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December 29, 2006





- At the ball, Steve and Kayla spot Jack and Billie walking through the elevator doors. They have just arrived at the party after seeing Chelsea and Abby at the hospital. Jack and Steve nod their heads at each other and Billie gets ready to walk over to speak to her mother, when she overhears the conversation going on around the corner.

Billie taps Jack on his arm and tells him to come with her for a moment. Jack excuses himself from several guests and follows Billie, who leads him around the corner. When they reach their destination, Billie informs Jack that Victor and Stefano have a showdown planned for tonight at the party. The SPD has everything monitored. Jack is shocked, wondering why would they risk doing that in such a public place with Salem’s whose who there. She doesn’t know but is glad she came prepared.

When Jack asks her what that means, she opens her small purse to reveal a handgun stuffed down at the bottom. Jack is stunned, asking her why she picked tonight to do her Foxy Brown impersonation. She tells him to stop making jokes, this is serious, to which he replies no s**t. When Jack asks what do they do next, Billie advises him to start letting people know quietly what is happening. He says great idea. Time for him to become.........Austin Devereaux, Salem Man Of Mystery. He saunters off, while Billie watches and chuckles.

-Belle sees Jack walk across the ballroom but when she starts to go over to speak with him, Sami stops her cold as Chicago's "If You Leave Me Now" plays. She asks her:

Sami: What is Mom’s problem? I just tried to tell her what is going down tonight with Dad and she said that he’s a big boy and that he can take care of himself.

Belle: What?

Sami: Yeah. Then she said that she has more on her mind than watching a bunch of grown men play cowboys and indians.

Belle: She hasn’t been the same since she’s gotten back home. Dad said she was acting all funny last night. He doesn’t know what to do but he has had this blood feud on his mind so much, he’s caught between a rock and a hard place.

Sami: Well, we better just keep an eye on her so she doesn’t flip out or do something rash.

At that moment, Marlena walks up from behind them and surprises them both. They turn around quickly to hear her say to them:

Marlena: So........you two think I’m nuts, huh?

Sami: Mom.....no, we didn’t mean it that way.......

Belle: Yeah. We were just saying..........

Marlena: Well, let me tell you two something. You try being married to a man whose had two different faces and six different past lives and see how sane you would be, ok.

Marlena looks at them with a steely gaze and walks up on both of them, saying:

Marlena: Now you two little brats leave me the hell alone before I get really nasty. Got that?!

Marlena storms off, leaving both girls frightened and bewildered.

-Austin and Lucas walk up to Sami and Belle, having witnessed the scene with Marlena. Lucas wants to know if she is alright to which Sami says yes, she’s fine. It’s just all that she’s been through has gotten her on edge. Belle concurs, saying that it’s nothing to worry about. She’ll be fine. Austin says he hopes so. Sami looks at both men and wonders why they are so worried about their mother when they plan on having a shootout later on this evening.

Austin says that everything will be fine but that he is not backing away from this. Lucas agrees, saying that he told Sami where he stood yesterday. Nothing’s changed and Lucas wishes Sami would just accept that and stop with the constant badgering. He walks off and Sami follows him, grabbing him by the arm and turning him around. She is very angry and lashes out at him, saying:

Sami: How dare you? How dare you get upset with me for worrying about you?

Lucas: We have been over this time and time again, Sami. I’m not repeating myself, ok?

Sami: So that’s it, huh? You now feel you owe me nothing, huh?

Lucas turns away, long enough to see Hope looking at both of them. Sami grabs him by the arm and snatches him back around, until he is once again facing her. She looks at him, staring into his eyes, and says softly:

Sami: Do you even realize what you mean to me? Huh? You are......my life. My soul. The greatest thing you gave me was our son. He has you for a father and I want him to continue growing up admiring you and loving you, not visiting your grave.

Lucas: Do you think I want that? (Looking at Hope) With all the screw-ups and foul things I’ve done, this is the one thing I can do to protect my family and prove to you that I can take care of you and protect you. (Turning back towards Sami) I have to be man enough to face this thing, so that we all can be safe. Hope told you what is going to happen here and I can’t just walk away.

Sami: Yes you can. You’re man enough to let the police and my dad handle it. Be man enough to come home with me right now. Please.

Lucas: No, Sami. I can’t do that.

Sami: (Crying) Why not?! Why can’t you just walk away Lucas?!


Sami looks at Lucas with a shocked look on her face.

Lucas: There is no way Stefano DiMera or anyone from that wretched family is going to harm you, ok? You are the most precious thing in this whole world to me. You were when you were engaged to Austin and when you were with Franco and when you had our son. And.......I just can’t see the point of waking up every morning.........in a empty bed.........knowing that the most wonderful, kind, beautiful lady that I have ever known is gone because I wasn’t man enough to save her. So please......love me enough to leave here right now and not come back. Please Sami. I’m begging you.

Lucas leans in and kisses Sami gently and then hugs her tightly. She returns this embrace, as he whispers in her ear:

Lucas: If something happens to me..........I just want to say one thing.

Sami: (Looking at Lucas, crying) What is that?

Lucas: Thank you.............for everything.

He walks off with Austin, leaving Sami to be comforted by Hope and Belle.

-At the pier, Alan walks up behind Will, who is out late on this evening. He surprises him to which Will says that isn’t very funny but he starts laughing. Alan notices that through the laughter, Will is upset. When he asks why, Will responds, saying that he’s sick and tired of living a lie. Alan is shocked, asking what the hell does that mean. Will says that his parents keep pushing him to get married, have a family, and live the American dream.

But all he wants is to be himself. He wanted to join the basketball team for the sport of it and to belong. With a mother who has spent his entire life ruining people’s lives and a father who basically let her, he just wants peace in his world. Then, every time he turned around, his Uncle Austin was parading around in nothing but a towel. How was he supposed to deal with that? Alan listens on intently. He just wants to be left alone, to be who he is. Alan asks him what is he talking about. Will turns to him and tells him something that he never knew for sure but always suspected. Will says to Alan that no one can ever know...........

That he’s gay.

Alan looks at Will, shocked. Will stares out into the open night.

-Back at the party, Steve and Kayla mingle about but Kayla notices that Steve has not been looking well all day. When she asks what’s wrong, he tells her that he keeps getting these headaches from out of nowhere. She walks him to a corner of the ballroom and takes out her stethoscope and checks him out:

Kayla: Well, your eyes look fine. Where is it hurting you, Steve? All over?

Steve: Yeah, Sweetness. It hurts all over. I bet you have the healing prescription, don’t you baby?

Kayla: Stop joking around, Steve. There might be a serious problem.

Steve: I’m fine, Sweetness. Don’t worry........about..........

Just then, Steve suddenly slumps forward and almost faints. Kayla catches him and Bo races over to help her. They both pick him up and walk him to one of the back rooms so that he can rest.

-It is now 11:30 pm and Celeste sees Hope, Billie, Samantha, Belle, Kayla, Maggie & Jack all huddled together. Stefano spots her walking towards the group and tells one of his top men:

Stefano: Get everyone in place. We don’t have much time, yes?

MCF: Understood, sir.

While the Mysterious Cloaked Figure walks off to get all of Stefano’s men in place, Celeste walks up to the group, telling them that she senses something tragic is about to happen and that they don’t have much time to get everyone out. Kayla turns around briefly, long enough to see Steve walking over to them. She ask if he’s fine, to which he replies, yes. Jack wonders where Celeste is getting this from and she says has she been wrong yet? They all grow silent.

Victor sees the MCF rush off and tells his associate:

Victor: It’s time. Get everyone in place and tell them to be ready. I’m going to wipe Stefano DiMera out even if I have to destroy Salem to do it!

Victor’s associate walks defiantly across the room and takes out his gun. Jack sees this and he, along with Steve, try to run the man down but he escapes into an elevator going to the upper floor, where Bo is at present. Jack and Steve rush back to the group and tell them to get as many people out of here as possible.


Victor has disappeared. He is standing behind a thin wall, loading up his gun. Maggie has searched for him and found him, begging him to call this whole thing off. He demands that she leaves now or he won’t be responsible for her fate. She looks at him, shockingly, and runs off.


Sami finds Roman, who has just loaded his weapon, and pleads with him:

Sami: Daddy, please don’t do this. There are too many people who love you.

Roman: I know that, sweety. That’s why I’m doing this. DiMera’s stranglehold on our families and this city must end....tonight. And if it costs me my life.........

Sami: No! Don’t you say that to me! (Wiping tears from her eyes) I just found you again. WE just found you again. Don’t you stand there and tell me that your life means nothing to you because it means everything to me!

Roman: (Quietly speaking) I know that. (Putting his hand on her cheek) You’re my angel. You know that. And.....you have your mother’s strength. So, you promise me this. If I should not live to see tomorrow .........

Sami:(Crying heavily) No. Don’t say that.............

Roman: Then you look out for your mother and sisters and brothers, ok sweety?

Sami: (Pausing) O.......Ok. I’ll do it.

Sami jumps into her father’s arms and Roman hugs her, warmly. It is a hug that is very deep and special, for they know.......

That this may be the last time they see each other.

Sami looks at Roman and they both smile at each other. She then wipes her face and runs off. Roman watches his little girl leave him for what may be the very last time. He then turns his attention back to the men in the ballroom and readies his weapon.

-Doug and Julie see what is now happening and both go and get Kimberly and Alice and head towards the elevators. Once the door opens they get on and Kimberly looks back to see Shane loading his weapon. Their eyes lock for a brief, singular, moment and all of the memories come rushing back. The door then starts to slowly close as both Kimberly and Shane wave good-bye to each other.


Then, suddenly, men start emerging from everywhere. Stefano’s men. Victor’s men. The partygoers that are left are almost surrounded. Victor orders his men into position and Stefano does the same. Roman, Abe & Shane pull their weapons and aim.


In slow motion, all of the following events take place..............

Austin sees Kate standing by herself and tries to run over to her. At the last moment, a lady takes off her mask and Austin is shocked to see that it’s.............Carrie!


Hope, Maggie, and Belle try to drag Sami towards an elevator. But, she bumps into Marlena, who has just walked back into the ballroom, brandishing a gun!


Philip sees Belle and turns, suddenly, pulling out a gun and aiming it at one of Stefano’s henchmen. She watches on horrified.


Victor, Nico and Bo pull out their weapons and take aim, as Hope loses her grip on Sami as she breaks free before the elevator door closes.


The MCF sees Sami running towards Lucas and takes aim at her! Lucas pulls his gun and run towards Sami.


Steve spots one of Victor’s henchmen and knocks him out from behind. He then grabs his gun and runs next to Bo and then suddenly has another seizing pain in his head and stumbles into the line of fire, just as Billie pulls her gun out of her purse and takes aim at the MCF........


Roman sees Marlena with a gun and he also sees her take aim............at him!


Bo jumps down from the upper floor of the ballroom and sees Marlena aim at Roman. Just then, Belle hits Marlena on the back of her head and she collapses. Roman looks at Bo, who is now aiming the gun at the masked figure, not knowing it’s Stefano.


At the very last moment, Victor shouts in Bo’s direction “NOW!!!” and Bo turns and re-aims his gun............at his brother Roman! At the same time, Lucas steps on a chair and leaps towards Sami.............


The clock strikes Midnight and, at the same time, Stefano yanks off his mask. Stefano, Victor, and Roman give the orders to..........

Stefano: OPEN...........

Victor: FIRE...........

Roman: NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!

There is a three-way frozen split screen on all three men’s faces, as gunshots ring out into the New Year night. The screen suddenly goes black, as Celeste lets out a blood-curdling scream!!



Recommended Comments

  • Members

WOW!!!!! I loved the whole episode, but the countdowns were my favorite! I loved how you kept going from one scene to another!

I'm not getting Marlena....calling her children brats, aiming a gun at Roman? I'm intereted to watch this play out.

Loved Lumi today!

Can't believe Bo aimed at his own brother. :(

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LMAO! Everyone in Salem has a gun!?!?!


LOL not everyone.

There are alot of people though.

Glad you all liked it.

Wait until you see what happens when

we return next week. Lots of drama in


Plus, shorter episodes :lol:

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Thank you all so much for the wonderful comments. It was something else to write, but it was well worth it for what we have planned. And when you have a partner like I have, it is also an honor to be associated with this blog.

And.....just you all wait for 2007. :)

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Very nice episode you guys! Everything is so peculiar......

the way Marlena is acting, Bo taking aim at Roman....

Really makes me wonder what's going on here- which

means you've done a great job! Keep up the good work-

looking forward to Salem Lives in '07! :D

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Talk about edge of your seat...The whole Stefano/Victor/Roman showdown was just that, edge of your seat...

Also, seeing Marlena snapping on Belle and Sami had me laughing....

Very good eppy.

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Very good episode. Loved the character interactions the most esp. Sami/Lucas, Sami/Roman, and Sami/Belle/Marlena.

I loved all the other stuff but it was not my favorite part of it.

Very good job on arranging the scenes. That part was great and very well done.

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