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GH: Roger Howarth's character

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Why do you think that? See, I dont think it is a bad idea. The problem, for me, is that it will be executed poorly and all it will end of showing is FRon's continued obsession with Roger Howarth. Otherwise, I would kind of be looking forward to it.

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You don't see anything clusterfuck-esque about Roger Howarth taking over the role of a one-time gimmick character from a terribly unpopular storyline played by a slumming movie star? (Which, BTW, I truly hope is not the case and we're all reading it wrong.)

Even if the story had been popular, replacing a movie star with a giant soap star is just a confusing mixed message that the audience wouldn't go with. On top of the fact that he is back on OLTL as Todd at the same time, on top of the fact that he, ME and KA were all on this show less than two months ago as different characters, which is an even bigger clusterfuck to try to sell the audience on. It's like some sort of clusterfuck seven-layer dinner at this point.

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LMAO! I don't disagree. I thought if they had just one return, that might be ok. But all 3 on the same day is really giving the finger to PP. There is no limit to FRon's arrogance. Matters not that the audience does not want this, it's going to happen.

While I think there is a super good chance this is happening (Roger has filmed with the Qs, Heather, Sam and Carly), I don't completely hate it. More time should have passed but again, this is a big !@#$%^&*] you to PP and FRon believing that GH needs these 3, but I'm trying to see where it's going.

I've been disgusted with FRon from the word go, but many fought me on it. You have to let people come around on their own, and I see they are. I feel vindicated.

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