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Shutter Island


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What a confusing piece of garbage. I don't want to spoil people so what can I say? God. I was disappointed. Good thing I was drunk. I did enjoy the music and it was well directed, but the performances (especially Leo and that dreadful accent) were terrible. Didn't evoke the time period at all in terms of performance. The casting of Michelle Williams killed this film for me. I'd have to go into spoilers to reveal why.

Anyone else see this? I want to know what the SON posters thought!

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Yes him. Is he considered to be a big star? I was expecting someone else next to Leo. What is he known for? I thought he was very sexy and masculine and fit the vibe of the film perfectly. He felt natural, unlike DeCaprio who was clearly acting. Still can't believe how obvious the turnaround was. Does the book have the same ending as the film? Loved the fantasy opening scenes on the ferry. Reminded me of the artificial outdoor sets you'd get in a classic film. I thought that worked well. My only real complaints were some of the performances, the script and that ending.

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I haven't seen it yet, so I can't comment, but I believe Laeta changed the ending of the novel to a more ambiguous one. This kind of film is so out of Scorsese's usual basket of themes and stories, it seems almost as if he did this for "fun", just to take a break. I am really happy, if it turns out to be a real project, that his next film will be adaptation of Shusaku Endo's Silence.

Ruffalo had several roles in rom-coms, but also had notable roles in crime thrillers such as Zodiac and Collateral.

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I enjoyed this movie (although the first half makes no sense as you are watching it), but the ending ties up most of the loose ends. I do have some problems though.....

I felt the score for this movie was borderline cheesy. Like its what you expect from a low-grade B horror flick.... something waiting around the corner for you at every turn. It was really overdone... I think that was perhaps the point, but it takes away substance which I would much prefer. I watch soaps for that kind of nonsense, not a big budget hollywood film.

Also, maybe its just me, but I feel Leonardo DiCaprio is really going downhill as an actor. I think his constant working with Scorsese has made him very lazy as an actor.... and I noticed it in Revolutionary Road, and I really noticed it here.... he has not aged well at all. I know that's superficial of me, but considering how good looking he used to be its a real downer. Back to the laziness though, I have a very hard time differentiating his characters.... they seem to bleed together. They aren't particularly well written and they are rather uninteresting. I imagine most of his roles the last 4 or 5 years have been written specifically for him and that could perhaps be a reason why they fall extremely flat.

Overall very good film for this time of year, but as I suspected there was a reason why its release was pushed back. It will be totally forgotten come summer.

**1/2 out of ****

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