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Episode 300: The TWOO Finale



And now, the finale of...



TWOO Opening

NOTE: This episode is extra long, but well worth it. Enjoy.

Barbara, Will, and Gwen arrive to the party. Barbara is irked to even be coming (because of Dana), but knows Grant through a former business venture. Will questions Gwen as to why she's been so pissy, and Gwen chuckles that it must be the harmones or something. Will places his hand on her stomach. "Just think, this baby will be such a blessing", he says. Gwen turns away and Will asks what's wrong. Gwen breaks down, saying that she's afraid she'll lose this baby, too. Will tells her to cheer up. It's obivous that God is giving them a second chance. Besides, she was young. She didn't know how to handle pregnancy the first time around. Gwen echoes that she still doesn't know how to handle pregnancy. Barbara overhears and vows to help Gwen. Gwen is taken back by Barbara's nurturing attitude. Will pays no attention to his mother, though, and assures Gwen that they'll learn how to handle it all. Together.

Maddie hugs Henry so tight that he begins squirming. "Okay, okay, I think I've gotten enough hugs to last me for a lifetime", he says. Maddie apologizes, saying that she's just so happy that he finally came to his senses about that walking piranha Katie. Henry takes offense and tells his sister that she needs to shut her mouth about Katie. He knows she's hurt alot of people, but he seems to be the only one that understands Katie's logic. Luke takes a break from the dance floor and asks Maddie to dance with him. On the dance floor, they bump into Gwen and Will. After the song, Gwen and Maddie take a seat and recall all the hard times they've faced in the past year. Jason's name comes up and Maddie notices Gwen tense up. Gwen tells Maddie to leave that particular issue in the past. Just as Will walks up, Maddie blurts out that she can't just leave it in the past. "Jason told me that the only reason that you guys split was because you stole all of his stuff, left a note apologizing for it, and then left without a sound. I want to know why you would do something like that", Maddie pleads. "Yeah. Tell us, Gwen", Will demands.

Simon continues to stalk Mike and Katie. He vows to find Katie and explain the whole mess with Pilar. He never intended for it to go that far, he says. He never meant to hurt Katie or Mike and he's been going crazy over it for the past year and a half or so. Jack comes out of the party and notices a man fleeing around the corner of the building. Jack calls in to security and says that it looks suspicious and for their guys to take a look at it. Once he goes back inside, Simon returns and stares at Katie dancing with Mike through the window. Katie catches a glance of him, deafly mutters "Simon"?, and then faints.

Out beside the elevators, Kim demands to know Chris tell them what happened at Windy Falls. Chris tries lunging for Ben, but Bob holds him back, demanding for his son to get under control. Through tears, Chris tells them that he did a horrible thing. When he first got the job, every thing was going great. He was happy with his job and glad to get away from all the drama back home. Soon, he met an old woman named "Mrs. Adams". She had an incurable cancer that stemmed from her legs and soon, took control over her whole body. Though bed ridden and endlessly exhausted, Mrs. Adams had this love for life, this inner strength that kept her going. She had a humor like no other, but he could tell that she was crippled emotionally. Her family was non-existent. Her son died in Iraq and her daughter died in a car accident at the age of 16. She was old and frail and pretty soon, her love for life started to diminish. Ben, Bob, Kim, and Nancy all look on as an emotionally distraught Chris tries to finish the rest of the story. He says that one day, he walked in and she wasn't in her bed. She was on the ledge of the hospital. Chris drug her back in, but for a week straight, she kept crawling out on the ledge. Chris finally stayed with her one night to ensure that she wouldn't crawl out again. In the middle of the night, Mrs. Adams called his attention. She tearfully begged him to let her go. Let her die. She begged him to let her go and be with her son and daughter. Let her live by dying. Chris screams with tears, "So I did it! I did it! I pulled the plug. I lied to my superiors. I watched her as she struggled for breath!! And........I......I wanted her to LIVE!! I wanted her to quit suffering!! Oohhh.....ooohhh!! What did I do??!!!" Everyone is either near tears or wiping them away. Chris turns and sees Nancy look at him with emotion pouring from her face. "Grandma, I never...", he cries. "Don't touch me!", Nancy barks. As Kim goes off to comfort a noticeably torn Nancy, Ben and Bob take turns comforting Chris.

Lily grabs a glass of soda from the bar and starts to head back to her seat. She's cut off by Craig. "Have you accepted my offer? Or am I going to need to tell Holden everything?", Craig says with a smirk. Lily asks Craig why is he doing this. Why is he treating her like he treats everyone else. She says that she seemed to be the only one in her family that didn't have a persistent hatred for him. She was there for him. He was there for her. What changed? Craig insists that he's just doing what's best for Worldwide. Lily asks if Craig thinks that he's what's best for Worldwide. Crag thinks he is, but Lily changes the subject, saying that she's already told Holden. Craig laughs and says she's just bluffing. Holden walks up and Craig invites him to join them. "Has your wife told you that she has something to tell you yet?", Craig asks Holden, all the while locking eyes with a panicked Lily. "No. What do you have to tell me?", Holden asks.

Lucinda overhears the commotion and decides now is the best time to confront Craig. Lucinda steps up and knocks Craig a big one. She questions his sanity, thinking that he can just come in and take her company. "How dare you?" she bellows. Craig looks at Lily and tells her that she's bitten off more than she can chew. Lily's forced to just stand by as Craig tells Holden that one night, on his way home, he went by the Wagon Wheel. He wanted to check up on Katie and Mike was his only way to find out, since he didn't want to confuse Katie and Lyla seemed to be tied up with Katie and he didn't want to bother her. Holden demands Craig go ahead and cut to the chase. Holden stands horrified, shocked, disgusted as Craig informs him that when he peeked inside the room...whom did he see? But Lily and Mike locking lips. Holden starts to leap for Craig, but Lily holds him back. "Honey, don't. It's all true. I kissed Mike", Lily cries. Craig looks on with a wicked gleam in his eye.

Margo and Tom arrive and inform Lisa that Casey is doing fine. They finally found out that he had pneumonia and some virus but they were able to treat it. Lisa is ecstatic as Tom tells her that Casey should be coming home in a few weeks with Adam and Abigail. Margo left something in the car and goes outside to get it. To her surprise, the mystery woman approaches her. "Leah!!", she chuckles. "I have not seen you in ages! What brings you to Oakdale?" Margo listens intently as Leah explains that she needs her help. Her husband Edward was involved in an illegal gambling ring. When she tried to intervene, Edward's debtors came calling and killed him in cold blood. She weeps that she doesn't remember a thing except for them coming in and telling her that if she didn't stay out of it, she'd be next. The next thing she remembers is when she woke up and she was lying next to a dead Edward with a gun in her hand. A tearful Leah begs Margo to help her. As Margo takes her old friends into her arms, Leah crumbles.

Back inside, Mike is finally able to wake Katie up without causing a scene. Katie says that she saw Simon and Mike fears that her memory troubles are returning. Katie pleads with Mike to listen to her. She wasn't dreaming. She knows what she saw. Simon is back.

Andy and Emily try to enjoy a nice, romantic night at home but their electricity goes out, promopting them to go to the party and have some fun while the wait for the lights to come back on. Emily is less than happy to see most of her enemies there. Lisa, Roxie, Barbara... Andy encourages her to just relax and have a good time. Emily tells Andy that as long as she gets to spend the rest of her life with him, she'll have plenty of good times. Emily notices Andy's eyes wander towards John and Roxe in the corner in a heated argument. Emily turns Andy's face back towards her and tells him not to even think about it. Whatever scheme those two are plotting, Andy and Emily will back it through. Andy can't help but think that he had finally gotten through to her about John.

Roxie corners John. "What did you mean by that Roxie?" he insists. "You know exactly what I'm talking about, Doc." Roxie turns to leave. "Just as I thought! Another one of your bluffs. After all this time you still don't know how to play with the big boys." John says very smugly. Furious, Roxie whirls back around and comes face to face with John. "Edith Gardner. Does that name mean anything to you, John?" Roxie says. John looks very worried at first. Then, he just tries to play it off. Roxie smirks at being able to make John sweat. "I like you like this. All ancey. On the edge of your seat. It kind of turns me on", Roxie teases. "Why are you doing this? Don't you have anything better to do? Like screwing Chris Hughes?", John retorts.

Roxie starts to slap John but retsrains herself. "I'm just trying to return the favor", Roxie says as she playfully fiddles with John's tie. "Are you still mad because I didn't help you extract revenge on Barbara and Gwen?", John questions. Roxie pays him no mind as she continues talking. "Johnny boy, I don't wanta even flatter you by telling you that I spent an hour of my precious time sweeping the internet to get the dish on ya. You see...I know something about you. Could blow you outh of the water. BUT!...I'm not hasty like some."

John wonders aloud, "What do you want?" Roxie replies with such delight that she's shaken Dr. Dixon to his very core. "Funny you should ask. I didn't think you'd care. Well...let me just put it out there for ya...Roxie needs some brand new duds and you're going to help her get them. And if not, I'll be sure you wish you never returned to this God forsaken town to begin with. Got it?" Roxie smiles as she walks off, leaving an anxious John behind.

Kim finally coaxes Nancy into riding home with her. The two ladies leave.

Everyone, minus a few, watches as Lisa whole-heartedly sings "Happy Birthday".

A seven foot high cake comes rolling out.

Laughter erupts throughout the room as Grant blushes.

All the laughter and singing is soon cut short, though, when Dana pops out of the cake with a gun in hand!

Milly, Grant, Lisa, and Emma tremble in fear. Screams abound and people fall to the floor, ducking the bullets that might fly. Milly stands up and asks her daughter what the hell she's doing. Dana replies that she's doing something nobody else in this town seemed to have the balls to do. Dana takes aim at Lisa, Emma, and Grant. It's obvious Dana is not in her right mind. She steps off the platform that the cake was on. Dana commands her father's attention and tells him that she knew what was going on all along. A very bothered Grant asks Dana to put the gun down. Instead, Dana waves the gun in front on Grant's forehead.

Just then, Milly crawls over and grabs her purse. She looks inside, but no gun is in there. "She has my gun!", Milly thinks to herself. Emma notices Milly freaking out and looks over in her purse and sees her pistol is still in there. She truthfully recalls putting it in there as a means of protection and because she really did kill a snake with it the other day.

Dana asks them all to join her on stage. Lisa, Emma, Milly, and Grant all fearfully climb on stage as Dana paces in front of them. Quite chatter flows through the room as hotel security flood the now-padlocked room. Dana chuckles that she's glad she had a chance to lock the doors in case anybody tried doing anything stupid like calling the cops. She hollers for the audience to shut up!

Grant pleads with his daughter to just put the gun down and let Daddy take care of everything. Dana snarls that Grant is the whole reason she's doing this. She dangles her gun in front of Lisa and Emma. "I figured one of them would have knocked you off by now, but I guess they were too 'hypnotized by your charm'!" Emma keeps looking inside of her purse.

Dana asks if they all want to know what this is about. Some wise guy pipes up for the pscyho to just them all go. Dana, infuriated, turns and shoots him in the leg. Howls erupt from the man and sreams from the audience. As people scramble to further themselves from the stage, Dana taunts Milly, Grant, Lisa, and Emma. Dana notices Gwen and Barbara in the audience and asks them to join her on stage. The two women have no choice but to oblige.

Emma asks Dana to talk to her. Tell her what's going on. Dana slaps Emma and tells her not to talk to her like some psychologically demented witch. Dana recalls how Milly booted her and Grant out of the house because Grant quit paying her hush money. "Alimony my ass", she laughs. Dana looks at Barbara and Gwen and says "1997. Baltiomore. You wanta know why I was so intent on that file? Because it had the name of the whore model that my father had sex with! At that very same fashion show."

"All my life, my parents were madly in love. But then when I was only 14, they divorced. I had no clue why. They were so in love. Weren't you?" Dana says as she aims her gun towards her parents. "But in 1997, my parents decided to go to a fashion show. While Daddy went backstage to talk with Barbara, he decided to drop by and see his favorite model of the night. Alexandra Bridges. Wasn't that her name, Daddy? But something went wrong. Didn't it? Answer me!! Didn't something go wrong?!?!"

Grant slightly mutters a yes. "Yeah, thats right" Dana says. Alexandra found out that she was playing midnight footsies with the governor of Indiana and threatened to expose his cheating ways if he didn't fork over some cash. So what did the coward do? He killed her!! And then dumped the body into the river. But it doesn't stop there, does it?!"

"Daddy decided that he should cover it up. Who does he pick to help him? HIS WIFE!! My mother!! And people wonder why she's crazy today!" Dana muttered. "Hey! I resent that stateme..", Milly attempted to say. "Quiet, mother!" Dana ordered. "It's because of you, Daddy, that Mother went to the psych ward. She was so tormented and scarred by what you put her through. And then you expect for her to just go back to loving you?? No. It's not like that. It's also because you felt the walls closing in. That's why you moved here. You didn't just want to help Carly and Jack get Emma's farm back. You ruined one happy home...ours....so you decided to see how many you could manage to obliterate in Oakdale!!"

As Dana talks, Lisa and Emma formulate a plan. Emma catches Jack's attention and hands the gun to Lisa, who hands it down to Jessica, who hands it to Maddie, who hands it to Mike, who hands it to Jack. Jack stands up and Dana turns her attention to him. She's shocked when she sees Jack has a gun and points the gun towards Grant. "Looks like we're both going down", Dana says. "I loved you Daddy. I really did". And with that, two shots are fired into Grant's chest. Almost in the middle of the second shot, Jack shoots Dana.

As the two bloody corpses fall on the stage, screams and cries echo through the room.

Fade out on that scene and move through the Hughes home.

A picture of Jeff and Penny stands upright on the mantle. A picture of Ryder stands on the coffee table. Pictures seem to be everywhere. The camera goes to the couch where a box full of picture lies. Each picture chronicles a time in Oakdale history. Damian, Jennifer and Barbara, Hal, Betsy, Aaron and Alison, Frannie and Sabrina, Conner Walsh, Cal, the pictures never end.

As the camera pans up the stairs and into Nancy's room....we see Nancy lying in bed. We can hear Kim talking to someone about all the chaos at the party. Kim asks if everyone is okay. Nancy grabs a photo from her nightstand. It's an old photo of Chris, her husband. As she cries, she holds the photo to her chest.

(In a scene remembrant of the first scene on ATWT....)

"Goodnight dear", Nancy says as she drifts off into a peaceful slumber.

Fade out.



And now.....

a special message from The World of Oakdale Creator/ Executive Producer/ Headwriter/ Director/ Etc.

*sigh* It just doesn't seem real. I can't believe that I made it this far.

I owe so much to so many people. James, Steve, Ron, Roman, Josh, Juniorz,WorldTurnsatGH, AllMyShadows, Ryan, Venus....the list goes on and on. You've all been there for me and I can't thank you all enough. I've come so far. And thank you for coming along for the ride. It's been fantastic. I started the blog back in December of 2005 in a thread. After a few episodes, I moved it to the blog section. And it's been here ever sinve.

We've seen departures, returns, outrageous new characters. Someone was always up to something. And I hated to end it, but there are just too many things going on in my life right now. Not to mention the fact that I could feel myself losing speed. I knew I had to end it with a bang while I could.

I hope you all continue to read the blogs here at SON. We still have so many to choose from. From These Roots and Life in Oakdale. The Guiding Light and As Days Go By. King Reilly's DAYS and Secrets We Share. The Stories and Salem Lives. The list goes on and on.

I want to just thank you all from the bottom of my heart. For your readership. Your support. Your encouragement. Your ideas. Your friendship.

Until next time,




Recommended Comments

  • Members

Amazing Ending. Every minute was interesting. Great Ending, very classy and just in case you decide to bring TWOO back you still have many things to go on form the finale. Great Job not just for this episode but for the whole blog.

P.S Thanks for Secrets We Share mention. Really Appreciate it

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Wonderful job,from begining to end. You had it all. The confrontation scenes with Dana were great.

The set up for Roxie to move over to From These Roots was great.

The ending with Nancy,the photos and the last line---we can only hope if ATWT goes off the air that they would do something that good!

Now,take your time off. Rest your brain from thinking of plots and characters,finish your school year and then come back with something even better!

Your readers will be waiting! :)

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  • Members

Excellent job! Very well written and so classy. Loved the ending, it reminded me of Another World's ending. It's just the perfect way. Everything tied up nicely and you did such a great job. I truly hope that you will write again because you are talented.

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What a great ending to a great soap. I have read it 3 times. The first time moved me to tears. The ending reminded me of the end of Titantic as Rose layed down in her bed leaving viewers to wonder if she just went to sleep or if she did die an old woman in the comfort of her bed.

I like to think that Nancy is alive, but it would have be a great ending too - to know that Nancy thought of her loved ones and thought of Chris at the end.

Great setup for the John & Roxie. I can't wait for fans to follow it into the story at FTR and how they play in.

Absolutely wonderful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Thank you for the kind words, and you remembered one thing above all else.....

Always go out with the utmost class! :D

Great, great work. I hope you return one day. Until then........

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What a fitting end to an amazing blog. Though I didn't follow your blog as closely as I wanted to, I still managed to pop in from time to time and read your episodes. You put a lot of hard work and effort into your blog and though I'm sad that you're ending it, I look forward to your next project.

Very well done Dusty. Very well done....

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Really enjoyed it Dusty (yes I know- WAY late to the party! :P ) I love that you addressed the Mike/Lily kiss and LOVED psycho Dana. And that last scene..............:( Amazing ending to one of my favorite SONBC blogs! I know my viewership has been sporadic of late, but anytime I check in, it's always enjoyable. I'm going to miss it.

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