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An ATWT Fan Fiction by Actor87 & P.J.

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Episode 227

Jason becomes aggravated when Henry refuses to let him out of his sight. Jason argues with Henry and in the process, knocks over Snickers' bunny cage, setting the little guy free. Henry recalls when Mike and Katie lost Snickers one time and vows to never let Snickers away again. But in all his haste, he frightens the bunny and drives him out into the cold night air. Jason comes back in with the bunny and Henry is forced to thank him. Jason wonders what symbolism the bunny carries and wonders wha



Episode 226

Barbara holds a meeting at Threadz to discuss Roxie's departure and to maybe hire someone to fill in for her. Gwen says that she knows a few girls from back home and talks of maybe getting some of them to sumbit smaple sketches. Roman, from the P.R. department, tells Barbara that some people have been asking about a possible runway fashion show. Barbara rules out the diea, citing the problems she's had in the past with such a thing and adjourns the meeting. Maddie and Luke enjoy a lunch at Al



Episode 225

John and Roxie sit and talk. John appeals to Roxie, saying that he knows she's got a good heart and everyone plays her for a fool. Roxie pleads her case to John and says that he's the only one that understands her. John makes an interesting proposition, promising Roxie that he can make the ones htat have hurt her...pay, but he has to have her help and he has to have her 'okay'. Aaron and Alison return to the Snyder house and start packing their bags. They wonder what is taking so long at the



Oakdale Digest: November 2006

Recently, the two lovebirds ran off to Carolinas to escape all the drama in Oakdale..namely Barbara Ryan and Roxie Miller. But the two returned with a secret...and we'll soon find out what it is. And once the secret is exposed, an outside person might just crash the party. The latest heart-throb to arrive in Oakdale is Jason Spillers, and we'll soon find that he's not who everyone thinks he is. And we don't mean the movie star. Says West, "He has both romantic and familial ties in Oakdale, but



Episode 224

Craig assures the Walsh clan that he means no harm and was simply coming by the office to tell Lucinda and Sierra of his release from prison. He sees Lucy and talks about how she has grown and how he has missed some very precious time with his family. Everyone seems a little hesitatnt to believe Craig means no harm this time around. Nancy takes Erin to the senior citizen center with her, since the center needs some volunteers for the night's bingo game. Kim seems uneasy about the two going toge



Episode 223

Everyone is in shock when they see Craig Motngomery walk through the doors. Immediately, investors start leaving and party-goers throw in the towel, not wanting to be an innocent bystander in another one of his schemes. Holden runs right up to Craig and immediately wants to know what he wants, and furthermore, how he got released. Craig says he's out on parole and though they may not blieve him, he really is a changed man. Lucinda comes to and starts to faint again once she sees Craig, but Sierr




Craig and Lyla Return! The World of Oakdale recently dropped two huge casting bombshells on its Halloween episode. The returns of Craig Montgomery and Lyla Peretti were two casting returns that were definitely kept tight under wraps for a while. Says TWOO HW/EP Dusty Alford, "We wanted the readers to be left breathless after the Halloween episode and I think we achieved that with the returns of Craig and Lyla". Block, who left the role of Craig back in 2005, was more than happy to return t



Episode 222: Bombshell after Bombshell!

Dr. Schiller finds Dusty in the hospital hall. She tells him that after some major complications during surgery, they were finally able to bring Meg back and perform a C-section. She then tells him that the baby is going through some tests, but she assures him that a nurse will be by later to let him see his new daughter! Emma overhears and thanks Dr. Schiller for all her hard work and then runs up to Dusty, congratulating him on the birth of his and Meg's baby girl! Dusty, happier than ever, bu



Episode 221

Halloween arrives in Oakdale. Dusty wakes up and finds that he fell asleep in the chapel. He goes to check on his wife, but finds Lucy at the door. She jokes at him for falling asleep in church, but then notices Dusty's odd behavior and asks what is wrong. Dusty tells her that Dr. Schiller announced she was doing an emergency C-section about three hours ago and he fell asleep, praying to God that He would spare Meg and the baby. Lucy urges him to go check on his wife and baby. Dr. Schiller ann



Episode 220

Barbara is relieved to find that Will and Gwen are back from their vacation and asks how everything went. Barbara notices the akward pause and asks what's going on. However, a drunken Roxie soon breaks up the air by calling Gwen a "slut" and accusing Barbara of being a not so pretty five letter word. Meg continues to move towards the white light. She asks her father what's going on and why is she dead. Howard laughs and says that Meg isn't dead. She's in between life and death. Meg says that sh



Episode 219

Katie begs Panzico to let her go, but he won't budge. She tells him that Lyla will never give him the money and when her friends and family, Panzico will be the one not paying, but spending...avery long time in bars. Panzico laughs and slams the door in Katie's face, then locking it. Jack tells Margo that he did a little background on Panzico to see where all he could be hiding Katie, judging from his past hideouts. He then tells Margo to sit down. Margo tells him that she's in the middle of th



Episode 218

Emma stops dead in her tracks when she hears Grant say that he made a deal with the bank and they've agreed to abandon all foreclosure proceedings. Emma asks how she'll ever re-pay him, but Grant says that all of that has already been taken care of by her friends and family. Dusty asks Dr. Schiller why Meg seems so pale. She attributes it to her steady drop in blood pressure and tells Dusty that they may have to make a decision soon. Meg or the baby. Katie asks Panzico what her mother ever did



Episode 217

Will and Gwen return to Oakdale and are tipped off with a phone call from Carly about all the havoc at the wedding. Luke arrives, wondering if Gwen still has some baby name books from when she had Billy, saying that Dusty and Meg haven't even picked out a name yet and Dusty sent him. Gwen can't seem to find the courage to give up the books. Will tells Luke to give them some time alone. Gwen admits to Will that though it's impossible, she still holds hope that her baby will return one day. Will h



Episode 216

Everyone gathers around Meg as they wheel her in to Memorial. Susan learns that Meg isn't far away from delivery and pages Dr. Schiller. Dusty orders Susan to postpone the delivery since the baby will be up to one month premature, but Susan retorts that the labor is too far along and this baby is coming now. Panzico steps into Katie's damper little holding cell and explains that Katie is as far away from help as she can get. He taunts her that no-one is looking for her and no missing person rep



Dusty & Meg's Wedding: Part III

Episode 215Dusty & Meg's Wedding: Part III And now...the shocking conclusion of Dusty and Meg's wedding..... The wedding continues but the air is tense and emotions are high. Meg's emotions are in a whirlwind...not able to fully process what just happened at her wedding..Meg comes to a pause during the "I do"s. But knowing that her love for Dusty is all that matters now, she sweetly confesses "I do". As the preacher begins to pronounce them man and wife, Meg lets out a yell. Eve



Dusty & Meg's Wedding: Part II

Episode 214Dusty & Meg's Wedding: Part II Josh* tells everyone that he can't let Meg go through with the wedding, not until she hears what he has to say. Holden holds a furious Dusty back, as he swears he won't let the bastard ruin his wedding. Meg tells Josh that he doesn't have to explain anything. They had grown so distant because of her supposedly not being able to have kids and because of Josh not wanting to adopt. She then goes on to say that by the time that it was revealed th



Dusty & Meg's Wedding: Part I

Episode 213Dusty & Meg's Wedding: Part I While Alison talks with Nancy, Aaron talks with Ben and finds out that Curtis went back to college and that he and Jessica had some problems a few months back. Bne then takes time to make sure that Araon knows just how sorry he is about being on pills when he did Aaron's surgery. Aaron knows he's sorry, but says that he lost alot of confidence and alot of time with his friends and family because of that nearly fatal mistake. They both accept e



Episode 212

Lily, Holden, Luke, Faith, Natalie, and Maddie all arive at the church and find Lucinda outside talking with Sierra. While Holden goes in to prep for the wedding, lily tells Luke and Maddie to take the girls inside. Sierra informs Lily that she couldn't get Lucy to come to the wedding. Lily tells her sister that maybe that's better since Lucy has never really gotten over Dusty yet. Nancy is shocked to find that Erin is all cleaned up and actually looks presentable. Bob tells of his talk he ha



Casting Update/Rumors

Fans may be worried about the absence of Ben and Jessica and Jack and Carly. A few may even have concerns about Tom and Margo. But have no fear. All the actors are still on contract status and should begin resurfacing by the end of the month. Though Peyton List was only supposed to reprise the role of Lucy on a short-term basis, the powers that be are re-thinking the tenure of List's stay. Rumor has it that the fan fiction has two top secret returns to the show. "Top secret?", you may ask.



Episode 211

It's a new day in Oakdale as everyone gathers at Luthers Corners Church to celebrate Dusty and Meg's wedding. Grant continues to bring up the night he and Emma slept together, but Emma tells him that the only way she wants him is his help in getting her farm back. He's floored when he notices an elegantly dressed, sophistiacted woman walk in the church. It's obvious his mind is somewhere else. Meanwhile, Lisa has no idea she is being "checked out" by a doe-eyed Grant. Barbara tells Roxie



Episode 210

Kim and Bob are apalled to find Erin trying to sleep on their porch and when push comes to shove, they end up letting her stay in the guest house. Thinking they're asleep, Erin steals a few things and starts to run off but is startled by Bob. Katie comes to and examines her surroundings. She tries to remember what happened, but her head hurts too much. Her captors slide food through a miniscule crack in the door. Meanwhile, Jason, Henry, Mike, Margo, and Tom all do their best to try and find



Episode 209

Henry and Jason go for some coffee at Java and find Katie's car in the parking lot. They think they've finally found her, but they haven't. They ask the cashier if she's seen anyone fitting Katie's description, but she hasn't. They phone Mike, who's there within five minutes. They re-trace the steps from Katie's car to Java and find her drivers license. Meanwhile, an unconcious Katie comes to as someone hovers over her in an abandoned warehouse. Kim returns from work at WOAK and frets to Bob



Episode 208

Meg finds Holden at home and asks Holden if he will walk her down the aisle. Holden is delighted, but is concerned with all the last minute wedding planning. Meg assures him that all is well and is ecstatic when Aaron and Alison return from unpacking their bags. Aaron gives an update on all the family in Chicago and Alison asks for an update on Emily and especially Susan, since Emily called her to tell her of Hal's death. Determined to check up on her family, she leaves. Grant and Emma settle



Episode 207

Mike worries when Katie doesn't answer her phone. He calls Margo, who got called into the station about a day ago and hasn't left since. Mike realizes that the note Katie found from Margo asking her to run some errands for her...was a hoax. Across town, Luke tells Holden of Hal's death, Will's accident, and Barbara's recent decision to go back into the fashion business. A knock at the door startles the two men, but they open the door to find Aaron and Alison. Meanwhile, Lily suggests that Luc



Episode 206

Lily and Holden return to town and hear from Luke about what happened with Hal. They are overcome with grief and rush to comfort Barbara, but Luke tells them that Barbara has problems of her own. Meanwhile, Roxie runs into Meg. Roxie plays the victim but Meg sees right through it. She tells Roxie that she found a new maid of honor and Roxie is irate. Hurt, she determines to make Oakdale pay. Lucinda, Sierra, and Lucy all brainstorm about the re-invention party for Worldwide. They are thril



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