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Tomorrow (January 15, 2007) marks the 14th anniversary of the final episode of our beloved 'Santa Barbara.' To commemorate the event, 'RTSB' creator juniorz1 is planning a special episode for Monday. Basically, the episode will be me flipping the bird to Susan Lee (the NBC prez who cancelled 'SB' after giving fans false hope just weeks prior to the announcement), Paul Rauch (the bastard who gave no closure to long-time fans of the show), and Pam Long (probably a decent writer, but not right for Santa Barbara).

Basically, the idea is to parody everything that was bad about the final year & particularly the final episode of 'Santa Barbara.' But I'd like a little help. Yes, I do have some specific things in mind I plan to ridicule, but I'd like to know what YOU, the fans of 'SB', HATED about the final year (specific storylines, re-casts, newbies, character assasinations, etc.....) You can post your ideas as comments on this entry or you can PM me on SON. For those of you who aren't SON members but would still like to participate, you can email me at [email protected] The cut-off time for your ideas will be 10 PM tomorrow night. Episode 40 will be posted later than normal to give everybody an opportunity to participate!

I know, I know, there's so MUCH to attack about that final year, it's hard to pick and choose. :lol: I'm sure you all will come up with plenty of stuff. I'm also kinda curious to see if everybody hated the same things I did! Look forward to hearing from you and don't miss this special episode of 'Return to Santa Barbara' as we continue with our



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Oh God,

Let me count the ways, I hated SB in the last year:

1. The victimization of Sophia by Ken

2. The whole CC and Santana relationship, but specifically the fact that he didn't use a condom and got her pregnant. (Why doesn't the man just start a baseball team!!!!! The Santa Barbara Sluggers)

3. Wanda De Jesus as Santana

4. The entire Walker Family

5. The fact that alot of us invested yrs. in the show and what we got for an ending was see BJ Walker get married. (WHO GIVES A FLIP!!!)

5. The fact that they didn't bring back fan favs like Eden and Cruz or Augusta.

6. The technical problems with the last show, like the muffled audio with CC and Sophia by the fountain. HELLLLLO, has anyone heard of looping????

7.Rafe, Lily, and those other "youth" characters who's names I can't remember.


Thanks for giving us the opportunity to vent Juniorz!!!

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Ok, here goes.....I hated all the new characters that were thrown at us, the Walkers, Suzanne, Santana (Wanda), Micha and his daughter, that whole stupid story with Mason and Julia and the haunted house, Rafe/Lisa/Lily storyline UGH!!! They should have focused on the characters that we loved and gave them the spotlight instead of wasting our time on these second-rate characters that no one cared about!!!! Of course I hated what they did with Sophia getting her addicted to drugs and marrying Ken!!! UGH!!! Then CC getting Santana pregnant, ewwwww!!!! Don't even get me started!!!!

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Let me count the ways, I hated SB in the last year:

3. Wanda De Jesus as Santana

ICAM! I was excited that Santana was coming back at first. Though she was never my favorite, she always caused some kind of conflict which is why I liked having her on the show. But DeJesus was absolutely DREADFUL as Santana. No, it didn't help that they paired her with CC, but the way Santana acted during her tenure was just so wrong. She played her as a loud-mouthed, flamboyant senorita. She was borderline obnoxious throughout the entire stint and crossed that line on more than one occasion.

Santana, to me, was owned by Gina Gallego. She was quiet, reserved, and had zero confidence in herself. She was pathetic in a way but you felt sorry for her because she didn't know how to be any other way. I hated her because she was so needy but at the same time, understood why she was that way.

DeJesus is probably a pretty good actress but was COMPLETELY wrong for the part of Santana IMO. They may as well have made her an entirely different character because the story probably would have played better IMO. CC Capwell would never look twice at Santana Andrade. To watch him cavorting around with her was an insult to our intelligence.

ETA: The weekly schedule has been updated.

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She played her as a loud-mouthed, flamboyant senorita. She was borderline obnoxious throughout the entire stint and crossed that line on more than one occasion.

Now I'm laughing so hard!!!!

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sb84fan and Sbgrad91 really did a great job with saying some of the major problems with SB that last year. And juniorz was right; Gina Gallego was the best Santana.

But Gina and Lionel? I could not get use to that one. :o:blink:

Juniorz...have you ever thought about starting one of the Blog Talk Radio shows for "RTSB"? I bet it would be a hit. :)

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Please kill the Walker family. That's all I ask. In a nice parody, it would be cool if they drove off a bridge like Reva on GL, but this time they really die

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Please kill the Walker family. That's all I ask. In a nice parody, it would be cool if they drove off a bridge like Reva on GL, but this time they really die

I agree with that request..... :)

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Agree: I missed the stars of SB in the last episode. And Santana? UHHH! Ken! Disgusting! And the affair of Cruz and Kelly? :angry:

And the actress who played Kel! She was awful!

Lionel and Gina? Interesting and especially comic couple. (Do you remember what was Warren's reaction?) :lol: But I think their marrige was exaggerated.

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Juniorz, I try to block out Wanda DeJesus' playing Santana. Santana to me is only Gina Gallego. I could see CC turning to Gallego's Santana, not DeJesus'. Kill DeJesus' Santana and oh! call Eileen Davidson Ashley or Kristen instead of Kelly. What a horrid recast.

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Wow......Once again I am thankful that I missed the last year or so of Santa Barbara. I quit watching (when I joined the Air Force in 1991) about the time Marcy Walker left the show. Gina and Lionel?????? CC and Santana?????????? Pregnant???????? Sophia hooked on drugs? Sounds like the Walkers were a complete waste of air time. Eden having multiple personality never really made sense to me. Cruz and Kelly - yuk!!!! Everything that you all have mentioned sounds like it was horrible. Sorry I can't really give you any opinions on this one Juniorz1, but I'm not sorry I missed seeing this stuff happen to the show.


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I was watching some old clips and it occurs to me that Brandon is a character that might be a good one to bring back at some point. Probably when Gina goes off the deep end which she will eventually.


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I think the $100,000 question is what was good during the final year of Santa Barbara? IMO, not much of anything was good during the last year.

I certainly wasn't watching for any of the Pam Long creations or the other lame recasts, i.e. Eileen Davidson, Wanda De Jesus, etc. The only characters that I had a vested interest in were hardly on or they were doing things that were totally out of character. Even Cruz, a character I used to enjoy was left to spend his time with Eileen Davidson's Kelly or the screen hogs of the Walkers. The CC & Sophia - did we really need to see the umpteenth sleaze or bimbo come between them. Gina & Lionel - cute, but huh?? Mason & Julia - turned into either glorified extras or stuck in god awful storylines. And I will refrain from commenting on what had happened to my favorite character...... :blink:

When I think back on SB, I rarely ever recall anything of the bitter end. So in my eyes it has been a bad dream, ala Pam's dream on Dallas. For me the show had been on a downward spiral for a good long while, but the final year was so wretched. The Walkers should be forced to suffer as painful of a death as it was for the viewers to watch the slow death of Santa Barbara... <_<

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Juniorz...have you ever thought about starting one of the Blog Talk Radio shows for "RTSB"? I bet it would be a hit. :)

Actually, I hadn't. That might be worth looking into, maybe like once a month or every other week. I was thinking about starting an 'RTSB' myspace page, possibly sooner than later. I'll look into the Blog Talk Radio thing though.

Please kill the Walker family. That's all I ask. In a nice parody, it would be cool if they drove off a bridge like Reva on GL, but this time they really die

I like the sounds of that idea.

And the affair of Cruz and Kelly? :angry:

And the actress who played Kel! She was awful!

THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!!!! I can't believe nobody's mentioned this yet. I don't know who's lame-brained idea it was to put Kelly with Cruz (I PRAY it wasn't the Dobsons!) but they were smoking some mighty fine crack that day.

I think the $100,000 question is what was good during the final year of Santa Barbara? IMO, not much of anything was good during the last year.

I certainly wasn't watching for any of the Pam Long creations or the other lame recasts, i.e. Eileen Davidson, Wanda De Jesus, etc. The only characters that I had a vested interest in were hardly on or they were doing things that were totally out of character. Even Cruz, a character I used to enjoy was left to spend his time with Eileen Davidson's Kelly or the screen hogs of the Walkers. The CC & Sophia - did we really need to see the umpteenth sleaze or bimbo come between them. Gina & Lionel - cute, but huh?? Mason & Julia - turned into either glorified extras or stuck in god awful storylines. And I will refrain from commenting on what had happened to my favorite character...... :blink:

When I think back on SB, I rarely ever recall anything of the bitter end. So in my eyes it has been a bad dream, ala Pam's dream on Dallas. For me the show had been on a downward spiral for a good long while, but the final year was so wretched. The Walkers should be forced to suffer as painful of a death as it was for the viewers to watch the slow death of Santa Barbara... <_<

Fantastic Post! The only thing I enjoyed in the final year was the Ted/Angela coupling...........and then they married him off to LILY!!!! As if I didn't hate the last year enough, they actually went & ruined the one thing I DID like!!! :angry: :angry: :angry:

Probably why I re-wrote it! ;)

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What a great idea! Your inclusion and ingenuity never ceases to amaze me, Juniorz.

Wow......Once again I am thankful that I missed the last year or so of Santa Barbara. I quit watching (when I joined the Air Force in 1991) about the time Marcy Walker left the show.

Yeah, my interest pretty much fell off the cliff right along with Eden and couldn't tolerate enough of the last year to have much to offer here. Having a ball reading all yours though, however deeply disturbed with several of them, namely:

1) Cruz with anyone other than Eden = WRONG!

2) Smart, savvy Sophia in a victim role = WRONG!

3) CC & Santana = WRONG!

4) Gina with Lionel with each other instead of Keith & Augusta, respectively = WRONG!

5) Hostile take over of SB by the Walker family = WRONG!

6) Casting Eileen Davidson as Kelly = WRONG!

7) Rauch extinguishing his cigarette on the studio floor = WRONG!

And they probably wonder where they went WRONG! <shakes head in dismay> If Juniorz and you all were on their team, they'd still be around today.

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Okay, thanks for the submissions everyone!!! I'm working on it now- sorry, it's obviously a late-night episode. I've taken on a co-writer for this episode & we're collaborating right now.

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