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Chad/Stephanie/Everett: “We wanted to create a complication in Chad and Stephanie’s relationship. We had laid in way back when that Stephanie talked about a guy that she dated when she was in Seattle and that she thought things were getting serious and then he ghosted her, he just disappeared. We mentioned it a few times and decided to go back to that, and Everett is now in Salem and there’s a bit of a mystery of why is he back now? Is he still interested in Stephanie? Is that going to be a problem for Chad and Stephanie?”

Harris/Ava/Clyde: “Ava and Harris really have a pretty solid bond, but Harris has joined the police force and Ava is getting strong-armed into running Clyde’s drug operation. So what I wanted to set up was this kind of Batman/Catwoman situation — he’s investigating crimes and she’s the one committing them. So will Harris become aware of what she’s up to and how does she navigate it? Gil and Clyde are not really that upset about Harris being a cop. They’re like, ‘Oh, maybe this would be good to have someone that’s so close to the cops,’ and it’s putting Ava in an even worse position. So it’s a complicated romance. I did want to tap back into the mafia princess that she had been because I feel like some of Ava’s edges had been softened a little bit over time and she spent a lot of time making lasagna.”

Gabi/Stefan: “Stefan is fighting to try to clear Gabi of Li’s murder and the noose is tightening around Gabi.”

Xander/Theresa/Alex/Konstantin: “When John Aniston [ex-Victor] passed away and we finally were writing Victor’s death into the show, we thought about what story could generate from it and started kicking around this idea of Victor’s longlost son. So we decided to do a misdirect where you think one person is the heir, but it’s really someone else. So we revealed it to be Alex, knowing that it was Xander, and that Theresa was going to stumble upon the letter revealing that. At the same time, she’s kind of stuck with a problem, which is Konstantin, and it’s in both their interests to keep quiet about what the other one is doing. Underneath it all, Theresa still has lingering feelings for Brady, so will that be a problem for her, too, while she’s trying to move full steam ahead & go after Alex?”

EJ/Nicole/Eric/Sloan: “There’s always a rooting value from the audience for Eric and Nicole, and to raise the stakes, we decided to cement EJ and Nicole, and Eric and Sloan, by having them get married. So we have EJ and Nicole about to have a baby, and Sloan finding it difficult to adopt one because of her bad history, and then Nicole is involved in an accident and goes into premature labor, and she and her baby are kind of in jeopardy. She will receive help from an unlikely source: Leo and Dimitri, who are fleeing town at this exact moment because they are on the run and they are the cause of the accident. Leo stays behind to help her deliver the baby and then Nicole is in distress and the baby needs to be rushed off to the hospital so Dimitri agrees to do it. So we have the adoption falling through over here and Dimitri’s rushing off with the baby over there ... and is it possible these two stories are going to cross?” 


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