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A New Version of the Defunct Soap

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Episode 21

http://santabarbara-online.com/GeneriqueDebutUS.rm (EXT: CAPWELL ENTERPRISES) ---Eden is pleasantly surprised when Julia stops by her office to see her. Eden apologizes for lashing out at her about Angel's release. Julia is understanding and apologetic that she couldn't tell her. Julia admits that she's not just there to see Eden- she's curious about Elizabeth, Sophia's unmentioned sister. Eden tells her she doesn't know that half of it- apparently, she had Sophia thrown out of the




First off, you'll notice the addition of Judy Greer (as Kathleen) to our recurring cast list. Kathleen has already been seen a few times on 'RTSB' and will continue to be seen. Since she's a new character, I felt it important that she had a face to go with her. Some of you may remember Greer from her stint on "Arrested Development" where she played Kitty, the Bluth Company secretary. Or perhaps in the cult-classic "Jawbreaker", where she played Fern Mayo. 'RTSB' is quite lucky to have l



Episode 20

http://santabarbara-online.com/GeneriqueDebutUS.rm (EXT: the beach, panning up to Mason & Julia's Home) ---Julia sits at the kitchen table, reading Warren's article about the merger between Capwell Enterprises and Wayne, INC. Mason enters from upstairs, dressed for the day. Samantha tells her father how nice he looks and he asks her how she's feeling. She claims to be doing better, though she's frustrated about not being able to get around as she likes. Mason urges her to take



Episode 19

http://santabarbara-online.com/GeneriqueDebutUS.rm (EXT: Capwell Enterprises) ---Eden arrives at Capwell and is floored when Kathleen informs her that Capwell has merged with Wayne, INC. Eden asks where everyone is and Lily emerges, informing her that the board is in a meeting. Eden greets Lily warmly but a prickly Lily asks her why she wasn't there any sooner. "Frankly Lily, not that it's any of your business, but I had family matters to tend to that couldn't wait. Now, if y




This schedule is subject to change, of course. But here is the tentative schedule for 'RTSB' this week. (All times are Eastern U.S. time zone) MONDAY- between 10-11 PM TUESDAY- between 7-8 PM WEDNESDAY- PRE-EMPTED!!! THURSDAY- between 1-3 PM FRIDAY- between 10-11 PM This will be another 4 episode week, as I have lots to juggle, especially with the holidays coming up. PREVIEWS: Angel makes progress in the investigation! Mason figures things out & confronts Julia! Saman




DECEMBER PREVIEWS- SONBC EXCLUSIVE WITH 'RTSB' CREATOR juniorz! SONBC: So the blog is a hit! Congratulations! JUNIORZ: Thank you very much. I couldn't be more pleased with the response myself. I LOVE that the Santa Barbara fanbase has given it a shot- this week, 'RTSB' bounced back to #1 in the SONBC ratings, with a 4.0 rating & 792 views!!! I just hope that I'm able to keep those that have sampled it coming back for more. SONBC: So far, so good it seems. You've come out s



Episode 18

http://santabarbara-online.com/GeneriqueDebutUS.rm (EXT: CAPWELL ENTERPRISES) ---CC tells Joann of the mysterious call that came in about the merger. Joann tells him to hope that it's legitimate, since things are getting extremely desperate. CC asks her just how dire the situation is and she all but tells him if something doesn't change in the next few hours, he will lose control of the company completely. "I can't believe it's come to this. I built this company from the ground




Below are the amount of episodes the 'RTSB' cast members were featured in November, 2006. Total Episodes: 17 1. Lane Davies (Mason)- 14 2. Carmen Duncan (Pamela)- 13 2. Nancy Lee Grahn (Julia)- 13 2. Marcy Walker (Eden)- 13 5. Jed Allan (CC)- 12 5. Judith McConnell (Sophia)- 12 7. Nina Arveson (Angela)- 11 7. Matt Cedeno (Rafe)- 11 7. Robin Mattson (Gina)- 11 10. Michael Brainard (Ted)- 10 10. He



Episode 17

http://santabarbara-online.com/GeneriqueDebutUS.rm (EXT: Capwell Hotel) ---Pamela flashes back to overhearing Sophia reveal to Rosa that she has a brain aneurism. She then looks down at the copy of Sophia's chart she made at the hospital. She smiles at the implications of it all. Someone knocks at her door and Pamela eagerly answers. "Edmund, it's so lovely to see you, it's been so long......" She embraces him, but he pulls back. "Pamela, you're as beautiful as the day I me



UPDATE on Episodes

Sorry I've been away gang- something I ate yesterday left me violently sick for the past two days. As a result, no episode was posted yesterday and today's still hasn't gone up. Not to worry though. To make up for our unscheduled pre-emption, Thursday's episode will instead be posted tonight, at the originally scheduled time for Friday and Friday's episode will be posted tomorrow evening. This will be the first time I've posted an episode on Saturday, but I'd planned this week as a 5




I've found the perfect theme song for 'RTSB'. http://santabarbara-online.com/GeneriqueDebutUS.rm The song debuted in Episode 16. I think everyone will surely like it! Be sure & listen to our theme song before reading each episode, if only to set the mood. Today's episode will air sometime later tonight, to give viewers time to catch up on yesterday's double header. Hopefully, it will be up no later than 11 PM, however, I'll be shooting for earlier. Edit: I will be ed



Episode 16

http://santabarbara-online.com/GeneriqueDebutUS.rm (EXT: small building, focus on sign on door- Pearl Bradford, PI) ---Pearl Bradford sits at his desk, listening in on the bugs he planted at the SBPD when he paid his last visit. Pearl is startled when someone knocks on his door, since he has no appointments. He's taken even further off guard when he sees the woman he always knew as Lily Light standing before him. "Ms Light, come in, what can I do for you?" "Actually it's Blake now.



Episode 15

http://santabarbara-online.com/GeneriqueDebutUS.rm (EXT: Capwell Enterprises) ---CC tells Mason and Ted about Joann's suggestion regarding a merger. Ted sees where it's plausible, since it helped them out of the jam before. Mason warns them that if they go into a merger, given the situation they're in, they'd be completely at the other company's mercy as far as a negotiation is concerned. CC agrees, and says that he hates that something has to be done so rapidly. "If this merge




Tuesday's episode has been delayed, due to unforseen circumstances with my day. However, there will be 2 episodes posted tomorrow- the first in the late morning/early afternoon, the second between 11 PM & 12 AM. There will be 5 episodes this week, as planned. Sorry for the delay! Previews for tomorrow's 2 episodes: Pamela & Sophia have it out Dr Edmund Lavery makes his debut Julia gets answers from Mary Lily investigates Angela Lionel pays CC a visit Eden meets Carla



Episode 14

http://santabarbara-online.com/GeneriqueDebutUS.rm (EXT: Cruz & Eden's Beach House) ---Cruz wakes up alone in bed. He throws on a shirt and heads downstairs, where he finds Eden, dressed for the day. He wishes her 'good morning' but she lays the silent treatment on thick. He persists, claiming he should be the one mad at her, since she followed him. "YOU! That's rich, Cruz, real rich. Tell me, if I hadn't followed you, when would you have gotten around to telling me tha




This week, 'RTSB' was #2 in the SONBC ratings, with a 1.9 rating & 669 views!!! Though the ratings point went down, the viewership was almost exactly the same as last week!! Thanks so much everyone who is sticking with it & I hope you continue to do so- I don't plan on stopping anytime soon, I hope the readers don't either! As far as the coming week is concerned, there will be 5 episodes posted. I'm hoping to follow this approximate schedule: MONDAY- Episode 14 between 2-3 PM



One on One with Harley Jane Kozak!

(this is, of course, a fictitious interview) SONBC had the privilidge recently of sitting down with actress and author Harley Jane Kozak, who has just returned as Mary Duvall on 'Return to Santa Barbara' after leaving 20 years ago. SONBC: Welcome Back!!!! Harley Jane: Thank You. It feels good to be back. SONBC: So what made you decide to return to the role of Mary, after so much time had passed? Harley Jane: But that's exactly what made me come back: the fact that so much time h



Episode 13

http://santabarbara-online.com/GeneriqueDebutUS.rm (EXT: SAN REMOS EMERGENCY CLINIC) ---Mary stands completely frozen, as Mason fast approaches her. She turns away but Mason gently takes her arm, telling her he just wanted to personally thank her for all she's done. Mason explains that he's the father of the girl who was brought in from the motorcycle accident. Mary nods that she understands who he is. Mason looks into her eyes and gets lost in them. He tells her that she looks



Friday's Episode is Coming...

......Later than originally scheduled. Since Thursday's episode didn't air until mid-Thanksgiving Day, I want to give any readers who haven't read it yet the time to catch up before today's episode. Therefore, today's episode will be posted sometime tonight, probably between 10-11 PM. Be sure to come back later tonight or tomorrow to check it out, as it will be a Thanksgiving to remember for the residents of Santa Barbara. Hope everyone is enjoying it so far- there's more to come!!!!!



Episode 12

http://santabarbara-online.com/GeneriqueDebutUS.rm (EXT: The Lockridge Estate) ---Warren admires his latest newspaper article, calling Capwell Enterprises a "turkey" that hasn't been able to fend off it's hunters. The doorbell rings and he is stunned by who is standing on the other side of it. "Happy Thanksgiving Son!!" He stands there, staring at her. "Well, aren't you going to give your mother a hug? "What about your father too son?" Warren hugs them both and is happy t




Happy Thanksgiving everyone! 'RTSB' was pre-empted today, as I've already told you. Tomorrow's special Thanksgiving episode should be up early in the day! Hope you all like it! Lionel & Augusta will make their debut in very Lockridge fashion. Most of the core cast will be featured tomorrow & Friday- those days are not to be missed!!!!!!!!



Episode 11

http://santabarbara-online.com/GeneriqueDebutUS.rm (EXT: San Remos Emergency Clinic) ---Dr. Stanley checks over Samantha and lets she, Mason, and Julia know that everything looks good and she'll be able to go home that day. Samantha is absolutely thrilled, as are her parents. Samantha asks if Dr. Beckman is around, but Dr. Stanley informs them that she's taken the afternoon off. Julia comments that she's probably spending the day with her husband, but Dr. Stanley informs her that Dr.



Episode 10

http://santabarbara-online.com/GeneriqueDebutUS.rm (EXT: Capwell Enterprises) ---Gina and Keith fantasize about what things would be like if they were in charge of Capwell Enterprises. Gina envisions Angela as the janitorial service and CC as her secretary. Keith sees Eden begging him for a job, telling him how powerful he is. He also sees himself talking Angela into cheating on Ted........ with him. When they get back to reality, Gina wonders how much power she & Keith will a




First of all, thanks to the readers for making 'RTSB' the top rated blog in the SONBC ratings for two straight weeks! This week, 'RTSB' fell to a 2.3 rating, but still had over 600 viewers- AWESOME!!!! THANK YOU!!!! Since the episodes have been posted at 'off' times, I'm going to try to put out a schedule each week so everyone is aware of the times & pre-emptions of episodes in advance. I'll do my best to stick as closely to this schedule as possible. Monday (today): Between 7-8 PM



Episode 9

http://santabarbara-online.com/GeneriqueDebutUS.rm (EXT: San Remos Emergency Clinic) ----Julia is absolutely stunned when she realizes Dr. Beckman is actually Mary Duvall. Julia at first is disbelieving, saying she was there when she died. Mary explains that she would have died, had Mark not brought her to the San Remos Clinic & cared for her. Mary tells Julia that she was in a coma for four years. Julia questions why she never came back for Mason. "Actually, Julia, I did.



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