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A Days Fan Fiction by SON members PhoenixRising05 and Roman

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March 8, 2007

-At Lucas’s apartment, Kate bangs on Will’s bedroom door, trying desperately to get him to come out. He sits on his bed, refusing to even acknowledge her. All he keeps telling her is for her to leave him alone. Kate doesn’t want to hear that. She loves him so very much and knows something is bothering him. It kills her to see him like this, all cut off from his family, so if nothing else, she wants him to open the door so she can at least see how he’s doing. Will slowly gets up, walks to the



March 7, 2007

-Hope and Doug are at Maggie's house after returning from searching for her all morning. Doug has no idea where Maggie could be and is really worried, as is Hope. Alice calls Hope on her cell and asks if there is any word. Hope apologizes saying there isn't but says she will let her known as soon as there is. Hope tells Alice to get some rest as she has been up all night with worry. Alice tells Hope not to worry and tells Hope to just pray and have faith that Maggie will be alright and to e



March 6, 2007

-At the motel outside of Chicago, Kayla continues to be confused as to Steve forgetting the last two months. She asks him again if he is sure he doesn't remember anything since right before the shootout at the New Year's Eve Ball. Steve says he is sure...the last thing he remembers is Stefano and Victor's men, along with the SPD and ISA, all surrounding the room looking like they were going to open fire. He then remembers passing out and that is it. Kayla recalls hearing Steve scream a f



March 5, 2007

-It's past midnight in Salem and a new day is in it's early stages. Kayla and Steve are in a motel outside of Chicago after their return flight to Salem was grounded due to bad weather. Kayla apologizes to Steve for them having to make an unscheduled landing. She also apologizes that they had to cut their little trip down memory lane short. Her mother called and told her that there was issues with her family and that they needed her so she felt like this was right. Steve is ok with it a




Announcer: VICTOR AND MAGGIE... Clip of Victor and Maggie sharing their kiss under the mistletoe. A BLOSSOMING ROMANCE THAT SEEMED DESTINED TO SURVIVE... BUT...THIS WEEK... Nicole to Victor: What do you propose? Victor to Nicole: I have a plan and I need your help. A PLAN TO PUSH THE WOMAN HE CARES ABOUT AWAY.... Clip of Maggie at the Kiriakis Mansion with Julie, breaking down in tears. BACKFIRES... Maggie: HOW COULD YOU DO THIS?!!! AND PUSHES HER OVER THE EDGE!! C




Week of 3/5/07 Edition INSIDER FEATURE: SPRING PREVIEW!!! The NCAA basketball tournament isn't the only thing causing madness this March as an amazing Spring begins on Salem Lives with several huge twists and turns. It really is one shocker after another as SALEM LIVES VENDETTA begins. "It's our biggest event yet," says EP/HW Tim Lowery. "It's huge in that it's not something that lasts for a few weeks. This MCF mystery has been going on since Fall and now we are getting to what he



March 2, 2007

-Eric and Nicole return to their suite at the Salem Inn after their stay at Green Mountain. Nicole is still angry they left and reminds Eric of his promise to do everything he can to make sure they gain custody of the child they found. Eric tells Nicole he will do what he can but can't guarantee anything. He then checks his messages and is stunned to learn about Will missing and being found and about Carrie being found and her baby "dying." He is angry with himself for not checking his messa




EXCLUSIVE VENDETTA SNEAK PREVIEW CLIP!!! The MCF is still in a wooded area, talking to his/her associate via cell phone. MCF (with voice changer): You understand your instructions, right? Associate: Yes. Our prisoners are doing just fine at the moment. MCF: Excellent. The time has come to put the big parts of the plan in motion. Everything up until now has been child's play. Blowing up Samantha Brady's apartment, shooting Roman Brady, giving out Bo Brady and Victor Kiriakis's whereab



March 1, 2007

-Lying on the ground barely conscious and breathing shallowly, Stefano drifts in and out of consciousness. He drifts back to yesterdays past..........his childhood at his parents’ estate, life with his brothers, when his older brother was killed in an ambush, when he took over his father’s businesses and became the head of the family, his first meeting with Roman Brady, his battles over the years, his children.......Antony, Megan, Renee, Alexandra, Kristen, Peter & Benjamin. And his undyi



February 28, 2007

At Salem University Hospital, Carrie sees Alan walk on to the hospital floor through her window. As he looks into her room, he sees her wave him in. After he slowly makes his way in, she starts getting upset, begging him to bring her baby to her. Alan tries to calm her down, reminding her that for one, CPS may have him by now. And two, her mental state isn’t the greatest, so he is doubtful that they would give her back custody after everything she has been through. He also tells her that with hi



February Episode Counts (Total for Year Included)

February 2007 Episodes: 20 Days: 3 January 31-February 12, 2007 February 13-February 20, 2007 February 21- 1.) Drake Hogestyn (Roman Brady)-17 2.) Alison Sweeney (Samantha Brady)-15 *Bryan Dattilo (Lucas Roberts)-15 4.) Matthew Ashford (Jack Deveraux)-14 *Julie Pinson (Billie Reed)-14 6.) James Reynolds (Abe Carver)-13 *Paul Kersey (Alan Harris)-13 *Charles Shaughnessy (Shane Donovan)-13 9.) Christie Clark (Carrie Brady)-12 *Patrick Muldoon (Austin Reed)-12 11.) Roscoe Born (Ja



February 27, 2007

-At Marlena and Roman's penthouse, Belle is trying to get a crying Claire to calm down. There is a knock on the door. It's Philip and Belle tries to close it but he forces his way in. Philip wants to see his daughter and asks to hold her. Belle refuses and a fight ensues as Philip tells Belle he knows she is scared of him. She proved that when she ran away the last time they were together at the mansion. Belle puts Claire in her playpen and says to Philip: Belle: I'm not scared of you



February 26, 2007

-At the Salem Police Department, Victor and Stefano have been escorted to another office and guard as Roman thinks about what he should do about their offer. Both men can see Roman from across the hall and they stand there, looking at him. Then, moments later, Stefano silently turns and looks at Victor, who is staring at him. They know that they are doing what they have to do but they also know that they are taking a huge risk. Stefano finally speaks to his fellow godfather and remarks......




Announcer: THIS WEEK... A FANTASTIC FEBRUARY CONCLUDES... WITH SEVERAL HUGE TWISTS!!! FIRST... A GRUESOME MURDER ROCKS SALEM!! Clips of Billie, Jack, Renee, JJ, Jonathan, and Angel. WHO WAS KILLED? Clip of the MCF, Marlena, and James. WHO IS THE KILLER? Abe: Dear God... THEN... A HUGE DECISION... Stefano (with Victor): Our immunity and freedom for our unlimited resources and assistance in catching this cloaked figure. Sounds like a fair deal, Roman. IS MAD




WEEK OF 2/26/07 EDITION INSIDER SPOTLIGHT: PETER RECKELL (BO) AND JEREMY SUMPTER (WILL) DISH ON THEIR CONTROVERSIAL NEW STORIES AND WHY THEY FEEL IT IS PERFECT TIMING. Interviewer (I): Hey guys. Peter Reckell (PR) and Jeremy Sumpter (JS): Hey. I: Thank you for joining me to talk about your hot new stories. Now, both of you are involved in a similar story only, Peter, in your case, your character was molested in the past and it is only being brought to light now, correct? PR: Yes.



February 23, 2007

-Driving down the highway towards the SPD, Abe is listening to the radio when he gets a call from headquarters. It’s a message from Billie, telling him to call her back ASAP. He pulls off the highway and uses his cell phone to get in contact with her. Billie then tells Abe to get over to the McCluer home as quickly as he can. Something may be going down. He thanks her and hangs up, quickly calling into the station to get the address. When he hears that the family lives at 729 Coleman Ave., he re



February 22, 2007

-At the Carver house, Abe rushes downstairs to see Celeste and Theo at the dinner table. Celeste asks how his shower was. Abe says it was good and that now he has to go back to the station. Celeste says there is something they need to discuss first. It's about Alexandra. -At the McCluer home, Renee confirms to James that she knows he had a meeting with some cloaked person and Dr. Marlena Evans. She tells him she wants answers. Their family deserves answers. JJ and Angel begin to fill h



February 21, 2007

-It's a new day in Salem as Carrie opens her eyes at University Hospital to see Austin looking back at her. They both smile at each other as she asks him if he has been there with her all night. He nods and says there is no place he would rather be. He asks if she is ok and she says she is fine but could use a glass of water. He goes to pour some and accidentally knocks over a medical chart left on her nightstand. It falls on Carrie's legs and she picks it up and glances at it. Austin,



February 20, 2007

-At Billie's PI office, Jack and Billie are awaiting JJ and Angel's arrival for their meeting. They hope nothing has happened to them. JJ and Angel soon arrive and say they had a hard time finding the place. Billie tells them she thought it would be safer meeting at her office since it's new and not public. They all sit down. Meanwhile, James has followed them to the office and is eavesdropping through a small crack in the door. He tells himself he needs to find out how much they know so



February 19, 2007

-At one of Victor’s secret hideouts, Nico brings Julie in to see Victor, who is waiting for her in his study. Looking out his window, he turns to see Julie walk in and is still not very pleased with how she duped Nico into giving away his location. Julie tells him that she really doesn’t care about any of that. He left a troubled woman back home in Salem and it’s his duty to go to her and see her through what he put her through. Victor disagrees, saying that what Maggie got herself into was of h




Salem Lives's Monday episode will be delayed until tomarrow. Two episodes will be posted either tomarrow or Wednesday to catch up so that the rest of the week will be normal after Wednesday. Monday's episode will definitely be posted tomarrow though. We thank you for your patience and, trust me, you will not want to miss this episode when it gets posted. Monday's episode includes: -The fallout from Bo remembering and Alan's attack on Will. -Caroline learning the truth about Bo. -Julie tryin




Announcer: A FANTASTIC FEBRUARY CONTINUES ON SALEM LIVES... FIRST... Clip of Bo in Dr. Harris' office. Bo: I remember!! A LONG BURIED SECRET IS REVEALED... Bo: This can't be true!!! LEADING TO A CONFRONTATION YOU CAN'T MISS!! Clip of Bo entering the Brady Pub, where Caroline, Kim, and Roman are. Bo (teary eyed) to Kim and Roman: I know the truth!! How could you do this to me??!! THEN... Clip of Will laying on the bed in Alan's hotel room. A HORRIFIC ACT...




WEEK OF 2/19/07 EDITION INSIDER SPOTLIGHT: SALEM LIVES HW TIM LOWERY DISHES ON FEBRUARY SWEEPS THUS FAR, TWO CONTROVERSIAL STORYLINES, AND WHAT IS COMING UP NEXT. Interviewer (I): Hi again, Tim. Tim Lowery (TL): Hey. Nice to talk with you again. I: It's been a huge sweeps. Salem Lives is doing well in the ratings and things seem to be happening at a breakneck pace. TL: Yes. This is the best pace we have had since our regime took over. The island stuff was kind of like this but w



February 16, 2007

-A worried Hope walks through the door of the Brady Pub just as Caroline comes downstairs. When Hope meets her at the counter, she asks where Bo is. Caroline informs her that Bo isn’t even there. Hope takes a moment to let that comment sink in and then turns and starts walking towards the door, telling Caroline that she will go and find him. Caroline tells her to keep her updated when she finally gets in contact with Bo. Hope shakes her head yes and then rushes out the door. As Hope walks out



February 15, 2007

-At the Green Mountain Hospital, Eric and Nicole return after going back to the lodge to rest. They are approached by the doctor who examined the newborn they found last night and ask about the baby's status. The doctor says the child is fine and is ready to be released. CPS has been unable to find out where he came from, however. No newborn babies were reported missing last night. Nicole asks what will happen to the child now. The doctor says that CPS will take care of it and wait to



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