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The View: Barbara reprimands Elizabeth on air!


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To tell you all the truth, I think abortion should be legal. Not only that, but I also think the father should have a choice in the matter. Now, I know that's kind of much, but if he can't have a say in the abortion decision, he should, under the right circumstances, be able to determine whether the baby should be given up for adoption. Equal rights, people!

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Interestingly, Danni, the mother doesn't know that the child won't like the life. So if we're truly pro-choice, let's let the CHILDREN decide if they want to live or die? Because, using your argument, that, really, is the only way to truly be pro-choice, pertaining to the child's best interest. (As if it's really about that these days).

I think things have been relatively tame for the discussion to be about this issue, Drew. The only thing that REALLY gets me pissed off is when someone says because I'm a man I don't have a say, or because it's not my body I don't have a say. Again, as a former fetus, I have a say. And because I don't believe a woman's unborn child is her 100 % property (because it isn't), men have a say. Fathers should have rights. Abortion is a sexist law. Yeah, I said it. Roe v. Wade is a SEXIST LAW. God, I hope someone whose girlfriend or wife has an abortion sues her for something like property damage or something off the wall like that and it could become a precedent, because this whole 'finders, keepers' mentality is ridiculous. Just because you're carrying something doesn't make it your property, to do with whatever you wish. Fathers are left out in the cold and it just pisses me off. It's sexist and it's wrong. And that, I say, is arguably the honest truth.

Well, I don't think abortion should be legal but AMEN on the equal rights.

Get rid of this despicable, SEXIST law.

Oh, my god. I just watched the video.

Elisabeth ripped up her card after Babs reamed her out. I would rip up my card, too.

Babs, YOU were out of line. I just don't see how loud Elisabeth was. Sorry, I finally watched the clip, and I honestly don't get it. I've seen Joy be TEN times louder than that before. And all those women have gotten into it much louder and roudier than that.

Babs, you are FULL OF IT.

Elisabeth was fine.

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Mother's body; partial property. Not mother's choice (in a perfect world).

And I will compare it to slavery. It's no different. People had the gall to think that was okay back then, and people have the gall to think that killing their own kind, and their most innocent at that, is okay. Someone who was pro-slavery 'back then' would have told me not to call it a depraved, shameful act but that doesn't mean I'm not going to. Killing a BABY? I mean, come on, people. Just, come on! People can whip out the personal autonomy and 'my body, my choice' arguments as much as they want, but it won't change the fact that abortion is murder and people justify it, barring rape and incest, for SELFISH reasons. No one -- except, perhaps rape or incest victims -- NEEDS to have an abortion. And mothers certainly don't need to give themselves unspeakable grief after their abortions since it's not natural and goes against their maternal instincts, and just because some half-baked movement that supposedly was about equal rights (but really wasn't) convinced them that it's okay.

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