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What would you do to improve ATWT?

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I read somewhere that Jean laughed and said when she needed to check up on history she checked Wikipedia!!

So much has been said in this thread that I agree with.

ATWT are some of the most loyal fans there are and mostly single-minded in what they like and don't like.

At the risk of being repititious:

1. Feature the vets in a front burner story. The vets are getting older and some may not be around much longer. Use them!

2. Bring back Larry Bryggman and Patricia Bruder.

3. See if Rosemary Prinz (Penny) will come back and recast Donald too if need be.

4. Now that Scott Bryce is coming back,bring back Betsy.

5.Explore the good sister/bad sister angle with Betsy and Emily.

6.End the Emily is a Ho story and if I wrote the show Ali as a porn star will be somebody's bad dream.

7.Write a story where Jen Landon and Alex Chando will NOT have to raise their voices.

So much of what has been posted I agree with!

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1. I want to see more character-driven stories, not plot-driven. Whenever a story completely disregards the character for the sake of propelling a plot, the integrity of that character will somehow be compromised or destroyed. It's happened way too often lately. A plot should always help the characters grow and evolve.

2. Why can't a stable couple be focused upon for a change? Bob/Kim and Tom/Margo are the two longest-running marriages on this show, and the two often on the backburner or used as a filler to prop someone else. They have such rich histories. They've already had to overcome the third-party interferences and triangles, so why not now give them realistic issues to deal with? For Tom and Margo - let them ease back into their intimacy after the shock of his heart attack; have Adam turn out to be Tom's biologically, or Daniel actually be David Stenbeck's all along (which could cause James to return); let Margo think she's having problems with her liver, only to discover that she and Tom are expecting a later-in-life daughter; with Tom unemployed, have Margo decide that she also wants a change in her job and the two decide to open their own PI agency, getting into adventures like their old days (they could become like Jonathan and Jennifer Hart if this route is taken); have a woman become obsessed with Tom and start to harass/stalk him after he rejects her advances, allowing Margo to stand by him and support him through the ordeal; have Bart Montgomery return to town, forcing Margo and Craig to confront their unexplored childhoods. Since Bart knew that Margo wasn't his, maybe he was emotionally abusive to her? Confiding in Tom about her past could allow Tom to also have a heart-to-heart with her about his. Have Tom's heart problems turn out to be caused by his exposure to Agent Orange, forcing him to confront his own emotional demons. With Bob and Kim - perhaps one wants to retire but the other doesn't, creating an issue for them to reach a common ground on. With practically every other couple being so insta, why not let these do something together?

3. Balance the rotation of the characters better so the same constant ten aren't always being focused upon. ATWT used to have such a diverse cast.

4. If a returning character is going to be changed, provide a backstory to explain those changes.

5. More family/friend interactions.

6. Restore romance!

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Bring back the Hughes as the core family. The Hughes are ATWT. Get rid of Roger Howarth as Paul and bring back Andrew Kavovit as Paul. Having Scott Bryce return as original Craig is a step in the right direction but more needs to be done.

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It's almost a miracle Bryce is back as Craig. I never thought we'd see the day where ATWT actually brought back the original actor to a role! LOL.

I agree about rehiring Bryggman, DeFreitas and Bruder. All three are badly needed.

I'd also bring back Betsy, Frannie/Sabrina (possibly) and Chris.

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ATWT was FANTASTIC right before Emily shot Paul - that was SOOOOO stupid!

I quit watching immediately. The show has not improved since that point. It was fantastic prior. I'm not sure what changed, but what ever changed needs to be changed back. I miss watching ATWT. I can't stand the wacky stories that have happened since the Emily/Paul stupidity.

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I would bring back the following writers to improve ATWT. They wrote under Douglas Marland:

John Kuntz

Meredith Post

Juliet Packer

Richard Backus

Patty Dizenzo

Caroline Franz

Penelope Koechl

Stephanie Braxton

Nancy Ford

With Richard Culliton and Carolyn Culliton as head writers.

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