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In The Zone Radio: Season 2

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I can't stand couple fans. They usually have little to no objectivity and clamor for airtime when their favorite duos are subject to the worst plots on a show, such as ATWT's Maul and Nuke lovers. When 2 people endure a predictable host of relationship issues, how can you continue to care? These days writers have given soap fans hardly anything to invest in for any couple. The joys are fleeting and the strife is horribly contrived. It's a joke to me that people threaten to stop watching shows if their favorite couples are involved. If the point to watching an ensemble drama is to zero in on 2 people, you might as well buy Thelma and Louise and watch it 5 days a week.

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re AMC's REAL greens promos....

It would have been good, had they done a story where someone was posing as greens. and then one day the REAL greens comes back to town. but it wasnt. the ORIGINAL greens would have been okay. (not that i want that storyline or anything... been there done that with di and dixie).

regardless, RB has put a heart and soul into greens again. The writing is the same and the show sucks as does her char, but at least there is a heart there now. SS was okay, but she made me feel nothing. and feeling nothing is worse than feeling hate. soap operas should emote emotions from a person, not just.... blahh.

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I agree. I cant stand couple fans. I understand it, i am a fanboy myself of a few couples (Ejami on Days; Liason on GH) and yes i want them together - but if they are not im not going to stop watching. I watch these soap operas because i have watched them and loved them forever.

aww... JG leaving is sad. Him being killed sucks. But i cant wait for Kirsten Storms to play this out!!

I love Logan too, but i can see him being the killer. To prop Johnny/Lulu.

and WTF happened to lulu!!! THIS IS LUKE AND LAURAS DAUGHTER! she should be the way she is!!

oh wait... this is the show who shows robin once a week for 5 minutes. ROBIN SCORPIO! wtf gh wtf.

i have such a love/hate relationship with gh and days. they are like abusive boyfriends i just cant leave.

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DAYS and GH have HUGE couples fanbases, that's why their ratings go up and down so damn much.

By contrast, the Bell soaps built fanbases around the show and storylines, not the couples or whatever they went through. Y&R and B&B are ENSEMBLE shows, GH and especially DAYS aren't, and I think that's what's been hurting them for so long.

I know whenever I go to a Y&R board, fans watch for the storylines and if they suck they bitch about wanting better storylines. That's one of the factors that gives Y&R its high ratings IMO, despite high ratings Y&R and B&B never had rabid fanbases. However, with DAYS, I see fanbases refusing to tune into the show because their favorite couple isn't on and they launch huge campaigns out of that.

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look how awful Y&R was last year. Yes the ratings fell, but all soaps did. It didnt drasticly drop. Same with B&B.

AMC was never m uch of a fanbase war. But it has become so recently and look how it dropped in recent years.

"im on a lot of drugs and your pissing me off" lol... greatness.

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