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Cali: Wildfires Prompt State Of Emergency In 7 Counties


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^ While I'm in LA County, I'm still about an hour from the nearest blaze, so there's no real danger here. However, the winds have been so powerful that it's been "raining" ash here all day, the air is filled with smoke, and it smells like everything around me is burning. :( Actually, I guess it is. Since there's fires to the North, South and East (you really can't go West, it's coast line) of me. It's really sad, and frankly, kind of scary. I can't even imagine what it's like for those who have to go through this.

The more inland a city in LA/Orange/etc. county the safer you are. It's the outter brush that's burning.

JP, stay safe. :)

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so i was kinda watching the news as i was sleeping.

i guess they are syaing some of it may be arson.

thats awful.

srsly, go google pictures for this. its insane. it looks like all of socal is on fire.

of course all the over religous people on tv are saying its the end of day and the world is going to hell starting with so cal.

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^ LMFAO So. Cal the start of the world going to hell. Bwhaha. Classic.

Yes, for the most part, all of So. Cal is on fire. I'm in a lucky spot where there is little to no chance that the fire will spread here, but am still locked in by flaming cities in all directions. You can literally walk outside, feel it, smell it, and touch it (the ash falls on the ground like dirt). I can see how it seems like the end of the world. I just think this is CA's Natural Disaster, or maybe not so natural if it was arson in some cases.

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Even though I pretty much hate everything about Los Angeles, I would never wish a huge fire on the city....people worry over us having to fear earthquakes. Well I fear fires here more than earthquakes since we seem to get a lot more fires than quakes....and I've only been in one earthquake (the big 1989 one in SF) and didn't even feel it so they really do not bother me.

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yeah pretty much fire is all around me. to the north east west and south of me. so im stuck here in riverside... sadly. if only i had left malibu a few hours later the night before i woulda been stuck there,. but i guess that woulda sucked as its all on fire. but i hate being in riverside, let alone being stuck in it.

freeways all around me are shut down. and i work in a hotel... and its no fun. the phone wont stop ringing. everyone wants to book a room cuz they have to leave the home. but every freakin hotel is all booked up as far as you can go.

and yeah, it does kinda feel like the end of days in a way. because as it was said, you walkoutside and you can see it. touch it. smeel it. breath it. my car is black. its so gross. i worry mostly about the little babies and the older people. breathing ash and smoke in isnt good for anyone let alone them.

the streets ar all so empty all the time unless everyone is going to or comming from work. its all just so odd and random. but i guess everyone forgets most of california is a desert. so im not that suprised.

but man... none of the soaps ar on and i dont know where to go to find out when they will air late night. so ill just have to watch.

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i will keep u updated. lucky me, i got a new sidekick and have a myspace application and the internet. so on ym net = son.

and thats good cuz the internet/pone/tv keep going down.

im safe, for the most part, where i am though. no need to get out. the fires are just all around me. citys seem to be pretty safe. countys ont he other hand seem to be not so much.

from what i heard today it sounds like they have to give up on the aarowhead fire and just let it burn.

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