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DAYS: Tuesday, Sept. 18

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OK I don't know if it is because I am so impatient waiting for the really exciting stuff to happen at the end of this week/beginning of next week, but this episode bored the hell out of me for the most part.

I like Jeremy being consistently a selfish douchebag worried about how Steve stabbing Stefano affected HIM rather than his girlfriend and not really caring at all that Stephanie and Max had to jump out of a plane until he started to worry there was something more to their relationship than she let on. That's my Jeremy.

The Lexie-Shawn heart-to-heart was odd. What is Lexie doing these days? Does she just hang out in the hospital visiting people now that she lost her job there? WTF? I mean yay for people getting mixed up but why would Shawn be pouring his heart out to Lexie of all people? And why is this show torturing us with Shawn and Belle when Shawn clearly doesn't trust Belle at all and Belle has feelings for Phillip? And why are Phillip and Shawn both so in love with Belle? She isn't attractive or charismatic or interesting enough to have these men falling on their swords all the time so the fact that they are so in love with her makes me like Phillip and Shawn less. And she just generally bores me to tears with her fickleness. I love JKJ best of the three but a part of me wants him to not renew his contract when it's up in January just to free us all from his hellish triangle.

The ending with Roman was cool and I liked the Bo and Caroline confrontation of Old Man Brady but man is he a wimp for not being able to fess up what happened. If it winds up being the case that Santo was lying about his wife being dead so he could seduce Colleen then OMB's silence all these years will make even less sense and make him even more pathetic than he already is.

Poor Pocket. :o

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Roman's buried alive???!!!! That was shocking and a nice nod to one of JER's best stories. It's so good being spoiler free. :) So I guess that's why there's a picture of Carly. LOL

Andre poisoned a Pocket. :o What a diabolical bastard.

I thought Trevor Donavon was actually pretty good today. He's improved a lot.

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The episode was actually pretty good considering the stories being primarily featured. I like the fact that they threw Lexie, Caroline, and Shawn Sr in. On days like today, any integrating of vets will help the show along so that was good.

Lexie/Shawn was refreshing. I am sure Lexie was there for Benji and decided to see Shawn. Either way, it was nice and these interactions are needed. They are what Hogan gave us last Fall. Loved it. Lexie bringing her own history into it was nice.

The Belle/Philip stuff was very good. JKJ played the scene where Philip told Belle they weren't over so well. This triangle is very good IMO and I am glad it is being featured prominently.

Max/Stephanie was a bore but, heaven help me, I still see the sparks I saw last week. Shelley and Trevor were good in their scenes at Steve and Kayla's. Trevor has improved alot and Shelley is just great. I was shocked when she actually considered calling the police. Good scenes all around except for the early Max/Stephanie scenes.

China Lee/Chelsea/Nick was actually pretty good. The story moved and I am interested in what the big deal is with these kids. Rachel looked great today and it was nice seeing her and Nick being civil and her being supportive of him.

The pocket twist is a good one. SN played just the right amount of concern while also adding in enough anger over the possible involvement of the Dimera's. His last scene with Lexie where he wished he had killed Stefano was chilling. Enjoyed Steve and Bo too and the Pub scenes with Bo and his parents was a nice way of keeping the action from yesterday moving. Peter, Frank and Peggy were good in that scene. The ending with Roman was a great way to end the show.

I just love how the little things that make a show great are now becoming prominent. Chelsea mentioning Zack, Shawn mentioning Bo's accident a month ago....it just shows that they are paying attention and putting alot of effort into the shows behind the scenes.

Not too bad. I hope tomorrow plays out like today since it looks like the same people.

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I just got to see the last 20 minutes. Damn math class. <_< But from what I did see, this was a great episode.

The Stephanie/Jeremy scenes could be so much better with good actors. Trevor Donovan is improving and Shelley Henning, well...yeah. They are both trying, and you can tell, but the scenes are coming off like a horrible after school absuse movie. Even with the great direction of Ed Scott and his Y&R roadies, this scene really fell flat for me. And I don't blame that on the directing team. That was the actors.

Oh, look who it is. China Lee is back. This storyline is pretty stupid and I hope those kids and their mother get the hell out off my screen ASAP.

I love when the writers remember to throw in some fiestiness for Caroline. She's a little spitfire that takes no crap from anyone. She's one of the only people that can put Grandpa Shawn in his place and I love it!

And that last scene, AWESOMENESS! That was would have been a great Friday cliffhanger, because those that didn't know from the spoilers would have had no idea that Roman was buried alive.

This was a great episode for being a Tuesday. Definitely felt like a Friday episode.

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This episode surprised me actually....

...it wasn't as bad as I expected it to be.

The show got off to a slow start but things got really interesting towards the second half of the show. Trevor Donovan wasn't actually that bad today. Surprisngly I found myself interested in the whole Jeremy/Stephanie/Max mess. I was happy to see Stephanie finally stand up to Jeremy as we the viewers have been waiting for such a long time for her to do. Everyone stepped up in their scenes today.

I liked how they used Lexie today. I'm loving her relationship with the Johnsons. Poor Pocket was poisioned by Andre!!!! That bastard.

Bo and Shawn scenes at the start of the show were good for me because we don't get scenes like that between them. Just good father and son bonding moment.

Philip/Belle/Shawn didn't bore me either because instead of the usual tip-toeing that Philip and Belle do, Philip brought everything out in the open. Some nice movement where that story is concerned, even though in the end it seemed as if we were back at square one. Oh well.

It was good seeing Chelsea's part in Zach's death brought up, even though it was used a jab from Stephanie. Nick, Chelsea, and China-Lee were okay. I hoped the see the guy in the panama hat today. It's that angle of the story that I'm interested in, not the one involving China-Lee.

Funny seeing Patch carry Pocket around town.

I was completely shocked that Grandpa Shawn and Caroline made an appearance today at the end of the show. Both actors did very well.

The ending was pretty good too. I like how they played it out by having everyone continue to worry about Roman and then switch to him buried alive! Nice production qualities all around for today's episode.

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Today was better than I thought it would be, considering the characters featured. I'm still not feeling Max and Stephanie and Belle's back-and-forth between Shawn and Philip drives me nuts, but the show was put together very well and there were some nice moments. The Steve/Pocket story and Bo and Caroline confronting Grandpa Shawn were the best parts, but the rest was at least bearable. I don't know where this Nick storyline is going, so I'm mildly interested in that, but I still think it's kind of stupid that the boys and China Lee keep referring to Nick as their father.

Roman being buried alive is shocking and adds a layer of urgency to the story. However, I'm claustrophobic so even watching that scene made me a little panicky!

Nick's a science teacher now? When did that happen?

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