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GH: Week of Dec 3rd

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Mondays Show...

ehhh. thats all. lol. it was okay, but nothing great. not much to talk about. lets see...

I did love Patrick & Robin's talk about getting back together and in a year see where they are. And LOL and nither one mentioning him breaking off things with Leyla, because they both know thats just a given. Also loved Robin & Jasons talk.

Lucky. This is all i heard "you love jason! you wanna be with jason! how dare you chose jason! even tho im banging sam! poor me. feel bad for me. evil liz!" storms off. Liz annoys me. i want her stick up for herself and what she wants. stop worrying about poor helpless lucky and what he might do.

loved Kate standing her ground and not backing down to Sonny. and i did enjoy Carly & Jax scenes

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this was todays show...

sam: liz loves jason. liz wants to be with jason. liz is a whore. i hate liz

Lucky (looks at sams boobs and blocks her out)

sonny: johnny, this is a dangerous buisness

johnny: okay.

robin & patrick flirt. leyla gets jelous.

trevor: katie, dont see sonny anymore

kate: i do what i want.

nikolas talking to emily

then there was a scene where sam went on and on about something, im sure how evil liz is, to alexis.

lucky trying to stand up to jason was LMAO worthy. So... he wants to have sam in his bed and liz away from jason? it doesnt work like that [!@#$%^&*]. you cant have the whore and the woman you love to.

anyways, the good stuff. liz & kate had a nice scene as did liz & robin in the hospital. i loved kate sticking her ground with sonny still. i liked the nadine/leyla scenes at the bar talking about robn & patrick. also loved the JSpin scenes as always. robin, kelly, and liz at the bar was also good, glad lainey was there as well. leyla on the table was great.

i wish this show was more about liz, robin, nadine, kelly, lainey, patrick, leyla, bobbie, monica... ya know, the hospital staff.

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Elizabeth, you sanctimonious BITCH! This is why I cant stand the character these days. She needed to shut the hell up. Who is she to judge Patrick? Not everyone has to want to have a kid nor is everyone fit to be a parent. Patrick is not ready to be a father, nor is he capable with the current mindset he has. I applaud him for being mature enough to realize that and NOT go and procreate and have children that will end up screwed up bc he wastn ready to be daddy. I wish more men were like him in this sense instead of spreading their seed and not taking care of their children, and or being horrible at it. Elizabeth needs to get off her sanctimonious butt, sit down and keep her trap closed bc a) its none of her business, B) her rant on him was uncalled for and c) he shouldnt be ripped apart just bc he doesnt want to be a father. Elizabeth is a sanctimonious little snob who judges and criticizes those she deems beneath her all while standing on that pedestal as if she's some unflawwed perfect saint

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Todays show was good. and i was suprised because it had been a bore all week.

Loved the girls night out. it was so cute and light and funny, yet showed them bonding and talking about life. i loved Liz almost crying when they said Em's name.

Scotty wanting Logan to become a cope was LOL. God, Logan is sooo HOTTT!

i want another boys night out. patrick. lucky. coop. logan. nick.

leyla/jerry was great!! there scenes were so cute and funny.

Nadines comment about she has a lot of problems and them all looking at her then her saying shes nothing like her sister made me lol. "you wanna save the guy who killed your father?" nadine to leyla. cody was hott. bring him back. i want the story of him and logan. kellys was also funny. elizabeths was just flippin sad.

sieze doesnt matter. take it back. watch smaller shows? read a book. ... LMAO. great lines.

"i cant find anyone to gte me pregnet!" also made me LOL. i loved liz's rant on patrick. it was soo uncalled for and out of line, however this is the guy who had broke one of her best friends hearts. it was something that would really happen. and the way becky deliverd those linez was perfect. and the look on robins face. i do support patrick 100%. i love how he is honest and mature about all of this and not wanting to have a kid. but still, i didnt find liz's rant that bad given her situation and robins. besdies, as the end proved Liz said everything wanted to.

do the policemen in this town ever dress like a cop?

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i couldnt disagree more. why is he a coward? because he doesnt want to be a father? and he was honest and upfront about it? so what. he grew up with a crappy father and he doesnt want to have a child, maybe because of it, maybe because of other reasons. whatever his reasons may be, the coward thing to do would have been to have a kid with robin and not raise it or take care of it or be so unhappy and miserable in life his kid felt bad for ever being born.

team patrick.

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Liz is entitled to her sanctimonioius attitude as long as she keeps it to herself. What she's going through with Jason is not Patrick's problem, not should she be attacking other people bc she cant be with her babys daddy.

He's a coward for not wanting to be a father? That was a mature and rational decision. Patrick is not ready to be a father and bc of that he is not fit to raise any kids. It would be selfish, wrong and immature of him to have a child that he does not want. Patrick has been completely honest and he realizes all that being a parent really entails. Why should he have to change his opinions on this? If he were to go and get Robin pregnant, the person that would suffer the most is the child and thats a scenario thats being avoided by Patrick's decision. Liz has no right to criticize this decision. Just bc she manages to be pregnant every year doesnt mean everyone else should get pregnant as well or get someone pregnant. She really should have kept her "opinions" to herself here

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I watched the show today primarily to see what would happen with Leyla because this is as interesting as she's been to me. The rest of the show (and most of it so far this week) falls under the monotonous and nonsensical dialogue category.

Scotty approaching Logan about jpining the force was a nice touch but the writers need to keep up with whatever story they're telling. They last had Ric trying to get him to rat on Sonny which Logan should know so having him turn to Lulu for decision making was dumb (not that Lulu jasn't demonstrated her ability to make wise choices) but Logan should know what he's been up to and how that might create a problem. What exactly has Logan done for the mob that would cause him problems in joining law enforcement? He was part of a botched bust and he didn't show up on time to guard Sonny's kids....Lulu is brilliant!!!!

I didn't care for Elizabeth's drunken rantings anymore than I cared for Lucky's sober ones or maybe he's drunk on the presumed power he's lording over the two star crossed idiots. I'm not going to get into what she has the right to say or how hypocritical she might be because most of the characters are the same way when it comes to pointing out someone else's flaws. Patrick is not a coward, she is. Patrick's decisons are none of her business but he and Robin did put their laundry out for everyone so I don't have a problem with any other character sticking a nose in.

What I didn't like about Elizabeth's ranting has to do with the martyr s/l and the idiotic mob lessons. Yesterday it's Sonny doing a turnaround from claim your child to it's a good thing you're not part of his life. The justification was stupid because Michael is not the way he is merely because he's the child of a mobster. There are kids who commit crimes or grow up to commit them whose parents weren't criminal at all so parents' jobs/careers don't define their kids. Equally as stupid was Johnny's declaration that the mob was chosen for him by birth oh and how Johhny grew up being an example of what the lives of mobsters' children will be like. When they were writing this they must've forgotten that they said AZ killed his wife because she chose Johnny over him. I guess the average child wouldn't be traumatized by that and you need to be a mobster's child to be affected.

The one thing that Sonny did say that made sense was that he didn't want his kids to grow up without a father. So now being part of his children's life is selfish (that's debatable). I think having children in the first place is a selfish act because you're having them to make yourself happy or out of obligation but not for the child's sake since he has no say. But once the child is here then it's only fair that the parent takes care of him. I don't care how much is lavished on a child or how loving adopted/step-parents are, it won't erase the curiosity about their biological parents. Sonny took AJ's son away and he's not walking away from his own kids. Having him give Jason advice to further Jason's martyrdom is lost on me.

I should laugh at Lucky's role in it because he's charging about as if someone begged him to stay Jake's father when no one did. He's offering to lie to Jake when he found the whole thing horrid last month. And he's being set up for some fall because Jason gets to determine when he can take Jake out of Lucky's arms. That's pretty funny. All this overly dramatic dialogue and Jason and Elizabeth will be repeating the whole thing in probably two weeks or so. We can't see each other anymore. We have to do what's right for Jake....spare me please.

Am I supposed to take mob boss Johnny seriously? He's supposed to be twenty and I see him trailing Lulu and I want to laugh at them having Sonny and Jason go to enlighten him. If Sonny wuvs those wittle children so much and is so concerned about Michael, then he ought to be working on helping him instead of threatening Jr don't really wannabe a mob boss and cooking to entice Kate. Those visits to Johnny set those tough guys way back.

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