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Paul Rauch hired by Y&R

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I actually think the majority of those freelance directors are very good, but there's just too many of them. I really liked the episode Grant A. Johnson directed, he used a lot of old orchesttral music and some of the old Y&R directing techniques. I hope they keep him.

Sally and Dean LaMont are the longest serving directors they have at the moment. I hope both are kept on for a long time.

I think we're hearing less and less of LML's college rock background music, it hasn't been used as much this year as it was last year. Thank goodness for that! But they definetely need to amp of the use of the old orchestral themes.

I can almost guarantee you that if new sets are created, Rauch will excel at that.

Also, as I said before, Rauch is a hands-on EP. At GL and his other shows, he was there to give the actors direction and was there for scenes being taped. Y&R used to have a hands-on production model like that and needs to get back to that format. Josh Griffith leaves his grunt work to Anthony Morina, which is sad.

The music at GL during Rauch's era wasn't bad, in fact I thought some of then newly created themes were exquisite.

He just needs to leave the lighting alone and not let his ego get the best of him and he can do a good job.

Jill Farren Phelps and Paul Rauch are very similar. Both are hands-on, good with production, and can get rid of a lot of dead weight at their shows. I've thought Y&R needed someone like this for a long time now.

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I agree with you, the freelance directors ARE good...my issue is a lack of cohesiveness. For instance, some directors don't seem to like tags while some do. The music is a mish mash, some like the orchestral, some like the college rock bullsh*t.

I've refreshed my Rauch knowledge by viewing vintage AW on YouTube. Alls I can say is that he's the man who OK'd Linda Dano and Anna Stuart's arrivals and for THAT he gets my vote. AW looked good during the early 80s. That's how I can judge Rauch, his stuff at AW as well as his swan song at GL (ie: Joan Collins joins the cast for the salary of 3 longtime cast members and rocks the house!). He certainly infuses energy into his shows and is hands on which, you rightly point out, is what Y&R needs.

I just hope he can keep his Herculean ego in check. He withstood Joan Collins so one would think he can take Eric Braeden.

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I personally think Restless Style is the most visually appealing set in ages. Different strokes....the poor creative types won't ever be able to please all of us at once. For example, I love Amber :)

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Respectful question: Are we only trying to attract 70 year olds?

Because if not, what ARE the parameters on re-invention that are allowed? If we can change lighting and we can't change music and we can't put newbies on the screen and we can't tweak the modernity of the dialog and we can't do away with the flower shots...

I love Y&R. I saw how LML and her team lost sight of the core. But sometimes I think Marceline's claim that we're killing soaps with nostalgia holds. Modernizing music is not a bad thing.

But I loved the red porn opening of Y&R too...that was my all-time favorite. (I loved the OLTL porn one too).

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Y&R had a consistent look/feel for over 30 years, you can't just tamper with that on a show like Y&R. The show just bears too much of a Bill Bell influence, which is why its so hard for many fans to accept drastic changes. Y&R was immune to the outsider influence that's plagued the rest of daytime for years, and now that the show isn't anymore, it scares a lot of long-time fans.

A show like Y&R needs to inject modernity in a small, non-drastic way because the core of the show is just too strong. Unfortunately, the show has changed too much and too fast over the past 3 years, which is alienating to some.

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Okay, so we're in total agreement. It is not that the show CAN'T or SHOULDN'T modernize (up to and including adding rock-y background music)...it is just that it needs to be done VERY gradually. I totally support this line of thinking too! I was amazed how comforted I was when JG/MAB brought back, INSTANTLY, some classic elements.

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World Turner- I agree that a few of OLTL's sets are tacky- Michael and Marcie's place makes me ill. Dorian's living room is awful. I do love her kitchen though- One of the best sets on daytime.

Y&R's old music was AMAZING. I see those Youtube clips and I cannot believe the difference between then and now.

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