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AMC: Monday, July 28th, 2008

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ITA about everything, including Angie's hair. I wish we didn't know who killed Richie yet so this storyline could have some suspense. Imo, B&E gave away the goods too soon and have nothing interesting to write now. Are they trying to sabotage the show for the rest of their stint?

Randi's pimp is fine, but the Frankie/Randi scenes once again were cliche-driven crap.

This is definitely the most obvious propping of an unpopular couple and an insult to those of us who kept watching after Rylee dragged the show down last time around. I'm not a Zendall fan either but I'd take them any day of the week over Rylee!

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I think Angie's hair looked limp when she's meant ot be in serious Doctor hair--she can't have that big mane I guess.

Are we sure it was B&E who made it clear it was Annie and not Pratt trying to wrap the story up quickly>?

One thing I did like--I thought visually it was really well directed. And the director was Francesca James... I know I wasn't too keen when she ran the show as EP after FMBehr but I'd love to have her back as EP now--she has a history and character knowledge of the show lacking with much of the staff

In the 1997 book Worlds WIthout End that accompanied the Museum of TV and Radio's soap exhibit she had this to say on Pine Valley (she was EP at the time, and Broderick was HW)

"Pine Valley is the Peyton Place of the 90s, and if I have my way, of the 2000's too. It's that small town just a train ride away from Philadelphia, Center CIty, and New York City, that has never truly changed, even with big businesses booming up there. We have no interest in really foing urban or going bizarre, because that doesn't serve the character and purpose of this particular show.

The show has always been invested in realistic storytelling and characters, never manipulating character for story. I try to run it thinking it's like the great movies of the forties. That, to me is what daytime really is about. It's replaced all the susan Heyward or Bette Davis movies that simply don't get made anymore.

I try to listen to fans but not let fanbases sway me. What I hear is basically what fans of our show have always wanted--they're looking for family, friendship, romance and suspense, and basically in that order. What is that? it's a great forties, or fities DOuglas Sirk style movie!"

When I read that--and i know EPs can talk the talk and not walk the walk, but still--I instantly wished she was still at AMC and not just as a director.

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It's sad that today's viewers consider Zach and Kendall to be one of the show's great romances. To me it's a pretentious, glorified mess of a pairing that is ONLY successful because of the chemistry between the actors. I was just listening to Daytime Confidential and someone mentioned that they should bring in Antonio Sabato Jr. to play Anton Lang. Now THAT would be hot. "Zendall" is just too contrived for me to handle. Give me "Soap Opera 101: How to Write a Simple, Inoffensive Story" couple Frankie and Randi over this crap any day.

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Angie is FIERCE and she can have a mane of hair no matter what mode she is in, doctor, mother, lover, wife, friend... she is SICK'NING! (That's a positive term, in case it's a local thing) So I don't know what's been happening with Angie's hair, but it has been fierce since she came back, so they really need to take a good long look and reevaluate. Give the hooker some nasty hair, but not ANGIE! She needs to be "together" at all times.

As for Richie's murder, B&E spoke in an SOD interview about how Richie's murderer will be known to the audience from the start, and it's more about the killer's attempts at the coverup. But I find it completely underwhelming and why cheat yourself out of a chance to make the audience wonder whodunit?

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