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A Days Fan Fiction by SON members PhoenixRising05 and Roman

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March 28, 2007

-It's a new day in Salem as Roman, Kim, Shane, and Caroline are all with Kayla at her suite. Kayla is confused and frustrated as there is no sign of Steve. He didn't even leave a note. Caroline promises that they will find him. Roman advises Kayla to just stay clam. The will get to the bottom of this. Kayla asks Roman how she is supposed to stay clam when her husband goes missing. Roman takes Kayla in his arms. Roman: Come on, sis. It's going to be fine. Have I ever lied to you?



March 27, 2007

-Steve is packing his belongings in a hurry at his and Kayla's suite. He is hoping to be done and gone before Kayla returns. Soon after, he has finished packing and is about to leave the bedroom when he hears Kayla walk in and asks where he is. -At their cabin near Green Mountain, Cal and Katherine are asleep. Cal begins to have a dream about Katherine and him getting married. She is walking down the aisle and he is smiling. A dark shadow then overcomes Katherine and the chapel. Cal loo




VENDETTA CLIP #3 The MCF returns to his or her secret hideaway in the abandoned warehouse office and sits down at the desk. MCF: Now that I have Steven on board...it's time to seek out more aid for my plans. The MCF looks at the picture shrine he or she created and begins to laugh. MCF: All I need is to wait until desperation sets in and then...I make my move. The scene then shifts to Tony and Anna, who are still imprisoned in their cell in an undisclosed location. Anna



March 26, 2007

-At Eric and Nicole's suite, Eric demands answers from Nicole. Eric: Well, why are you listed on these adoption papers as the only parent? Nicole: Calm down. You will wake... Eric: DAMNIT NICOLE!!! TELL ME!!! Nicole: You are on the forms. You just aren't a legal guardian. Eric: Why? I'm your husband. This is our family. We were supposed to do this together. Nicole: Look, I just thought it would look better. I am more financially stabile and I have the better job so... Eric: It al




Announcer: THIS WEEK... VENDETTA HEATS UP!!! FIRST... AN OFFER STEVE CAN'T REFUSE... MCF (via voice changer) to Steve: I will give you what you truly desire. THEN... A TRAP IS SET... Clip of James watching Jack and Billie. James: You two pests are going down for all the pain and trouble you have caused me. AND... FOR ONE OF THESE WOMEN... Clip of Nicole, Sami, and Carrie. A POWERFUL MOMENT THAT MAY CHANGE EVERYTHING!!! PLUS... NEXT WEEK... Clip




Be there for a Salem Lives event!! Last week, it was announced in the Salem Lives Insider that a tribute to the late Lanna Saunders would take place on the April 5 and April 6 episodes. It was also mentioned that Salem Lives has decided to write off the character of Marie Horton permanently. Fans already saw this plan begin to be realized last week when Alice (Francis Reid) recieved word of Marie's death and news quickly spread to loved ones in Salem. Next week, fans will be treated to t




VENDETTA TRIVIA QUESTIONS: WEEK ONE!!! This week there are only 3 questions. They will typically be 3-5 questions a week based on the episodes from the past week (In this week's case, all episodes from 3/19/07-3/23/07 are fair game). Answers are due to me, PhoenixRising05, in a PM by Tuesday at 4PM, which is around the time the next VENDETTA clip will be up. Correct answers and fastest time are both counted in this so the quicker and more accurate the better. This will be the system we



March 23, 2007

-At the Kiriakis Mansion, Philip is reading the paper in the living room when Nico drags a kicking and screaming Belle into the house. Philip tells Nico it's about time. Nico reminds Philip he works for his father and only did this because his father approved. Philip sarcastically says he knows and that he understands his level of power. Nico coldly looks at him and leaves. Philip: Long time, no see Izzy. Belle: Shutup. I should have you arrested... Philip: For what? Wanting to see m



March 22, 2007

In their apartment, both Sami and Lucas discuss Will over lunch. Sami tells Lucas that Will doesn’t fight or argue with them now, even when they are punishing him, and that’s not like him at all. Lucas tells her that they should just go ahead and give him his space. Maybe they are smothering him. When he is ready, he’ll let them know. Sami agrees. She says they tried everything else and it’s not working so they might as well give him time. When Will does come out of his room, Lucas stands and




-In the psych ward at University Hospital, Marlena sits in her straightjacket, staring blankly at the four walls that surround her. Marlena: Lovely. Just lovely. They may have put me away but little do they know that they can't stop the horror that has been set in motion. They have no idea...no idea what's upon them now. Marlena then struggles with her straightjacket. Marlena: Damnit. I will get out of here. I will get my revenge and make them all pay!! The scene then shifts



March 21, 2007

-At the abandoned McCluer home, Jack arrives with Billie. Greta and Frankie follow. The home is still a mess from the brutal murders that took place there only a month ago. Billie feels uneasy being back there but Jack insists that they may find something in the home to help them possibly find James. He believes James is the key to breaking the MCF mystery wide open and possibly tracking the MCF down. The four of them search the house. Billie heads upstairs with Jack to search the bedroo



March 20, 2007

-At the Brady Pub, an angry Kayla is still in shock upon hearing about Bo's molestation and Kim and Roman hiding the truth for all these years. Kayla lashes out at them and asks both Roman and Kim why they would do such a thing. A crying Kim insists that they were merely trying to protect Bo. He had blocked it out and he was so traumatized that they thought it was best since mom and pop had enough problems. Roman agrees and tells Kayla they were doing what they thought best. Kayla disagre




***NOTE: THIS IS THE SAME AS THE SNEAK PREVIEW VENDETTA CLIP. IT HAS A FEW THINGS ADDED BUT ALSO GIVES GAME PLAYERS AND READERS SOME CLUES AS TO THE MCF'S PLAN AND POSSIBLE IDENTITY SO REUSING IT AS THE FIRST CLIP IS A GOOD IDEA TO START THINGS EASY. THE VENDETTA GAME IS UNDERWAY!!!*** The MCF is in a wooded area, talking to his/her associate via cell phone. MCF (with voice changer): You understand your instructions, right? Associate: Yes. Our prisoners are doing just fine at the m




MCF: APPEARANCE LIST This is to help fans follow the trail of the MCF from his/her very first appearance and will be especially helpful to those who participate in the VENDETTA game beginning on March 21. There is links to every episode the MCF appeared in so click on the link and find the MCF in the episode. It will help provide clues to the mystery and will be updated each time the MCF appears from now on. Remember you have until March 11 to join the VENDETTA game. For more info on VEND



March 19, 2007

-At the Brady Pub, Kim is with Caroline, begging her not to tell Kayla about Bo's molestation and her and Roman keeping it a secret. Caroline tells Kim it must be done. Kim notices that Caroline is still mad at her. Caroline reminds Kim that she has a right to be mad at her after what her and Roman did. Shane then arrives and Kim admits she is happy to see him. Caroline gives him the cold shoulder when he says hello to her. Kim asks Caroline if she is still mad about Shane lying concerni




***ALL INTERESTED POSTERS AND READERS PLEASE READ THIS!!! MAJOR CHANGES TO THE VENDETTA GAME ARE NOTED WITH ASTERISKS AND ARE IN RED!!!*** On Thursday March 1, Salem Lives unveiled it's biggest event to date: SALEM LIVES: VENDETTA. This interactive fan event is pulling readers into Salem's biggest mystery yet. A category titled "VENDETTA" has been created on the right side of the blog. Entries will begin to be posted in that category in the weeks leading to VENDETTA to keep readers and




Announcer: THIS WEEK...SALEM LIVES VENDETTA OFFICIALLY BEGINS.... AN UNDERCOVER OPERATION... Clip of Jack and Billie at a bar, disguised with Billie in a blonde wig and halter top and Jack in a leather jacket and wearing a faux beard. WHERE UNDENIABLE ATTRACTION SURFACES!!! Clip of Jack and Billie dancing in a sexy way and then moving close together and looking into each other's eyes. A MAN TAKES ACTION... Clip of Steve in Barbara's office, lying on her couch. TO PIECE T




WEEK OF MARCH 19, 2007 EDITION INSIDER SPOTLIGHT: SALEM LIVES' REAL-LIFE GOLDEN COUPLE BILL AND SUSAN SEAFORTH HAYES DISH ABOUT BEING BACK ON THE FRONTBURNER AND WHAT THE FUTURE HOLDS FOR THEM. Interviewer (I): Hello there. It's great to have you with us. Bill Hayes (BH): Great to be here. Susan Seaforth Hayes (SSH): Thanks for the invite. It's not often we do interviews for story purposes. It's been so long since we have had a story (laughs). I: Well, since you mentioned it, h



March 16, 2007

-At the abandoned former Salem Bus Station, James is walking down the block, drinking a beer, as tears stream down his face. He stops off in the station and sits down. As he mourns the loss of his entire family, he doesn’t hear the cloaked figure walking up behind him. When the MCF taps James on his shoulder, James turns around, stands up, and takes a swing at this person. The MCF ducks out of the way, telling James that he is misplacing his anger. Marlena is the one he wants to kill. James t



March 15, 2007

-At University Hospital, Victor returns to visit Maggie. He sits down at her bedside. Victor: I just hope you can forgive me, my dear. I only did what was right. I needed to cut ties to you. I couldn't have you around. It's too dangerous and...if anything ever happened to you. God help me. Maggie then begins to slowly wake up. Victor is pleased and smiles, welcoming her back. Maggie looks at Victor and coldly asks what he is doing there. She doesn't want him anywhere near her. Sh



March 14, 2007

-Sami and Kate are still going at it, blaming the other for Will’s disappearance. That is until Lucas and Eric step in and get both women to stop, pulling them apart as Lucas screams....... Lucas: I am sick of this [!@#$%^&*] with you two!! My son is missing, God knows where, and all you two can do is fight and bitch at each other! Eric: (Breathing heavy) Thank you, Lucas. Lucas: This makes no sense whatsoever. Mom, all you can do is point fingers. Nothing is ever y



March 13, 2007

-At University Hospital, Abby asks Max about the good news he has. Max fills her in on how he caught Cassie with the surveillance video. The truth is out and now everyone knows Abby didn't intentionally do anything. Max also mentions how he made a deal with Cassie and told her if she stayed away from all of them, he would keep from charges being brought against her. Max is shocked when Abby is silent and turns away from him in tears. He asks what is wrong. Abby says she shouldn't have to p



March 12, 2007

-At Univesity Hospital, Max finishes watching the surveillance tape of the night of Cassie's fall as a nervous Cassie watches. Chelsea watches from outside Cassie's room, worried that Cassie will expose her secrets now that her secrets have been exposed. Max turns the tape off after seeing Abby run into Cassie's leg by accident with her wheelchair and then seeing Cassie fall on her own a few minutes later. Cassie tells Max she can explain but he says it isn't necessary. Max gets in her fac




WEEK OF MARCH 12, 2007 EDITION INSIDER SPOTLIGHT: SALEM LIVES' ARIANNE ZUKER (NICOLE) OPENS UP ABOUT HER LONGER THEN EXPECTED RETURN, THE STORY THAT NEVER ENDED, AND WORKING AGAIN WITH JOHN ANISTON (VICTOR). Interviewer (I): Hello! It's great to finally be able to talk to you! Arianne Zuker (AZ): Hey. I'm sorry. It's been so busy since I came back in May and between the show and my other projects it's been rough. I am here now so let's dish! (laughs). I: Ok so tell us how your



March 9, 2007

-At University Hospital, a nurse leaves Cassie's room and Chelsea enters it. Cassie asks what took her so long. Chelsea reminds Cassie that a nurse was in her room so she couldn't just walk in and blow their cover. Cassie tells Chelsea she is smarter then she looks, which is no surprise since she is following instructions quite nicely. Cassie asks for the surveillance tape. Chelsea gives it to her reluctantly, knowing full well Cassie is going to use it somehow to destroy Max and Abby.



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