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GH: Week of March 10

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Professional Interest Sam

Talk about a useful Lucky on today's show! He just happens to note of the professional interest that slimey quack has in Sam. If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, then it is a duck. This is one doctor who will perform house calls all in the name of the Ho if it means getting something out of her just desserts. We can only assume that he has enough money to cover that discount Sam is offering him for some hay rolling that is as nasty as a pig rolling in slop (Sam would know all about this, being the pig she is). I bet Lucky is just happy that the Ho has found someone worthy of her: slimey, stupid, selfish, sickening, gross, repulsive. Sam has found her man in Doc Ian!

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Im glad Im not the only one that thought that. I think those scenes might have been cut

Im glad Scott is giving Lulu a hard time. Good bc she deserves it. She cant put him in a coma, act as horribly as she was to him, sleep with Johnny and then stroll in as if she gives a damn. Im glad she's feeling guity though as it shows she's human and not simply a selfish bitch

Lucky looked a bit jealous when Sam left with Devlin. Loved it...lol

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If I have to see Johnny Zacchara draw one more measure of music, I'm going to scream and maybe even throw things.

How boring!

And what pisses me off the most is, he's not even writing music! He's just drawing up someone else's work. What is the point of that?

I played the piano for 10 years and played the tenor sax for five. Never did I feel the need to copy over already written pieces.

This is so frustratingly annoying!

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So I'm not crazy. I really thought I had completely lost it. Most of last week made no sense to me at all. We were jumping all over the place and at one point Nikolas had kinda figured out that she was in the Elevator Shaft and the next thing he is talking to Emily or Alexis I can't remember which. Then yesterday Nadine is running around the hospital.

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I was about to call Sam a friggin hypocrite when she was going on about how a person who doesnt report a crime is just as guilty as the person who did it BUT then she said she should know bc she just went through the same thing. Good save bc I couldnt beleive the writers were actually writing that

Boy Spencer is big! I keep expecting to see a baby but its been so long since he appeared that I forgot he should be a toddler now. I thought they got a new Cameron at first. Cute kid.

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Why?! He should be throwing a party now that he is rid of that skank Ho. She is now with a man who she meshes with: skanky, narcissistic, self centered, nasty, gross, offensive. Sam has found her true love (besides herself). I thought Sam/Manny would rock because they were both skanky, gross, and what not...but I will take her with this doc ;)

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wow. today was great!

Johnny & Lulu. Today was the first time i bought them as a couple. The worry she has for him, the way he only cares for her. The conflict they have. The people trying to keep them apart. Scott talking down to Lulu was also great. But really, scotty, check yourself. Please. Lulu knows your dirty little secret. I love that after all these years it is still spencer vs baldwin, even if it is lulu & scotty. I loved Lulu blaming Scotty for taking her mother away, and the fact that lulu wont tell Luke because of what he might to do scotty is great as well.

Sam. She didnt bring out my utter hate. for once. I still do not like her and Lucky because Lucky deserves sooo much better than her. I do however like Sam & Devlin. Shes a selfish skank, hes a crazy bastard. they are perfect!

Dead emily worrying over Nikolas maybe being dead made me LOL, but i just kinda drop all reality when watching this and it wasn't THAT bad today. I did love the scenes of them all dressed up like the night of the B&W ball. "Heaven has gargoyles too?" LMAO! Tyler Christopher is love.

Bobbie? Alexis? In a scene? together? for more than .2 seconds? WHAT?! WOW! Spencer is big. what a great scene.

Borianna. is so pointless. Ric i still hate for chaining prego carly to a wall and trying to steal her baby and lying to liz. And can we stop the propping of this boring as woman? Liz, Ric, Mike.. who's next?

and how in the world did trevor just happen to walk by a room and see johnny?

Liz telling Sonny Jason isnt going back to work was also great. I love it when Liz speaks up and says what she thinks. Sonny is such a selfish [!@#$%^&*]. "maybe if you wernt chasing diago..." blah blah blah... then he said "maybe you can go to the police?" LMFAO! he and carly really are selfish evil people.

damn, it was great to see some fire back in Julie Berman's eyes. When Lulu went off on scott... THAT is Lulu is. Not some weak scared little pathetic girl scared about breaking someones heart. She should be strong, independent, and sassy.

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