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A Days fanfic that has love, mystery, and adventure.

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LIS Episode#263: A Romantic Dinner

Brady Pub Stefan walks in to the Brady Pub, to see his “wife” Kayla cleaning the counter after giving some food to the customers, and smiles as he walks up to her and kisses her on the lips and neck. Kayla, chuckling You sure seem to be in a good mood… Stefan Just happy to see you. Kayla Aww that’s so sweet…I’m kinda busy right now, though, its hard running an entire pub by yourself… Stefan You shouldn’t have to run this thing alone, there are other Brady’s around…like those tw



AOTH Episode#10: The Confession!

Salem University Hospital. In the waiting area, Marlena, looking at Anna and Tony “So you think Jan Spears is my daughter, our daughter Tony?” Tony “Marlena I know it sounds crazy but Nicole being our missing child doesn’t add up” Marlena “It would make sense as to why Faye is here.” Anna “Marlena, just let us do the paternity test.” Still waiting on news on Jan, Lucas walks over toward Tony, Anna, and Marlena. “I overheard my fiancée’s name. What’s going on?” Anna “Luc



Shocking Announcement!

After a month of quietness and no episodes of "Life in Salem" or "Affairs of the Hearts", a shocking announcement has been made as the backstage upheavel continues! However, Creator/EP/HW of AOTH and Co-EP/Co-HW of LIS, ML Cooks, wishes to tell the fans himself: "When I joined LIS last November , the series was in a state of panic, coming off the heels of another previous co Head writing stint by Jay Vanderburg. LIS seemed to have lost it’s identity some what. With the help of Series creator




On the heels of the huge Ed Scott scandal at Days of Our lives, while this is not a huge scandal, surprisingly, huge drama has cropped up behind the scenes at "Life in Salem". While everything is civil, the HWs/EPs(Tara Smith and ML Cooks) are said by many sources to be having BIG clashes in the visions for the show, and where to take it. ML, due to other real life issues, had to quit the soap at the beginning of the Summer, but returned a couple weeks ago. Since then, cast members have been wor




"Summer's been slow for LIS but AOTH has been in high-gear and a huge success," Tara Smith says "But its going to soon be over and you won't believe how it ends." Affairs Of The Hearts: "I can't say much but ML promises that the finale IS coming up and there will be a MAJOR EXIT in a MAJOR WAY. LIS will NEVER BE THE SAME! Its never been done before on any blog or Days itself and is a very risky move...believe me, its HUGE!" Life in Salem: The DiMeras: "Their reign over Salem is real




VALERIE WILDMAN, MATT CEDENO, JULIANNE MORRIS, AND AMBYR CHILDERS HEAD TO AOTH...AND ML COOKS RETURNS TO LIS AS CO-EP/CO-HW! Some BIG announcements are here for AOTH and LIS! Matt Cedeno(Brandon Walker), Valerie Wildman(Faye Walker), and Julianne Morris(Greta Von Amberg) have all reprised their former "Days" roles on AOTH! LIS fans might remember Morris from the 2006-2007 era, when Greta returned and the Nicole/Eric/Greta triangle was re-ignited for a short time, but later left when Nicole an



AOTH Episode#9: The Mission

Downtown Salem, The Salem Inn Mike and Alexis look at each other in shock. She gets up and begins to put her clothes on. Mike “God this can’t be happening.” Alexis “Why didn’t you tell me Jeremy was your son?” Mike “Was I supposed to? We never got that far and aren’t you the one who said this was a one night stand? “ Alexis “I can’t believe we just did this?” Mike “Jeremy is already so pissed at me.” Alexis “He can’t find out about this?” Mike “DO yo



LIS Episode#262: Mother and Son

Spears Mansion Kate walks up to the doorway of the Spears Mansion, and looks around with a raised eyebrow at all of the tree branches lying every where. Kate Well, Victor told me I could find Lucas here…but why is he living with that psycho Jan Spears? I mean, at least he’s not with Sami, but who knows what that murderous lunatic could do to him…she locked Shawn in a cage, told him Belle pushed her down the stairs, stalked him, tried to kill Victor, and who knows what else. Kate slowly and



AOTH Episode#8: No Strings!

Inside the Spears Mansion, Lucas walks up to his fiancé after hearing the front door close. He notices her face is scratched up, she has bruises on her arms, and her hair is disheveled. “What the hell happened to you?” Jan “Oh, nothing, I had a little fight with a raccoon.” Lucas “What? Are you ok? A raccoon really did all this to you?” Jan “Look honey, I’m going to get cleaned up.” she says trying to walk up the stairs. He stops her by grabbing her, “I think you shoul



LIS Episode#261: Stefan and Kayla Are Back!

Salem Police Station The next day, Down in the holding cells, the three cellmates Vivian, Julie, and Hope are silent, but Hope’s eyes narrow when she sees Megan approaching their cell. Hope Finally joining the rest of us? Megan, smirking Awww, I’m sorry I can’t come in there to beat you to a pulp, but no. I just came to see how you were doing in the slammer. Hope I’m sure soon you’ll be right beside me. Megan Sorry, Bo and I will be too busy planning our future. Hope Excuse me?



AOTH Episode#7: Greta and The Coon!

Greta "Who the hell do you think you are? I am so tired of you and Nicole walking all around this town acting like you can stomp on everyone. Eric, Austin, Victor, Belle, Mimi, Shawn, and you still won't stop trying to get rid of me! I've had enough!" Jan " Who cares Greta? No one ones want you here. Leave it in the past. Let's move on. I am warning you Greta Von Hamburger! You better leave me and my family the hell alone or suffer the consequences." And with that Jan tries to walk int



LIS Episode#260: Jailbirds

Salem Police Station Down in the holding cells, Hope is led down to them, and is put in the one with Julie! Julie’s eyes widen, and she automatically rushes Hope and hugs her! Hope embraces Julie, and both of them just stand in that position for a moment. Julie You came back…Hope, you came back! Hope Yeah, I-I did…I gave it all up, Julie. I gave up the crack, and I gave up the alcohol, and gave up being on the run. A very nice woman helped me realize that was what I needed to do. Julie



AOTH Episode#6: The True DiMera Child

Spears Mansion Lucas looks at his son and Jan in confusion. Jan “I wonder what flew up Sami’s ass.” Lucas, looking at Jan with his infamous frowned head “Please don’t talk about my son’s mother that way.” Will “Oh no it’s ok. She’s not my mother any more. You can talk about her all day long. I don’t care. And by the way, Lucas, you’re not my dad and don’t call me son.” Lucas “You’ve have grown a mighty pair of big ones for a 16 year old. Is this what being in the stre



LIS Episode#259: Hope Jailed!

Salem Police Station Bo has Hope down at the police station, and she is being booked right now. She and Bo stare at each other before he looks away, and Hope stars down towards the floor, knowing whats happening between her and Bo. She shakes as a few officers walk up to her, and grab ahold of her arms. Officer Alright, Mrs. Brady, we’ll take you down to the holding area…your sister is down there, too. Hope, nodding Please don’t throw her in prison, please…I pulled her into this. Officer



AOTH Episode#5: Peace in the Valley

Chez Rouge Tony and Anna are seated at a table Anna “Are you sure your precious Marlena won’t object to our having dinner?” Tony “Of course not. Why would she?” Anna “Oh I don’t know. Because you dropped me like a bad habit as soon as you found out you have a child with her. You have been clinging to her ever since.” Tony “Non sense. But Marlena and are connected through Nicole and we always be” Anna “You think?” Tony “Now what is that supposed to mean? You keep saying



BREAKING NEWS: Co-EP/HW Steps Down....But not Completely!

ML Cooks Steps Down As Co-EP/HW, But remains as Associate Head Writer and Story Consultant! ML Cooks, who joined LIS in November 2007 as Co-EP/HW, has been forced to step down from Life in Salem due to real life obligations. As heartbreaking as it is for both ML and Tara Smith, it must be done, however ML promises to remain on the show as an Associate Head Writer and Storyline Consultant, and Tara Smith shall once again be sole Executive Producer and Head Writer, although ML does plan to retu



LIS Episode#258: Kate's Back

Downtown Salem Chaos erupts as it is revealed that Kate Roberts is alive and well! Billie’s face pales, and she screams in horror! Kate’s eyes shift from Vivian to Billie, and she kicks Valentine and Vivian out of her way as she walks off of the stage. Kate Move! I need to see my daughter! Billie This has gotta be a trick…a dream…a nightmare…no…I saw YOUR BODY! I buried you! Kate Billie, it is me. Your mother. That bastard Tony DiMera tried to kill me, but I’m alive and



AOTH Episode#4: "Family" Reunion

Spears Mansion Lucas looks at Will, astonished and angered at Will telling him he’s not his father anymore, and Will tries to turn to leave but Lucas grabs his arm. Lucas “Hey, I AM your father! I always have been and always will be! You can’t just decide whether I am or not, it’s a given son and I’m also your authority.” Will “Sorry, Lucas, but I think I just disowned you. Nice knowing you, but I have other stuff to take care of. It seems you are doing just fine with Jan Brady here. Y




LAUREN KOSLOW RETURNS TO LIS AS KATE!!!!!! STEVIE BROCK JOINS AOTH AS WILL!!!!! As revealed in the latest episode of LIS, Kate Roberts, last seen when killed by Tony DiMera/Vince in October 2007, is alive and well! Lauren Koslow returns to the role, one that she played from LIS's premiere, and is back on contract status! "ML and I planned it almost immediately when he came on, and we always had a set time period for when she'd return, and she's finally back. This will cause things to heat up



LIS Episode#257: Vivian vs. Valentine

Downtown Salem At the fashion show, Vivian has Valentine pinned to the ground, and is literally ripping her apart! Valentine screams for help, and Celeste tries to stop Vivian, however Vivian angrily stands and elbows Celeste in the stomach and pushes her off the stage! Celeste lies on the ground, hurt, and Victor rushes to her side. Victor Oh, Celeste! Are you alright?! Celeste does not respond, while Valentine kicks Vivian away, and tries to stand up to run, but Vivian grabs h



AOTH Episode#3: Father and Son

Spears Mansion Jan raises an eyebrow at seeing Will on her back patio, and does not know he is Lucas’s son. Jan Who the hell are you and how’d you get into my house? Will, looking at Lucas You didn’t tell her about me, Dad? I’m Will Roberts, Lucas’s son. Jan Ohh, wait, I’ve seen you in pictures before…don’t think I’ve ever actually met you. Lucas Will…no…its impossible. Where the HELL have you been?! Will Is that really any of your business? You obviously never bothered t



LIS Episode#256: Exposed!

Downtown Salem Forrest, Billie, Nicholas, Victor, Vivian, Belle, Peter, and Elvis are stop what they are doing as they hear a familiar woman’s voice over the loud peaker system. “Everyone, yes may I have your attetion. We interrupt your programming for an exclusive expose on one of Salem’s oldest and dumbest hags.” Val looks at Celetse and nods her head, giving the signal to press play on the tape recorder, which Celeste does. The tape contains a confession from Vivian Alamin to Ivan abou



AOTH Episode#2: We Meet Again

Salem University Hospital Marlena, Tony, and Anna all look at Mike waiting to hear news on Nicole. Tony “Well speak up Mike. Don’t keep us in suspense any longer.” Mike “Nicole is in a coma. She took a bullet to the back.” Marlena “Oh dear. Mike, will she wake up?” Mike “Very likely.” Tony “She took the bullet to the back, where at exactly?” Mike “A few millimeters from her lower spine.” Marlena gasps as Tony continues “Is she paralyzed Mike?” Off in the distance



LIS Episode#255: Alamain Conflict

Bo and Hope’s House Hope looks at Bo, seeing her husband for the first time in over a month. Bo is astonished, almost not believing what he’s seeing. He slowly walks towards her, and she stands perfectly still. Bo Hope…is it…really you? Hope Yes…Bo, its me…the real me. Bo I was beginning to think that you were gone for…good. Hope At one point, I…thought that to, and intended on it. But speaking to someone made me realize that…I needed to come back. I’ve been preparing myself for this



LIS Episode#254: Bella's Back!

Downtown Salem Inside the fashion show building, many models continue to walk down the runway as photographers and some of the highest executives in Salem watch, the drama of the shooting calmed down now as Nicole has been rushed to the hospital. Belle stands behind the curtain at the back of the stage, readying herself to launch the new face of Bella Magazine. Belle I hope I can do this…all of Salem is going to be watching…and of all things my sister was just shot! I should be at the hos



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