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GH: Wednesday

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Me, four, cannot stand Carly either nor the hammy way LW is portraying her.

Oh, wait. I guess I've already mentioned that before. Oh, well. There can never be too much Snarly Hate! Hate her dumb, smug ass! :lol:

Maxie & Cooper are cute together but in hindsight I was disappointed by the love scene. I mean, the chemistry is there. The dude who plays Cooper is hotness. But the scene was kind of rushed. I thought it was getting good when they started pulling at each other's shirts and then -- CUT. Next thing we know, they're in bed with the blanket pulled up to their chin. "Wow, that was GREAT!" :lol: I don't want hardcore porn or anything, but GH used to do swoony, knee-shaking love scenes REALLY well once upon a time. Why rush this one?

Amid all these WTF Are You Doing, Liz? vibes, I just want to say that BH and GV are so cute with the little boy who plays Cameron. That was the most adorable scene ever -- you can tell BH and GV are parents IRL the way they talked with him and hugged him. It also sort of made me want to root for Lucky & Liz again.

God, I wish GH would remember that Lucky is the love of Liz's life! I don't mind Liz being torn between two men, I just hate the Jason Hero Worship and the way Liz is being written to have married Lucky out of pity and security. WTF?

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I wanted to rip Laura Wright's Character's skunky ass mane out by the roots! This woman is waaaaay too "untouchable." It's like, ever since that scene in Lorenzo's hospital room where Skye (Robin Christopher) OWNED Laura Wright's character, their scenes have been soooooo slanted, favoring Laura Wright's character.

I wish Logan would die already.

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Oh, forgot to add that jaw-jutting SmugCarly stabbed a frigging HOLE in my CarLo-loving heart yesterday when she dismissed her marriage to Lorenzo as occurring because "she was having a nervous breakdown."

Believe me, I know that the CarLo ship sailed looooong ago. I don't ever want it back with *this* Carly. Plus I like SkyeLo. But for Carly to blame her f*cking OBSESSION with Sonny while he porked useless DOA newbie Reese as somehow the result of her marriage to Alcazar is freakin WRONG. She loved him at the time and said so; that's why she married him. Heck, they had two years of backstory and stolen kisses and black-and-white coma dreams leading up to the CarLo wedding. Lo was where Jax is now. It's TIIC who couldn't let go of S&C. Pretending CarLo never really happened or happened because Carly wasn't in her right mind makes her look EVEN more like a hypocrite. If that's possible.

And ITA, R Sinclair. Ever since Skye hauled Carly's ass out of Lo's hospital room, the writers have been bending over backwards to "right" that grevious wrong. :rolleyes: They are pimping Snarly too much. Like, we get it, GH! She is your One and Only Heroine! Brave & Loving With All Her Heart blah blah.

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