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March 16, 2007




-At the abandoned former Salem Bus Station, James is walking down the block, drinking a beer, as tears stream down his face. He stops off in the station and sits down. As he mourns the loss of his entire family, he doesn’t hear the cloaked figure walking up behind him. When the MCF taps James on his shoulder, James turns around, stands up, and takes a swing at this person. The MCF ducks out of the way, telling James that he is misplacing his anger. Marlena is the one he wants to kill.

James then says that Marlena is the one who killed his people? The MCF says yes. Her and the rest of Salem destroyed his family and his life. Not just Marlena but Billie Reed and Jack Deveraux as well. If those two had not been sticking their noses where it didn’t belong, Marlena may not have went psychotic and committed murder. All the problems with her family and friends led her to this. James doesn’t believe it and the MCF tells him that it really doesn’t matter what he does or doesn’t believe. It happens to be the truth.

But, the MCF tells him, if their plans are completed, that will be the sweetest revenge. Getting back at Marlena’s friends and family will be just enough to avenge his family and make things right. James stares at this person for quite some time but then agrees to continue on. He has nothing else, he says, so why not bring pain to those who brought pain to him. Both James and the MCF walk off into the night.

-Once again at the hospital psych ward, Roman is trying to ask Marlena one question.....

Roman: Did you start the fire at Chez Rouge, Doc?

Marlena: (Laughing) What do you think?

Roman: Doc, I don’t know what to think anymore. All I’m trying to do is reach you.

Marlena: Oh, so now I’m so damn crazy that I need you to reach me? Get the hell out of here.

Roman: That I won’t do. No matter what you say, I’m going to stand by you, no matter how you treat me.

Marlena: You’re not hearing me, cop. I don’t feel anything for you! You don’t mean one damn thing to me, ok?! Why is that so hard for you to understand?!

Roman: Because you were right there for me when I came back home not knowing who I was. Even though I look completely different, you never stopped loving me.

Marlena: Oh, but you had no problem turning to Isabella when it was convenient, didn’t you?

Roman is silent.

Marlena: Oh, cat got your tongue? Now you don’t have anything to say. You don’t get it. I’m sick of being there for everyone. When has someone been there for me, huh?

Roman: I was there for you when Samantha was killed. I was there for you when our twins were kidnapped by Stefano. I’ve been there each and every time you needed me, so stop with the guilty crap, ok?!

Marlena: (Crying) Ok.

Roman is shocked and then rushes over to Marlena, who seems to have broken through for just one brief moment......

Marlena: It’s so hard, Roman. All these voices. And feelings. (Crying harder) I can’t make them stop, Roman. I just can’t make them stop.

Roman holds Marlena as she slowly crumbles into his arms, crying hysterically.

-Maggie is beyond heartbroken when she realizes that she was the one who set the fire. She is almost unconsolable, telling Julie over and over again how sorry she is for what she has done. She knows how many of her loved ones could have died because of her foolish action. She doesn’t know how she can face anyone.

As Victor watches from outside, Julie comforts her. He is determined to get Maggie out of this somehow. Back inside her room, a nurse comes and checks on Maggie. Julie tells her that she will be there for her and for Maggie to hang in there. Julie also tells Maggie one more thing...

Don’t say one word about the fire. Maggie silently shakes her head in approval as Julie exits her room.

-Outside Maggie's room, Victor asks Julie how Maggie is. Even though she is still very upset with him, she tells Victor that Maggie now remembers starting the fire. She also tells him that he is lucky no one else was hurt or killed. Victor agrees and also tells Julie that he will help in any way possible. Julie is relieved to hear this and then tells Victor that it is simple. They both know what must be done.

When Victor asks what, Julie walks past him and whispers that they have to pin this whole thing on someone else. Someone who was already there and, based on their condition right now, would do nicely. Victor asks Julie if she is talking about......and before he can finish, Julie stops him. She says yes, of course, she is talking about Marlena. No one, not even her family, would not believe right now that she is innocent after the way she’s been acting.

Victor agrees. They both stare at each other and then look in on a now sleeping Maggie as the scene fades to black.

On the Next Salem Lives...

Julie to Doug: I am so sorry. Sorry for everything I have done and everything I have to do.

Victor to Maggie: I am going to protect you. No matter what the cost.

Julie to Rich: I need you to do something for me.

Alice to Hope: Something horrible has happened.

Roman to Marlena: I love you and no matter how much you fight me, I am not going anywhere.

Caroline to Kayla (as Kim, Steve, and Shane watch): It's time you know what is going on.


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