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AMC: Wednesday, April 30, 208

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Today's episode was a huge letdown after yesterday.

Susan is great, but that dream was cheesy, as was Samuel sweeping her up in his arms at the end.

I prefer Annie as a schemer and I love watching her play Ryan.

Nothing else was worth commenting on today.

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I want our Michelle Patrick back!!!!!

We can then fire B&E and hire her as HW!

The only part worth watching today was Greenlee/Zach/Kendall, Tad/Adian. Everything else Zzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Oh Yeah Welcome Ricky Paull Goldin!!

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Scary Movie Ryan

Well it looks like good ole Ryan is now starting to really have amnesia on what makes him tick and that is not seeing a con job when it hits him in the face harder than getting a hard 0n over watching Pamela Anderson's titty job! He cannot figure out that the beloved Annie is lying to him and thus pulling a con job on his dumb a$$ by lying about being broken in but Ryan cannot figure it out. Wouldn't you think that he knows the methods by which someone cons someone else since he is very akeen and tuned in to what has them pull off such a con? I guess Ryan is now starting to forget all about what made him the good ole con man in the first place and not recognizing that Annie is pulling a doozy on him. Uh oh let's call CBS News, Faux News, CNN, Inside Edition, Entertainment Tonight, Dynamite Kiddo Access News Radio Station, and everywhere else because this is Earth shattering news to all of us! Now he says that Annie is scared and jittery because someone broke into the house. Wrong o Ryan but nobody actually broke in and Annie is just leading you on so shame shame on you for not seeing this. Well I guess that is what you get when you act like an a$$ goblin to the two people who love you the most so this is just desserts for Ryan in thinking that he can just come off and say something that is going to make everything better. It just so happens that whatever Ryan is doing ain't working because he ain't remembering his days as a con to spot a con like she came out of a conival pulling a conniving con while being a CONservative in seeing how other cons work as they be cons. This is just too bad for Ryan but hey we ain't sad here for Ryan believing that Annie is actually scared when she is not and is merely just pulling tricks on him but Ryan knows all about tricks since I am sure he was silly enough to pull tricks on the dock for a dollar a pop years ago while being that con H0. That is my woman in Annie! She is hitting him hard for being a hard blow kind of guy in the ultimate harm. Take that, Ryan, and no triangle pancakes for you! That is what happens when you come off as a donut short of a baker's dozen in being a smarmy idiot towards your wife and daughter.

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