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ATWT Monday November 19

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Maybe it's just me. The hostile tone of today's show was jarring.

I get that Carly should have some penance to serve; but I think it's ridiculous that Jack is so absurdly following Parker's dictates on what he does and does not tell Carly. GMAB...even if Parker didn't want Carly there when the judge formalized the paperwork (and why, oh why, can't we see that???), she deserved a phone call telling her what was happening with HER son. Just because Jack can't (or doesn't think) he can forgive Carly, that doesn't make it okay for him to encourage the same attitude from Parker. And that's exactly what he's doing, when he lets Parker get away with his attitude. For all Carly's faults, she occassionally "gets it" and realizes how her actions influence and affect her children. Jack never seems to.

Loved how Brad laid it all out for Jack, calling him on his actions.

Hated Katie. Last week was so Katie-free, it was terrific. Now we're back to more "poor, poor me" crap, and it's awful. Now she even gets to tell Henry and V not to be so petty. GMAFB. "Life was so much easier when I was a bitch." *snort* When did she stop?

Gwen finally said something that made sense, telling Carly she was nuts to think of giving that money to Katie. *eyeroll*


It was good to see Emma, and with real stuff to say, not just being someone's sounding board.

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Jacka ss needs a serious beat-down. If I could have, I would have reached into my tv to b-slap him. Hopefully Carly get herself a good lawyer. Maybe Cass will come back again.

Still don't want him(Brad) with Katie. Jacka ss is so deep in denial I don't think he heard a word

Carly has done some stupid things in her life, but this idea has got to be the worse. TIIC have all but assassinated her character.

There must be something in the water at the farm. All of the Snyder offspring ( including Aaron) need a time out.
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It wasn't just you. I was totally disgusted with the show. I don't know why they don't just start calling her St. Katherine because that is sure they way they are all treating Katie. What Carly did was wrong but it sure didn't require being treated like this. Ugh! I hated the show!

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Today's show started off boring. It picked up a bit at the end. It was a bad episode. Here we go again with Katie pimping. Why did we have to see again Vienna and Henry pimp her. Pleaseeeeeeeeeeeee...enough already!! We know she is Gawd to them. :rolleyes: The bit about Katie being like a sister to her was way too much. :rolleyes: It was not even believable. Jack is still being an ass. Glad Brad told him off!! He was a jerk for not calling Carly for Parker's adoption. No matter how mad he is at her. I loved seeing Emma.

Today's show took two steps backwards. I thought they were progressing. Dont get me started on the Sophie mess. Without Babs today the story was a snoozer.

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Honestly, the whitewashing of Vienna is so tragic. You almost forget she was ready to fly Simon-baby out of the country as well, which makes her an accomplice after the fact. When Brad is the voice of reason, you know there's something wrong in Smallville. I'm just so sad about what Jack has morphed into. He just refuses to take any responsibility for his actions.

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