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ATWT Monday, January 7

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Susan was amazing today, chalking up Paul and Meg's baby switch to just desserts for their treatment of Jennifer. Good stuff. You'd think a typical Passanante move would be for Susan to find out the kid's paternity and maintain the lie just to hurt Paul. It was nice that Daniel was still wary of Craig too. But Craig's behavior has really worn thin. Now it's a chore to love a child that isn't yours? Please. What about when he was ready to be Carly's one and only, with Parker along for the ride? All he has to do is ask Lily how much Lucinda loves her. Hell, he lived through their drama. What hasn't been mentioned is the sick obsession with having a biological SON, a MALE HEIR. He's getting more fixated on it than James Stenbeck!

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Yes, the script was well written. I loved the Craig/Margo scenes the most with Susan/Paul& Meg too. Jack and Parker made me want to vomit. Their inducing kneeling at Katie's feet..ugh....No words can describe how I hated the two today.

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FLOVED Susan's dressing down of Paul and Meg, even if she did turn right around and do their bidding anyway. And I thought the Peg "celebration" at Yo's was....icky? I mean, they're both married to other people, and kvetching over parenthood? Paul came running, but acted like Meg was delusional when she first claimed there might be a problem with the DNA test. I don't get it.

I think Craig's talk was more about getting past Meg's betrayal, which is what Margo had to do. (Although as someone pointed out, Adam should have been mentioned by Margo.) Craig didn't have to deal with that issue with Carly. While Craig was friendly with Parker, he didn't really want the role of "daddy". Sure, he'd use interest in the kid to get into Carly's good graces, but he knew Hal was Parker's father. It is an issue Craig dealt with before though, because I'm pretty sure he always knew Dani was Steve's daughter, not his.

I keep praying today was the final "love autopsy" for Kack. Seriously, how ridiculous was Jack's kicking in the door? (Katie's Flashdance-what-a-feeling top??? WTH was that about??? LOL) At least Katie admitted she was using Brad to hurt Jack. Why at that point Jack didn't stare at her as if she had three heads is beyond me. He STILL needed to be spoon-fed the concept that Katie just wasn't that into him anymore. D'UH!!!! In the midst of that, he still tried to defend his interest in Carly's opening as "for the kids" or whatever. Ugh...I just want to scream, "Snap out of it---she can't possibly be that good in bed!" When you have to try this hard to justify a romance, kids, it just ain't worth it.

It was nice to see Henry--revolving around Katie's love life, as usual. :rolleyes:

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Paul and Meg's celebration was completely disgusting. It NEVER occurred to them that their joy should be juxtaposed with a hint of the mess they'd be cleaning up to be together. They were so self-involved, Meg should have had a few beers to complete the insanity.

You can't get more betrayed than having someone who obviously doesn't love you concoct reasons to be your wife. Craig whines like the BABY breaks an eternal connection with Meg, when she only married him to obtain WorldWide. Passanante's characters can't remember their motivations from 6 months ago, let alone lifelong traits. :rolleyes:

Perhaps Lucinda should ask Jack how good Katie is in bed, but she'd only get slapped again. :lol:

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Yeah, but Craig offered her her freedom since then, sten. I don't blame him for feeling betrayed at all. Granted, I think he's been a fool to think Meg would ever love him like she loved Paul---but she's sure been putting on a good show, "committing" to having this baby with him to his face, anyway. Honestly, I think Meg is more "in love" with Craig than she'd like to admit. Craig at least forgives her. Paul spits and hisses and lets his pride get in the way. He actually makes her work for his forgiveness.

LOL...Katie's nether regions sure do run her life, don't they? She throws Jack out, then commands Bradski to bang her. :rolleyes: Teehee...she's just got to keep Bradski on the hook, now that RevengeBabyQuest is supposedly over.

Oh, and I can't believe I forgot to mention how nice it was to see Carly in a stress-free day, smiling and hopeful.

*snort* I kind of liked modelPaul and Sarah Kasnoff myself....

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NNNNNnnnnnnnoooooooooooooooo.....not Zoe. :D That girl made my ears bleed with her shrieking. They had barely healed before Rose appeared. :D

Did anyone catch the new promo? Ai-yi-yi....maybe I'll reconsider my harsh assessment of Cady's latest interview.

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