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Y&R: Michael Muhney tried to save a man

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Well if you ask Michael Muhney behind closed doors, what's most important to HIM is that his rabid fanbase thinks of him as a hero and someone who cares so he doesn't lose his job.

He opened the door by mentioning the story to begin with. I think his thoughts were disingenuous. I have a right to view the situation as so. Sorry. Maybe if he wasn't doing these headline grabbing "Twitter" stories the whole time, maybe I could believe he actually cared about this man and his family in a way other than what it could do for him in the eyes of his fanbase.

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Not To Start A Bug Fight


just Because Someone who is an actor tweets about his life doesnt mean that his fans Know Him & Specualting on his character is not cool IMHO

Also if You Dont Like His Tweets or status Updates Dont Follow Or Friend Him

Problem Solved

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If it were anyone else but MM I doubt they'd be called an "attention whore"

I normally would agree, but I see nothing wrong with him tweeting that. I lost family recently and if the people who called 911 and basically tried to save them, had gone and posted or tweeted about it, it wouldn't bother me. Their hearts would have been in the right place.

It's not like MM is tweeting disparaging remarks.

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If I had just rescued someone from the water and their life was hanging in the balance, I think I would be too distraught and filled with worry to run to the computer and start tweeting about it. I think that's kind of tacky. But whatever. Hopefully the boy's parents didn't see it because I think I would've been a little offended if I were in their shoes.

What I find curious is how MM put "Mike" in quotation marks. Was that really the kid's name or was he purposely trying to mislead people into thinking he was the one that drowned? It wouldn't be the first time he's pulled that kind of [!@#$%^&*]. He's gets a thrill out of misleading people and tweeting things that he knows will be misinterpreted. You know he got off on all the attention. "Hee-hee! They all thought I drowned but now they think I'm a hero. Hee-hee! BTW isn't Adam awesome?"

Nevertheless, it's a sad situation and I feel awful for the boy's family.

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Maybe he put "Mike" cause he didn't want to use the guy's real name.

He probably is distraught and talking about it can usually help, and yes even tweeting about it. Not much else he can do. My brother and his family were killed in a house fire back in May and talking with family and friends on Facebook and whatnot helped ALOT.

People have their way of coping, and I'm not going to bash him for it

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Not sure if you missed this, but SOMEONE POSTED THIS TO THE BOARDS! I didn't SEEK his tweets and even if I did, so f*cking what? He posted them.

And I can most certainly speculate on his character, just like YOU are speculating about me trolling and following his Twitter.

And I have better things to do and more interesting people to follow on Twitter than Michael f*cking Muhney.

If you're a fan or Michael Muhney himself, [Christian Bale]Good for you![/Christian Bale]. But try to get your damn facts STRAIGHT when you come out swinging.

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That's my point. If the boy's name wasn't really Mike, why didn't he choose another alias? Using that name in particular caused everyone to think it was Michael Muhney who had drowned and a loved one was tweeting on his account. He has a history of pulling pranks on Twitter and purposely misleading people and tweeting things that he knows will be misinterpreted, so I can't help wondering if that was his intention with this incident. He gets off on attention and screwing with people.

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