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GH - Week of November 12th Discussion

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It looks like this week is when the tagline goes into effect? I think there are going to be some interesting moments this week and some people may get their eeeeing in.

Here's a link to the promo shown at SSW:


The quality isn't that great and you can't really hear the audio due to the audience screaming but it's enough to get the gist of what's to come.

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I'm teasing of course :P

Seriously though. I am happy. I've disliked their storyline from the beginning. I thought it was half-assed agenda based writing that destroyed 3 couples just to bring one to life. However, I can still like them and hate their story. I was a Liason fan going back to the beginning. That is how I wish they would have written them. Having them re-discover their love after being hurt by those who loved them, and coming together, realizing that they were meant to be together.

Instead, we've gotten nothing but out of character writing for them. The way I consider it (and some others), what we're seeing now is Jiz. Half assed writing, etc. etc. Liason, the couple I fell in love with hasn't existed since that blonde bitch came and stole Jason from Elizabeth.

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Thanks for the response. I didn't even think my post had gone through because my IE started going bonkers and I had to shut down my pc.

I didn't at all care for Courtney but she and Jason were supposed to be the ultimate couple and one of destiny....see how that worked out. They basically had to negate Jason's feelings for Elizabeth to proceed with that relationship.

I like the way you wanted the story to go and IA with you that it would have been a whole lot better than it is being told but I'm not so fazed by the way it went down though. I don't have a problem with the three couples ending because I've seen them end or derail couples to facilitate others before and I'm not altogether convinced that Ric and Alexis were ended for that purpose either because that also brought about some mother/daughter conflict and had they elected to keep Jason and Sam together the Ric/Alexis thing would have been the same.

If I thought the writers intended on leaving any of the couples in long relationships and then one day just went haywire out of the blue, then I'd find it really odd but I don't think that was the case. Even though it ended up having a trickle effect, I still see the events as also being self contained. As ugly as it looks to some people, they at least got more drama from this route as opposed to everyone realizing their relationships had reached a fork in the road. If I hadn't read online reaction to this, I wouldn't have even given it another thought except for oh so now they're finally putting Elizabeth and Jason together.

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Lucky :(

Thank you for punching Saint Jasus.

Down with LIARson! I can't believe Elizabeth lied to Lucky about Jake. I always get sad whenever I watch those Lucky/Liz scenes from the 90's. But Guza is known for destorying a couple to prop up another couple. It's is M.O.

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