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All: Whats the Ins and Outs of Soaps

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It was a nice read, thanks for posting. The only thing I would disagree with is the criticism of Sursock (or whatever that is) who has to hide her accent for the role of Colleen on Y&R. I mean, lord knows I hate the bitch, but how could she keep the accent, when she's supposed to be American and always had an American accent? What, it would make more sense if she suddenly changed accents? :o

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Soaps need diversity real bad & they need to have these diversity to mix it up with other character. Y&R always had their black characters in their own little storylines. Most soaps bring out their black characters for show & tell.

I said they need new blood. I'm not feeling headwriter RC because he can't write for the black & latino he has on there.

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I'm not feeling him either.

I find his scribing too sappy for my taste...its formula driven and it bores me. I stopped watching, when I can predict the dialog is bad enough, but when I use the "exact verbiage" that' when its too sad...

He said it in press releases he was going for the "core families" ...so?

I didn't expect anything from the golden boys pen...he'only the scriber for the vision of Beans and Franks so?

I was hoping to be surprised, but I wasn't. There are some good things eg the constant history lesson and inclusion of old school but I'm not jazzed by anything he's done...so far I sneak a peak and see what' he' doing w/the Vicki sline that is the only thing I'm remotely interested in bc I am an ES fan. Clint is being written as an old fool, a player past his prime...David the jury is still out on that one for me...but

Otherwise formula pairing driven storylines are the order of the day no twist and turns, no possible wth? I didn't see that one coming moments...just plain and simple from what I can see...haven't watched this week yet...I'll sneak a peak of the marathon on soapnet.


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