hope says she is very worried as he could've went and did something stupid.

-Back on the cruise ship, Philip watches as Victor is handcuffed to a pipe in a boiler room. Philip asks if that is necessary. The guard tells Philip it is just as the MCF appears and tells Philip it's ok. Victor won't be hurt in any way and part of the deal is that Philip gets to keep an eye on things on the ship. The MCF gives Philip a monitor that will allow him to look in on Victor at all times. Philip says he has a bad feeling about this. The MCF urges him to go to the room they have prepared for him and to calm down. He can stay on board they first night to make sure it's all ok. Philip agrees and looks at his father, saying he is sorry. He leaves as the MCF laughs. Ernesto walks in and coldly looks at the unconscious Victor. He tells the MCF the invitations have been sent. The MCF is pleased and says the time is truly near...

Meanwhile, outside the cruise ship, Marlena is trying to get by the guards. She sees Steve being dragged along up on deck and he manages to break free. Several guards go after him. Marlena sees her chance to sneak on board and races up the platform up onto the ship. She shows an devilish grin and then goes below deck. Steve is caught by the guards and yells for them to let him go. At that moment, Kayla arrives at the harbor while looking for Bo and hears the screams. She notices how familiar they sound and that they sound like Steve. She then looks up on the deck of the cruise ship and is stunned to see Steve, who is trying to fight off the guards.

-Back on the pier, Bo tells Alan to just let Will and Evan go. The children have no place in this. Alan smiles and says Will is hardly a child and Nicole is no way letting Evan go. Bo tells Alan to drop the gun so they can talk about this rationally. Alan says he has no desire for that. In fact, he couldn't have planned this better himself. Bo is confused. Just then, Roman arrives with Sami, Lucas, Carrie, Austin, Eric, Belle, and Kate. Sami and Lucas are stunned to see Will. Eric and Nicole exchange a cold glance. Carrie sees Evan and tries to race to him but Roman grabs her as Nicole defiantly says that Evan is hers. Carrie calls her a bitch as Roman holds her back.

Caroline and Hope then arrive and are stunned to see Bo. Roman asks Bo what he is doing there. Bo explains he was walking the pier and came across Alan holding a gun to Will's head and Nicole following with Evan. Sami tries to lunge for Alan but Lucas holds her back.

Sami: I knew you hadn't changed.

Alan (laughing): Yeah. Too bad your naive big sister didn't.

Sami turns and looks at Carrie.

Carrie: I trusted you Alan. I defended you. I...

Alan: "Blah...blah. Enough of this. Let's just get to the good stuff. I am so grateful you all are here. I couldn't have planned it better. I was thinking this would happen much better but I guess it will happen earlier with all of you finding me so soon.

Roman: What the hell are you talking about?

Alan: Oh, well. The stuff you all don't know about. Well, almost all of you. Right, Willie? (talks right in Will's ear) There is just so much to tell.

Kate: Alan...this is not the place.

Bo: Alan...Will confided in me. I know what you are talking about. Please...don't do this. Not here. Not like this.

Alan: Oh, but it has to come out. Secret always have a way of coming out and why wait? I want to be front and center for it as I took an active part in this. I mean, it was my revenge afterall?

Sami: What are you talking about? What is he talking about, Will?

Will (crying): Mom....argh....let me go. Please!! I did what you wanted!!

Alan: Yes, like a good soldier. However, the time has come for our little discretion to come out. So...do you want to tell then or should I? Well, by that, I mean, either you tell them or I blow you away (puts gun to Will's temple) and then tell them myself. Your choice.

A crying Will then looks at a crying Sami, Lucas, a worried Kate, Hope, Caroline, Austin, Carrie, Belle, Eric, and Roman as Bo looks on from behind along with a panicked Nicole holding Evan as the screen fades to black.


Tony to Anna: What if we die here? What then?

Lexie to Celeste: What's wrong with you? (looks at Abe)

Forest to Abby (with Chelsea): If we do get out of here, I would appreciate it if you said nothing to anyone about meeting me and my identity.

Chelsea to Forest: Why? What do you have to hide?

Kayla: I have to get on there and get to Steve.

Alan to Will (with gun to his head): Well, go ahead, Willie. Tell everyone about our fun night together.

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