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All My Children in 33 1/3 rpm

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Is 33 1/2 a regular AMC column? Who does it? I'v enever heard of it and why is it named after the main record speed?:P

Regardless of my confusion--I LOVE melodrama, I love classic soap techniques and I *love* theare. Comment sliek these

"On the episodes of highest drama, such as the car crash and that of Spike's birth, the lighting has been changed to stark, sparse contrasting lights and darks, the kind you see in an Off-Broadway play with little scenery and characters named Vladimir and Estragon. "

Make no sense. First of all what freakin Off Broadway plays use Chekovian names int he past 50 years--I can only think fot he massive Braodway hit Coast of Utopia. Regardless, whiel the monologues were theatrical (in the good and bad sense of the term) I dont' find anything else here that much more theatrical than usual AMC, down to the lighting. yeah it's slower... But so were some of McTavish's earlymajor story centeres (of her last tenure), Bianca's rape for instance.

I know Agnes still attends story meetings when she can and offers her opinion, but it's not liek she's foreign to Browna nd Esenstein. The quality fo their writing on Loving and City is debatable--but I'd rank it WAY higher than mediocre--but they did both under a lot of help from Nixon--she obviously knows how they work, well by now.

I sound contrary but I do agree on other points--the acting is in amnay ways classic soap opera (theatrical soap opera at that--think of Harding Lemay's stuff for AW when whole episodes would fixate on Alice's breakdown--as you can see on Youtube).

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No, 33 1/3 is not the name of a regular column. This is the blog by Marlena de LaCroix aka Connie Passalaqua who used to write a weekly column for Soap Opera Weekly called Critical Condition and has written for several other publications. She choses a different soap-related topic to write about each week. She called it 33 1/3 because AMC's speed has slowed down for this storyline.

You can find her column here:


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