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Paranormal Fans Out There, or Fellow Clairvoyants, Sensitives, etc.?


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I am male, 50 y.o., and rarely talk about this.  But in my life I have known to have both Sensitive and Clairvoyant experiences.  I almost never talk about it, not even with close friends or family.  On the occasion I have brought it up, it has not been the best received - so I do not.  But I have had some very specific things happen, which I wish I had documented, and did not.  Others I have told people about verbally, and things have happened, which has well - shut them up or at least made them think twice, and they've brought it up to me on their own at later times.  Kind of like "remember when you said XYZ...and then LMNOP happened....?"  Me: Yep.  Them: "that was really weird".    That kind of thing.  

Anyway, I recently had a very vivid dream, and I have wanted to talk about it.  I do not go to people in the occult, fellow clairvoyants, or anything like that.  Not even therapy.  I've thought about recounting my dream here - and almost did under the Politics thread, because that's kind of what it's about - but did not.  I thought maybe to check in here.  Apologies if there is another post about something similar here.  I looked quickly and didn't see one.  

I could recount various experiences, but will hold off.  As far as this area of life is concerned, I know I'm kind of an outsider.  We are typically not male, but rather female when it comes to the world of Clairvoyants/Psychics, etc.  I don't actually know what to call what I have specifically because I don't totally fit in any of the specific boxes other than what I believe to be the 'parts of'.  But what I have noticed at least as exposure goes - is that I do see males who are gay out there on TV shows and things like that - which has made me wonder.  Are we more likely to fall into the bucket of, because I am gay.  Anyway.  If you're so inclined, let me know and I'd be glad to recount my recent dream here and what I was shown and told.  

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