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AMC: Wednesday, March 25, 2009

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Written by

Chip Hayes

Directed by

Conal O'Brien

- Something with David -- missed that part, clicked over to ABC too late.

- Colby and JR are in the interrogation room at the Police station waiting for Barry after Colby whacked Kwak. Colby says she didn't mean to hit Kwak but was afraid she'd tell David to force Adam to bring Lil' A home... JR tells her there's something she needs to know about Adam

- Erica shows up at Casa Slater beaming that Zach's home and is glad that everything's on the mend between Zach and Kendall. When she wonders where Kendall is, Zach says he doesn't know -- she didn't sleep there last night.

- Kendall lay awake in Ryan's bed. She's assuming Spike and Ian are wondering why Rachel's there this morning instead of her. She says that she should go home but it doesn't feel like home anymore. It's just a reminder of what she and Zach tried to make work. When she (stomach churns) snuggles up to Ryan, who has his back turned to her, he says they can't keep doing this, and gets out of the bed.

Okay, got a conference call to get ready for. Ta-ta, and...


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Go Jesse! I LOVED someone finally getting in David's face. He looked like he might even had scared him there for a second

The "new" Kendall. What new Kendall? Erica and Zach keep going on about how Kendall has changed since she woke up and that she is now like a different person. Um how? She's pretty much acting the same way she was before. Jealous, slutty, bitchy, paranoid, selfish....do I need to go on? These arent things she all of a sudden picked up while sleeping

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AMC is a mess.

I've given Brianne Moncrief a fair amount of time, but she's horrid. She's utterly painful to watch as Colby and I don't find her endearing at all. I have no idea what purpose she serves. She's not the good girl, she's not the "Daddy's little manipulator", she's not the moral compass, she's not particularly smart, fun, insightful, alluring... she's just THERE. If Daniel Kennedy wasn't so damn talented I would hate Petey too for finding her so beguiling, when Colby's just about as useful as a third nipple.

Reese: "How to waste a 'name' actress, 101" Play her in an island story. Flip-flop about who she is and about her sexual orientation so the audience can't connect with her. Have her betray the one she claims to love by wedging herself between one of the show's alleged "money couples" while half of that couple is in a coma.

Reese is so unnecessary to this canvas that she sticks out like a sore thumb, and the fact that NO ONE can stand the sight of her or WANTS to talk to her really doesn't make me as a viewer think she belongs, no matter how much broken glass is jabbed in her eyes, or how harshly those day player relatives judge her. She serves no purpose without Bianca, and I'm pretty sure most of the audience is offended by the idea of Reese and Zach.

Random acts of "WTF?" -- Angie and Jesse got the mother of all WTF moments today, by suddenly finding themselves in the middle of the Little A custody battle. SINCE WHEN would they be picked to be this child's temporary caregiver? The only way Angie and Jesse can get a story is if they are thrown into David Hayward's path? Whatever. I expect better from and for this couple.

Everyone who cares that Frankie married Randi... raise your hands. :mellow:

Glad Walt Willey was tossed a few scenes today, and I'm glad Opal has become that versatile character who is a fresh ear for EVERY character on the canvas and serves so many functions. Not sure the overall purpose of burning her mansion down, but whatever keeps Opal in the mix. Can't get enough of her, and they must be using her a lot for cheap since she is on so much.

What happened today? Ryan bought his daughter a cat. Ryan and Zach measured each other's penises again. Erica showed an unhealthy interest in Kendall's sex life and marriage. Jack scattered ashes at a beach that shouldn't exist in Pennsylvania and remembered a weird scene of him manhandling his now-dead daughter. David, Krystal, Tad, Angie, Jesse, and JR all argued about the custody of a child that wasn't seen in the entire episode.

AMC needs to play Susan Lucci, David Canary, Jill Larson, and Debbi Morgan every day if they want to keep me checking in on this HTDAM of a show.

(Hot Tranny Drunk Ass Mess)

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