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GH: Week of May 5th

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Right there with you. Carly/Sonny/Jax/Yawny/Claudia all having the same conversation they've had for the past month? I can't even deal.

And why does every scene with Luke have to be about how Luke was pressured into having a family with Laura, etc? I watched GH back then and that's not what I remember seeing on my screen. Guza really has it in for L&L. :huh:

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^u know whats funny. i didnt watch l&l back in the day... and i started in like 98/99 and dint like luke and laura because i always felt luke could be so awesome without that heroine. so once he started being like i enver wanted that i was like i know u didnt luke. then i watched old clips and was like... oh yes u did luke.

the reason i dont find gh is sucking is because i watch it on youtube now. anything to do with liz, nik, maxie, patrick, robin. i dont watch anything else. and i knows am isnt on and that makes it 100xs betetr all instelf.

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LOL, I'm glad you checked out some of the older clips because they are so worth it. Luke & Laura never had a conventional "suburban" marriage. They lived (and loved) on the run, in the midst of danger and some of her mental fragility and adored each other body and soul. I was too young to be an L&L fangirl like many were back in the 80s, but I do remember Luke lighting up around her. He pursued her, adored her and protected her. He wanted her in his life, always. And the same went for little Lucky and Lulu. I don't know why Guza is working so hard to pretend that the complete opposite happened. It's like he hates Laura as much as he hates the Quartermaines.

And this is not a diss on Luke & Tracy or AG and JE. I think they are great together. I don't think that in order for a new pairing to work, you necessarily need to spit on and destroy previous pairings tied to one of the characters. Guza pulls that a lot with the couples (Sonny & Brenda/Brenda & Jax/Jax & Carly/Carly & Sonny being one example). The exception might well be Scrubs, where Robin has been able to pay tribute to her relationships with Stone and Jason without it affecting with her love for Patrick.

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Robin is the only person thats able to be ina relationship and look back on her past ones and not trash them. I am rather shcoked Guza dont have her hoping Stone is in hell for giving her HIV and cursing jason for the carly thing to be honest.

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Honestly tho, robin does diss carly.. a lot.. and she doesnt try to turn what jason does into an okay thing. i think her and maxie are the only ones.

but at the same time, i cant stand it when alexis goes off about jason taking the law into his own hands.. really alexis? luis alcazar? yeah, now shut up ya bich, thanx

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LOL, OK, in fairness? Luis left her to die in the snow. He caused the warehouse explosion which killed her sister. They tussled on a balcony and he fell. Jason? Gets paid to murder people. That's his job. That's "the way it's gotta be." :rolleyes:

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Love Alexis and Diane

Love Diane & Max

Love Maxie

Love the 'Mac Attack'

Love Jax

HATE Claudia - can she die now?

HATE Carly - can she go with Claudia?

HATE Emily - I thought she was already dead, why am I still seeing her?

HATE Lulu - see Carly and Claudia above

Robin's getting on my nerves, and Finola came back for this????? Didn't think the whole Luke/Anna thing was funny, just stoopid. When is Mr. Craig returning? Hope it's soon cause this Jerry act is getting boring.

Um ... Jason playing the hero, big surprise. Yeah only not. And can he get any nastier with Maxie and Spinelli. Love Kate and the fashionista story they have her in with Maxie and Lulu. Not sure yet about Maxie vs Lulu, so far so good.

Nadine I love her quirkyness. I enjoy her with Nikolas, but can Tyler work a little bit and give some effort in this story. Geesh! I know he wants to be paired with LW and/or SBr, but come on .... be professional and give a little in the story you got!

Carly just needs to go away and live in her own fantasy world of denial in another state without being seen or heard from.....and take Michael with you! Jax will be okay raising Morgan by himself, considering YOU could care less about both of them.


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Oooooooo! Fighting words! :P Yeah, Guza's made that point. Jason is always in a situation where killing involves saving some poor damsel in distress, too.

But that doesn't mean he's right to kill on a regular basis. The people he kills may be killers, but he's usually paid to take them out not because they ARE killers but because they get in the way of Sonny's grab for power.

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Bring IT! :lol:

Heres the thing tho. The peopl eh kills are killers, and most of them do the same thing he does. It would be like if one of them kills him. I eman, yes murder is wrong, but at the same time when you get into that life style thats the choice you make. I know these is an extreme but, its like if you enter into the boxing world and someone punchs u int he face, u didnt expect that?

And my point is people like Alexis are hypocrtis. She is a killer. She killed Luis Alacazar. She plotted to kill Helena. Granted, nither are saints, but nither are the people jason kills. Killing someone because theyu are a killer for free vs killing someone because they are a kilelr and getting paid... i dont see the diff to be honest.

Im honeslty not a mob fan or norm a jason defender, im just saying...

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