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Marie Claire Editor, Readers Lash Out At Ashlee Simpson


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I find Joe Simpson to be a big hypocrite....here he comes talking about how wrong it is for Nick to want to get a piece of Jessica's hard earnings, however, he was the one that insisted that Jessica not sign a pre-nup, thinking that she would cash in on some of his hard earnings if he became a huge success.

I also find his comments about both his daughters to be nasty....especially since he was a pastor, preaching to his congregation about the many sins of lust, greed, etc.

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Now she looks like every other blond singer/actress. She used to stand out, but now she looks generic.

If she had a nose job b/c of issues with her dad and b/c she's insecure, I would be worried. Isn't that how Michael Jackson started w/ his plastic surgery obsession? :blink:

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A relationship that is not appropraite concerning a father and her daughter is when he makes comments about her daughter's appearance(in a crude way), such as the ones he did, like when he said she had "suckers" and lately he had no problem with Jess wanting to do a photo shoot in a very sexy pose but her mom stopped it and said it was going too far. I do think he is in awe of her, and it's creepy. Hulk Hogan is even worse, if anyone watches his show. A lot of shrinks think that a kiss on the lips is inapproprate between fathers and daughters, as he does with his daughter. I don't know what to think, but they're both very possessive of their daughters.

Joe Simpson is a hypocrite. All that speech about giving Jess a ring for purity and waiting until marriage(wich there is nothing wrong with), but he couldn't wait for her to get a divorce. Marriage is sacred just as much IMO.

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I agree, sweetness. It doesn't compute that a preacher wouldn't hold his daughter to her marriage if he is serious about her virginity. The whole reason you wait for your spouse is because that's the ONLY person you ever have sex with.

that said, what IS THIS about "suckers?" I have my ideas but I can't believe he would say that....soo..somebody explain?

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I think that money, and fame has changed Papa Joe. But I will say, as a family the Simpsons are highly entertaining as far as their personalities go.

If I remember correctly, Jessica's breasts were often discussed when she was young and sang Christian music, and many said she shouldn't sing that genre of music b/c of her large chest. He said that she has a D cup and you can't "cover those suckers".

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Wait, what's so bad about that? :lol: It's pretty much a throway pronoun for anything, like "puppies" or such. "You can't cover those puppies," he might say. I don't know, I've heard parents speak that way about touchy subjects before. Some families are close enough where they can joke like that and it's not a weird thing. My family, of course, was never like that.

Now, if would have called Jessica's LIPS "suckers," which, at first, I thought you meant...and not have it be as a throaway pronoun and instead used like, "Look at those hooot SUCKERS," and said that last word funny, then that would be perverted.

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I watched and the most disturbing thing I watched was when they were on vacation and on a boat. Brooke was wearing a bikini and she accidently dropped a piece of food down her cleavage and the Hulk picked it out. :blink: And another was when he was constantly harp on Brooke about eating, even if it was something healthy, before her video shoot. :rolleyes:
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I know some families are teasing each other like that, but I just don' feel it's appropriate. If my dad referred to my boobs as suckers :o Nope, wouldn't like that. And the way both those guys look at their daughter, I dunno.

Hulk has Brooke followed when she goes on dates, it's really not healthy and he's over posessive.

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You should've seen Making the Video when she did "These Boots Keep Walking". He was LEERING over here while she was doing that whole car washing scene. He sat there and watched INTENTLY the whole time.

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