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ATWT "Fall Teasers" From the NY Daily News

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I swear if Gwens baby dies because of Iris and Cole I'm gonna freak out...

As for Cheri being Noah's mom...that makes sense on a lot of levels. It would explain Noah's dads obsession with perfection. He probably met Cheri while she was a stripper or w/e and tried to reform her into a "normal" settled down type of lifestyle. And then she got pregnant and abandoned them both.

OR she conned her way into his life pretending to be all nice and clean. Then he found out that she was a stripper/madame and threw her out.

Either way sounds like a great twist and a awesome connection for the show to make.

SO I guess I can forgive the whole Cole/Iris crap if the Cheri/Noah stuff plays out great.

I'm love Rosanna's bouncy wavy hair. Cady is looking FIERCE. But she'll never be as good for Paul as Meg...

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Oh, what bullshit..."Carly's health threatens Kack's happiness". Bullshit...Jack will BE happy the day he finally friggin' admits to Katie he HAS ALWAYS loved Carly and cuts her Fluffiness loose. Kack could never be "happy" together. Nevah. Period...end of sentence.

Not that I'd be surprised Hinsey, High Priestess of Kack Worshippers, would make it sound like Carly needs to die to let Kack be "happy".

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It was completely obvious the minute Col. Mayer was going on and on about 'the woman' giving Dusty problems (when they were all at the Lakeview) then again when Dusty and Lily found the baby hair and picture, and learned that Cheri's son was taken from her by her controlling husband...Ding Ding Ding...Col Mayer, you win the prize for Obsessed Suspect...

This will add more danger for Luke because of Lily and Dusty's continuing pursuit into this.

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Thanks stenbeck212 for the scoops.. I don't think tptb understand that Jack and Fluffy could never be truly happy because Carly holds the key to his heart. Fluffy is NOT the right woman for Jack. I don't care at all for the Cole and Sophie characters. Maybe they're going to portray them as evil which imo Cole already is and send them off to well actually I don't care where they send them as long as they're not on my tv screen any longer. I'm still peeoed at the spoiler that says Jack and Katie's happiness might be foiled because of Carly's illness. Carly doesn't even want Jack to know she's ill.

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I disagree but I'm past caring. If the majority of fans enjoy Carly making herself out to be a fool and a desperate little woman who can't stand on her own two feet without Jack thats their problem.

Jack is happy with Katie. His not happy when he has to deal with Carly's bs. Carly is a wonderful person and the Carly I was introduced to and know wouldn't be stalking him like this. Carly should be working on her career. Carly should be missing Simon but finding love with some new guy. Carly should be focusing on her kids and making sure that they're doing fine.

Jack will never truly love Carly the way she and most people deserved to be loved. All he wants is a wife who will sit at home and do what shes told most of the time. Carlys definitely not that. She still hasn't learned from her mistakes.

And as much as it pains me to say this Kate has...yeah last year she did some stupid crap with Simon but I truly think shes matured and changed. And when I look at Katie and Carly I can see why Jack would love Katie over Carly. Katie may have been a big schemer in the past and she probably isn't completely reformed but shes loads better than Carly and I think Jack wants REAL happiness this time around. Not happiness that will be destroyed by his significant other within a few months and he'll never forgive her.

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I hope when it comes to Iris hitting the road again, she's snatch that scowled faced fool Cole with her.

If Jack and Carly were written the way they SHOULD be then to me, neither Jack or Carly would be acting the way that they are......Carly's so desperate, and Jack is so onery with everyone (and not just Carly)...they have been butchered so much since the whole Julia Larabee mess went down, and it seems to be getting worse.... I agree, Carly of ole would have found her a new man, stayed with him and eventually when the time came for Jack and Carly to reunite their love they would. But you have Jack constantly on her doorstep with that continous speech that is beyond old; you have Brad constantly interloping and you have other folks in the story that should just stay out (ex Holden, who should be dealing with his own marriage instead of doling advice, but that is just my opinion ); and then you have Carly constantly boo hooing when the old Carly would have told Jack to stick it.

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Jack DOES love Carly for who she is. He's just let his pride and stubborness get in the way of admitting it. Does anyone TRULY think Carly wants to be a scheming hussy who takes up with crooks and con-men and leaves her kids (for ANY reason)? NO, of course she doesn't. Jack doesn't have a problem with Carly's schemes and ambitions (in spite of the fact many people think he wants her barefoot and pregnant in Milltown...), he's got a PROBLEM when she keeps those schemes to herself, nearly killing at least one person (Nick), and breaking the law to get what she wants (the entire Gwen/RoryBillyJoeBobJohnny fiasco).

He frackin' KNEW Carly was in on Simon's heist, and he was the one warning her to cut ties with the man. He was the one risking his career again to let her go free, and then again to keep her out of jail when she returned. Sounds like he had made peace with what she'd done to me. If there's one thing he couldn't accept, it was the thought she was still defending Simon, after the wreck Simon made of her life.

As for Katie and her "maturity"....drink the blue kool-aid all you want on that one. Once she loses her newest soulmate, she'll be back to her own special brand of idiocy. I'm sure as heck not going to call her "mature" because she's just decided not to attack Carly now that she's back in town without Simon. Why does she need to, when Katie's basically been handed Carly's life on a silver platter? Show me Katie handling adversity without lashing out, and maybe I'll give her some credit. Somehow, I doubt that's going to happen. Not when she's got her whipping boy Brad all lined up to take her [!@#$%^&*] and thank her for it too.

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Really? The woman who threw herself at Mike when he was clearly with her sister? The woman hell bent on bearing the child of somebody, ANYBODY, to get a huge trust fund? Carly only showed up in Oakdale to finagle the life and fortune she thought her mother owed her. And then she wound up abandoning her kids the same way! I wish the show had explored her realization that she's just like Sheila.

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