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The Storm - Episode 6

At the hospital -- Detective Steel stepped off the 8th floor elevator at General Hospital looking for some answers. He had spent over an hour with Lt. Taggert and had found out about the recent shootout on the docks. His curiosity got the better of him and he went to the hospital to see for himself what kind of danger had come to this city. As he reached the nurse's station, Amy noticed the stranger approach and asked him if she could help him. He reached in his coat pocket and flashed



S&L: Episodes 132-136

Secrets & Lies: Episode 132-136 Tuesday, March 06, 2007 - The television was blaring when Bobbie woke up. Completely disheveled, she looked around, not sure as to what was going on. Throwing the covers back, she managed to get out of her bed, letting a vodka bottle fall to the floor with a thud. Her fingers quickly turned off the television, as she made her way down the hall to the bathroom. She felt so out of it, that she had a hard time trying to get out of her night gown, and into



Winners of 9th Round of READER'S LIGHT!

READER'S LIGHT: Celebrating Guiding Light's 70th Anniversary. Answer: Maureen Reardon Bauer Answer: Claire Ramsey Congrats to Actor87, Dan, and Josh you get 10 points for getting each question correct! Answer: Five Points, Selby Flatts, and finally Springfield. Congrats to Actor87 and Dan who got this question correct. You gain another 10 points!



The Storm - Episode 5

Jason's hospital room Elizabeth sat with Jason as Monica jotted down his current vitals in his file. Her concern for husband was apparent when she asked Monica how he was doing. "He's getting stronger and that's always a good sign." Monica replied and touched her gently on the shoulder as reassurance. "When will he wake up?" Elizabeth asked as she caressed Jason's hand. "It shouldn't be long now. You can talk to him, he should respond to your voice. But don't force him to wake up,



March 5, 2007

-It's past midnight in Salem and a new day is in it's early stages. Kayla and Steve are in a motel outside of Chicago after their return flight to Salem was grounded due to bad weather. Kayla apologizes to Steve for them having to make an unscheduled landing. She also apologizes that they had to cut their little trip down memory lane short. Her mother called and told her that there was issues with her family and that they needed her so she felt like this was right. Steve is ok with it a




Episode #321 - Monday, March 5th, 2007: Georgia stands by J.T.’s side and hopes and prays that he will be OK. Belle and Marlena realize the door is open, and they check on the kids. Belle is horrified when she discovers J.T. is missing. Rex tells Mimi Cassie is keeping a secret. Mimi implores Rex to tell Max the truth! Rex says he cannot do that to his sister. Abby loses her virginity to Connor Lockhart! Max inadvertently ends up seeing them having sex! A devastated Max is comforted by Ca




THE FURY TO CLAIM TEN MORE VICTIMS! Hot on the heels of the Fury-related deaths of Rae Choi and Megan Hathaway Spears, played by Sandra Oh and Gina Tognoni, respectively, comes the news that the Fury will claim a SHOCKING TEN more victims! "It's true!"...says the blog creator/headwriter, King. "The Fury is going to claim ten more victims, totaling a shocking twelve victims. They're going to be biggies, too. It's going to be pretty crazy around here for the next few months. The Fury storylin




ANOTHER PSNS ALUM JOINS THE BLOG! Justin Hartley has landed the role of the mysterious "E.C." who joined the show last week as Andy Donovan's roommate. The role is recurring and only expected to be around for a limited run. "E.C. is very mysterious, and there is more to him than meets the eye. Justin is playing a college student, so that is very humorous, but he actually passes quite nicely for an early twentysomething. Hartley will air through May."



The Storm - Episode 4

The hospital ER -- Elizabeth pulled back the curtain, and was taken back by what she saw. A white gauze patch on his forehead held in place with opaque hospital tape, an IV hooked to his left forearm, wires pressed against his chest, an oxygen mask that was covering his nose and mouth, her husband was in critical condition. She slowly walked towards him and took his hand in hers. Amy was checking his vitals on the machine that was standing next to him and jotting down the numbers on her cli



S&L: Episode 131

Secrets & Lies: Episode 131 Monday, March 05, 2007 - Tonight was a very tense night for Patrick at the hospital, and it was bound to get worse. He could handle being taken off the roster to do a surgery, but he couldn't stand the fact that Robin was making it her mission to make his shift a miserable. He couldn't understand for the life of him why she would be so upset about his being nice to Sarah Webber; especially considering that Robin and Elizabeth are close friends. Shaking his he




Episode#133 -Ivan frantically looks for Vivian. He finds that a table had fallen over on her and he lifts it up and carries her out of Chez Rouge. -Maggie’s eyes barely open. She has glass on her and is lying under the bar. She whispers “Mickey….help me….” and then her eyes close again. -Greta looks down at her father and says “Please, do not die on me! DON’T DIE ON ME!” and his face is revealed to be Steve’s…. *Days of Our Lives Opening* -The rescue team finds Christopher and he




Announcer: VICTOR AND MAGGIE... Clip of Victor and Maggie sharing their kiss under the mistletoe. A BLOSSOMING ROMANCE THAT SEEMED DESTINED TO SURVIVE... BUT...THIS WEEK... Nicole to Victor: What do you propose? Victor to Nicole: I have a plan and I need your help. A PLAN TO PUSH THE WOMAN HE CARES ABOUT AWAY.... Clip of Maggie at the Kiriakis Mansion with Julie, breaking down in tears. BACKFIRES... Maggie: HOW COULD YOU DO THIS?!!! AND PUSHES HER OVER THE EDGE!! C



SONBC Interview w/Judith McConnell

Is she Loretta? Is she Sophia? Just what is going on with RTSB's matriarch, Sophia Capwell, and will she ever return home to her loved ones? We sat down with Judith McConnell and got into all of this, including her SONBC Award pre-nom. SONBC: Welcome Judith. It's such an honor to get to meet you like this. Judith: Thank you very much. What a nice thing to say? SONBC: You've been a very busy lady over on RTSB since its inception. Judith: I sure have and I couldn't be more pleased b



SOD Synopses - July 1976

the 'Love of Life' theme On this day in Rosehill, two doors slam: Ben slams Arlene's car door saying he can't run away with her, he loves his wife; Arlene slams the Hart's front door lashing out at Betsy: "Ben is my husband, not yours. We've been married for three years; you never were his wife." Betsy looks at Arlene in amazement and shouts: "You're lying. You're crazy, that can't be true." "It's true, sweetie," Arlene continues bitterly, "And it's about time you knew." Betsy's sear



S&L: Episode 130

Secrets & Lies: Episode 130 Sunday, March 04, 2007 At Kelly's, Robin played with the leather glove, looking at it carefully. She knew for a fact she was not crazy. She saw Sam McCall with her very own eyes. The problem now was whether Jason would take her at her word. Looking at her watch, she hoped he would show up. Jason, who was outside of Kelly's, kept thinking about his conversation with Sonny. He didn't like what he saw between Anna and Alexis, and he needed to prepare Sonny



The Storm - Episode 3

Elizabeth slipped on her silk robe and slippers and went downstairs to wait for Sonny and Carly. Max announced them as she was pacing the floor waiting for them. "Sonny .. please give me good news. Please!" Sonny and Carly exchanged glances and she knew the news they had for wasn't what she wanted to hear. Sonny took her by the arm and asked her to sit down on the couch. Carly followed and sat on the other side of her and tried to be there for her when Sonny started to explain. Elizabeth's cr



Summary of Week: Feburary 26-March 2

Summary of Week: Feb.26-March 2 This whole week on LIS revolved around what happens at Chez Rouge. Everyone is shocked when Stefano shows his face at Chez Rouge and he declares revenge. He tells them all how this will begin the downfall of Salem. Helena comes out of hiding and shouts “Not so fast, Stefano!” Everyone is confused and Helena tells Stefano his time is over. She then tells him HE will be the one to fall. Stefano and Helena bicker and it results in Stefano snapping his fingers and




Week of 3/5/07 Edition INSIDER FEATURE: SPRING PREVIEW!!! The NCAA basketball tournament isn't the only thing causing madness this March as an amazing Spring begins on Salem Lives with several huge twists and turns. It really is one shocker after another as SALEM LIVES VENDETTA begins. "It's our biggest event yet," says EP/HW Tim Lowery. "It's huge in that it's not something that lasts for a few weeks. This MCF mystery has been going on since Fall and now we are getting to what he



The Storm - Episode 2

It had been a few days since Elizabeth had heard from Jason and she was now getting worried. He was never gone this long without calling her. She had double checked the locks downstairs and had retired for the evening by turning out all the lights and heading upstairs to the bedroom. The house felt so empty without him in it, the bed felt so cold as she lay awake hoping she could fall asleep without him by her side. The fear of hearing the worst had been bringing her nightmares when she closed h



The Storm - Episodes 1

The scene opens in the bedroom of Zander and Emily's penthouse apartment, the bedroom is dark, dimly lit by the storm that's brewing outside the window. The rain pounded hard against the elongated window, the wind outside howled as the storm made it's presence known. Zander stood looking out across the bay into the darkness as the lightning flashed in the distance, thunder rolled across the sky and he turned and with concern and worry in his eyes towards the one true love he has ever known,



The Storm

The Storm - Background Two mob forces are about to have an all out war to gain territory owned by Zander Smith, which was once owned by his father, Frank Smith. Jason Morgan and Sonny Corinthos will do anything to get what they want. Zander learns of his family secrets and finds out the truth that has haunted him since he was a child. The truth will effect everyone involved and brings about even more conflict. The Storm - Characters Zander Smith - Port Charles mob boss, son of Frank



With Great Regret....

I am going to have to stop writing the blog for the time being. I just have way too much on my plate right now to continue. I work in customer service in an inbound call center. I have to take special licensing (called the Series 6 and the 63) to continue at my job. The time that I would have for writing will be spent studying. When it is over in a few months, I will be back and writing as much as possible. I am in the middle of stories that I believe in and that I can make grow. So if yo



Episode 93

Sorry for the late update! Episode 93 ---> CLIFFHANGER Friday Angela and Kelly continue their on-going arguements; Jack has a not-so-special present for Kelly; David and Bruce discuss Michelle and Andrew; Mona notices that the clock has been turned back an hour; Justin and Sarah discuss Erin and Stephen; Megan and Chase further their efforts to break up Erin and Stephen; Erin and Stephen come face to face at school! http://www.freewebs.com/moments_of_existence/week.html Tomorrow,



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