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February 15, 2007




-At the Green Mountain Hospital, Eric and Nicole return after going back to the lodge to rest. They are approached by the doctor who examined the newborn they found last night and ask about the baby's status. The doctor says the child is fine and is ready to be released. CPS has been unable to find out where he came from, however. No newborn babies were reported missing last night.

Nicole asks what will happen to the child now. The doctor says that CPS will take care of it and wait to see if someone claims the child or reports a missing child. If none of that happens, they will seek out a foster or new permanent home for the child. The doctor leaves as Nicole's eyes light up. She turns to Eric and tells him that no one is going to claim the child. It's their miracle chid. She knows it. They are finally going to make their dreams come true and have the life they dreamed of.

Eric tries to be realistic and tells her that even if no one claims the child, there will be many people out there wanting a child. They will face alot of competition and they aren't going to be the only ones that want this baby, Nicole realizes that but feels like this happened for a reason. They found this child for a reason. They wre losing hope and their marriage was under alot of strain. This miracle changes all that. It gives them what they have always wanted and, even though she doesn't have a job, she can be a full-time mom. Nicole begins to think everything is working out for a reason and that there perfect life that they dreamed of is finally becoming a reality.

Eric insists that they wait and see how things turn out before getting their hopes up. Nicole reluctantly agrees but does think this is their miracle and it will turn out well in the end. She then asks Eric to promise her that they will do whatever they can to gain custody of the baby if it isn't claimed. Eric promises they will do whatever is possible and gives his word. Nicole embraces him and says she feels like it will all work out just the way they dreamed it. They will be a family with this baby and will live the life they always wanted. Eric says he hopes that is the case and then privately worries about how Nicole will react if things don't go as she hopes.

-Jack and Billie are her office, working on their investigation of James McCluer and his connection to the MCF. Billie wonders why Marlena was with them and wonders if they should tell Roman. Jack thinks they should wait until they learn more. The police are already looking for her anyway. Billie is also worried about the MCF finding out they are on to them. She is especially worried about JJ and Angel as they were the ones that saw the MCF, Marlena, and James meet in the park. If the MCF knows or figures out they saw somehow, they could be in danger. Hell, they could be in danger from their own father and who knows if Marlena is still off the deep end or not. Jack says he doesn't know about Marlena but doesn't think James would hurt his children since they are probably a reason why he is involved in all this.

Jack suggests that they meet with JJ and Angel to caution them and give them some advice on how to be careful. Billie think that is a great idea but also wonders if maybe they are doing wrong by not taking this to the ISA and SPD. Jack reminds her that it's easier to investigate this under the radar. They can find out more this way. Billie sarcastically says that Jack just wants to break the story but Jack says that isn't the only reason. This MCF scares him. Some of the things that have already happened as a result of he or she show what this person is capable of. He wants to catch the person for everyone's sakes and feels them investigating it on their own is the best way.

Jack tells Billie they can take their findings to the ISA and SPD when they know more or when things get to be too dangerous. Billie agrees to. Jack asks her to call JJ and Angel right now so they can have the meeting ASAP.

-Meanwhile, at the McCluer house, JJ and Angel are upstairs in his room. They discuss the meeting they witnessed between their father, Marlena, and the MCF. They wonder if Billie has made any progress. JJ isn't sure but is sure they will hear from her soon. Angel admits that she is worried about what could happen if the MCF or anyone else finds out what they know. They may be in danger. JJ doesn't think their father would hurt them. Angel says maybe not him but there are others who would just to make sure their plans aren't exposed or ruined.

Meanwhile, downstairs, Jonathan is helping his mother with the dishes. Renee is complaining about another Valentines day without her husband. She was told by him that it would be different this year with him being out of jail but it's the same old pattern. Jonathan comforts her and says that they can go watch one of her favorite movies. She smiles and tells him what a good soon he is.

Renee asks him what JJ and Angel are doing. They have been awfully secretive lately and are always whispering. Jonathan agrees. They are up to something. He even wonders if they know where dad is going or what he is up to. Renee tells him she wouldn't go that far but she wonders if maybe they are trying to figure out what is going on with their father. If that is the case, she is worried because there is no telling what dangerous mess their dad is involved in.

The phone then rings and JJ and Angel, knowing full well it could be Billie, race to answer the phone yelling "We got it!!" Jonathan and Renee are suspicious as JJ and Angel have been answering every phone call while home, almost like they want to intercept a call to keep something a secret. Meanwhile, JJ is pleased to hear Billie on the other line but then hears someone pick up the downstairs phone and quickly hangs up. Billie wonders what is going on. Jonathan tells his mother that JJ hung up the phone but he could hear a girl on the line. Renee doesn't think JJ would be hiding a girlfriend from everyone but says it could be true and Angel knows he is dating someone else. Perhaps he is afraid they won't like her. Jonathan doesn't think so and things this is something else...something bigger.

-At Lucas's apartment, Sami and Lucas are in his bed, basking in the glow of the lovemaking. They both wish each other Happy Valentine's Day and laugh. Sami can't understand how they didn't break the bed this time. Lucas laughs and says he can't figure it out either. Lucas holds her and says that everything is perfect, except for Will being missing. Sami says there is more wrong then Will being missing and that things are far from perfect. There are still some things they need to talk about. Lucas asks what.

Sami: Lucas, have you really forgiven me? I mean, I kept that secret for a long time.

Lucas: I know and I'm sorry for how I reacted right away. I as upset. I mean...Will is missing and then everything with Carrie and her baby...that baby could be mine, Sami. Now it's gone and that baby was something to me no matter what. A son...daughter...niece...whatever. Then...finding out that Carrie cheated on me and that so many knew...

Sami: I know.

Lucas: It all was too much at once. Now it's going to be very hard for me to be so understanding of what Carrie and Austin did. My mother hiding it is hard for me to condone too but, in your case, I understand. It wasn't your place and I guess I see how you believed you were doing the right thing. It's hard for me to see it that way but I understand it and forgive you for it.

Sami: Really? You do?

Lucas: Yes. Otherwise, I wouldn't be here. I need you, Sami. I was so upset last night and thinking about everything...when I walked in here I was so vulnerable and I felt like my insides were being torn apart.

Sami: It's been very hard.

Lucas: Yeah and it all felt better when I saw you. Walking in here and seeing you...I felt a huge weight come off me. I just needed you so much and I needed to feel you close to me.

Sami: I felt the same way. It's been so tough lately and we both needed each other because what is between us is meant to be. We have something special here and being together is a comfort for all that is wrong. It makes everything better for both of us. It's like our way of getting through the bad times.

Lucas: Yeah...all the emotions. Fear and worry over Will, anger and rage over the baby and Carrie and Austin...

Sami: Grief over what could be your child...going through all those emotions in a short amount of time...I think we both needed each other and were reaching out to each other.

Lucas: Yeah. Even though I feel better after making love to you and holding you, all good things must come to an end. I feel better but I still feel so angry and...you know what? I should be thinking about Will and not what Carrie and Austin did to me.

Sami: Lucas, I udnerstand. It's all fresh in your mind.

Lucas: Yeah but our son is missing and I should be focused on that and comforting you. Look, baby, we will get through this. Will is going to be found. He is probably mad about something and punishing us.

Sami: I should've never told him about Alan raping me.

Lucas: Please, that had to happen. This is not your fault. Ok?

Sami: I'm so worried, Lucas. Where is he? It's been nearly a day.

Lucas: I don't know but don't worry. He will come back to us. He will be found. We will get through this. Our love will get us through anything.

Sami: Yeah. We've been through worse. I love you, Lucas. I never want to lose you again. Without you...

Lucas: Hey, you won't. I love you too and I'm not going anywhere. I'm in this for the long haul, just like you. This time it will work. This time it's forever...you, me, and Will. The way it should be and the way it was meant to be. Carrie cheating on me and everything...it was all because we all were stubborn and denied what was in front of us. We weren't with the people we belonged with...the people who truly own our hearts. We may have to deal with alot of pain but things happen for a reason and, now, we are where we are supposed to be. In the arms of the people we truly love with all our heart and soul.

Sami (crying): Yeah, this is right. Right where we both belong. Now and forever. We can build the life we always dreamed of. We habe another chance here and I'm not going to screw it up. I just hope our son is here to share in this with us.

Lucas: He will be. I promise you.

Lucas embraces Sami and holds her in his arms, striking her hair gently. Both hope and pray that Will is found or that he comes back safe and sound.

-At the Salem Park, a tearful Marlena and Roman hold each other after reuniting. Roman asks Marlena where she has been. Marlena says she doesn't know...she doesn't remember. Roman asks if she is ok. He reminds her of her out of character behavior towards Belle and Sami on New Year's Eve and how she aimed a gun at him and tried to smother him at the hospital. Marlena is horrified and says she doesn't recall insulting and lashing out at Belle and sami and she certainly doesn't remember aiming a gun at him or trying to smother him.

Roman mentions that she seemed to revert to the Marlena they all know and love during the time she was trying to smother him and that is what stopped her from killing him. Marlena insists she remembers none of that and asks Roman what is going on. Roman asks Marlena to tell him. Meanwhile, nearby, James is walking around. He is talking on his cell:

James: Yeah, I'm here. Yeah. Marlena is with Roman. Ok, so you are going to call Roman and get him to turn his back and you want me to grab Marlena? Alright. You better hope I don't get spotted. Shutup. You have nothing to worry about. You walk around in a cloak and use a voice changer. Yeah. Fine. Bye.

Roman tells Marlena not to be afraid. Marlena says she is afraid. This reminds her of when she was posessed and was being told about awful crimes being committed but she couldn't remember herself being the culprit. She breaks down and asks Roman what is wrong with her. Could she be posessed again? Roman doesn't think so. He then gets a phone call and answers it, slightly turning his back. James then sneaks out from behind Marlena and grabs her.

Roman is yelling "Hello!" repeatedly into the phone, with no answer. He hangs up and turns around, just in time to see Marlena being dragged off by someone. Roman yells out "Stop!" and gives chase but loses them right away. Roman notes that it was a man who grabbed Marlena and he looked to have greyish hair. He calls the station and fills them in on what happened, telling them to send more men to the Salem Park right away.

Meanwhile, James drags Marlena to a wooded area. She manages to pull away from him.

Marlena: Who the hell are you and why did you kidnap me?

James: Kidnap you? Marlena? What the hell?

The MCF then arrives.

Marlena: You...you are behind this. Your doing this to me...making me do these things that Roman told me about.

MCF (with voice changer): I'm not making you do anything, doc. You are doing this all of your own free will.

James: What the hell is going on? Why can't she remember...

MCF: Leave!!! I will take care of this. Go home and make sure your family isn't suspicious of you being missing. You need to do a better job of keeping up appearances. I will be in touch.

James: Fine.

James leaves.

Marlena: Why are you...

MCF: Silence, dear. You know why...your mind is just a little clouded right now. I will help you clear it...not to worry.

-Back at the McCluer house, JJ and Angel have taken the phone off the hook so Billie doesn't call again. They know that their mother and Jonathan were trying to listen in. Angel is worried they are on to them. Jonathan then pops in and says he is and asks for the truth. JJ says there is nothing to tell but Jonathan says they are being awfully secretive and rushing to answer the phone and, now, tonight, the way he hung up when he could hear that he had picked up the other phone.

JJ tells Jonathan it's none of his business. Jonathan says he has a feeling it is and will find out what is going on. He leaves. Angel is worried. JJ says they only need to hold off a bit longer. Once Billie gets more info, they can tell Jonathan and mom and , hopefully, make things better for their family. JJ then remembers that they can turn the ringer off on the phones. This way, Billie can call and no one will hear. Angel rushes down to turn the ringer off on the phone downstairs.

Angel bumps into Renee after turning the ringer off. Niether notices how Angel's arm knocked the phone off the hook when Renee scared her and she jumped back with her arm. Renee asks if she is ok and apologizes for scaring her. Angel nods and says she has homework to do. Renee reminds her that if something is wrong they can talk about. Angel says she knows and runs upstairs. Renee hopes that JJ and Angel haven't gotten caught up in James's troubles.

Later, JJ and Angel see that they have a call as the light on the phone is lit. They answer and it's Billie, asking why they hung up and why the phone was busy. JJ says they had phone issues and also don't want their mother or brother to find out, which is why they are whispering. Meanwhile, James arrives home to no one being downstairs. He figures Renee went to bed and the kids are upstairs. He then sees the phone off the hook and picks it up to put it back. He hears JJ's voice and then hears JJ asking Billie where she wants to meet. Billie tells him at her office. It will be safer there. She tells JJ that this is just to give them some advice and how to be safe and to update them on everything. She tells them to be careful. If the MCF, Marlena, or their father learns that he and Angel saw their meeting in the park, there is no telling what might happen to them. JJ agrees and tells Billie thanks for everything. He says that he and Angel will see them later before hanging up.

James is shocked by what he has heard and realizes that JJ and Angel are on to him and working with someone to investigate even more.

James: Dear God...what do I do? If the boss find out, my kids...my family...they could all be in great danger. What the hell am I going to do?

The screen then fades out on a worried and horrified James.

On the next Salem Lives...

Hope to Caroline: I'm worried, Caroline. I have to find Bo.

Roman to Kim: It's time. It's time we admitted the truth, once and for all.

Bo to Barbara: I'm ready. Let's get to the bottom of these nightmares, memories...whatever the hell they are.

Sami (crying) to Lucas: I have this awful feeling. Something bad is happening...to Will.

Will to Alan: If you want to kill me, go ahead. Just kill me and be done with it already.


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